Trump’s Non-Stop Lies at 2024 Presidential Debate

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Trump’s outrageous lies and false statements at the 2024 Presidential Debate fact checked. Trump behaved like a mean spirited asshole bully


Trump began his Presidency with an outrageous lie by having his Press Secretary say; “This Was the Largest Audience to Ever Witness an Inauguration, PERIOD!”… when everyone could see, Trump’s crowd size was considerably smaller than President Obama’s.

Sean Spicer behaved like a Dictator’s Press Secretary by DEMANDING the press report a LIE about Trump’s Inauguration being the biggest and best. Because EVERYTHING Trump does HAS to bigger and better that anyone else…. FACTS BE DAMNED.

Americans had never seen such outrageous, authoritarian conduct out of a Press Secretary until Trump was installed as President by the Electoral College. This is the type of conduct seen out of Fascist Dictator’s Press Secretaries in North Korea or Russia.

This set the tone for how Trump conducted himself throughout his presidency… a Wanna-be Dictator who gaslite and lied to his subjects… DEMANDING respect instead of earning it.


In the above video, Politifact debunks Trump’s lies about the 2020 election. Trump falsely accuses Ted Cruz of “stealing” the 2016 Iowa Republican Primary. Trump falsely accuses Ted Cruz’s father of being involved in JFK’s assassination. In response, Ted Cruz calls Trump a “Pathological Liar who doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies” and claims Trump “is a narcissist at a level this country’s never seen”.

Dr. John Gartner states; “If we could construct a psychiatric Frankenstein monster, we could not create a leader more dangerously mentally ill than Donald Trump. He is a paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality and lashes out impulsively at his imagined enemies“.


Trump Lies about Non-existent Protestors

For years, Trump has lied about how many supporters attended his presidential inauguration and numerous campaign rallies.

Now he’s pushing a blatant lie about how many supporters have attempted to show up at his first criminal trial – and he’s making additional false claims about security measures around the Manhattan courthouse, which he is baselessly blaming for keeping these supposed supporters away.

After The New York Times published a story that said Trump was unhappy with the meager crowd he saw when he arrived at the courthouse for opening statements on Monday, On April 24, 2024 , Trump got caught in one of his biggest lie yet by falsely claims police turned away ‘thousands’ from Manhattan courthouse and that supporters ‘can’t get near’ and wrote on social media that “Lower Manhattan surrounding the Courthouse was completely CLOSED DOWN.” And he told reporters inside the courthouse on Tuesday: “For blocks you can’t get near this courthouse.”

This is more proof of what a Narcissistic Psychopathic Nutcase Trump is who is either one of the biggest liars in American History or/and he’s so delusional that he believes his own bullshit. And it’s more proof that Trump is totally unfit to hold ANY position in Public Office, let alone President of the United States.


Trump fails to attract courthouse protest despite all-caps pleas for support

On Monday Apr 15, 2024 hardly any protestors showed up so “all hell” didn’t break loose


Trump’s Lies About 9/11



Trump Lifetime Of Lies


Everything Trump Loses Is ‘Rigged’

From the Mueller probe to mail-in voting, here are all the things Trump says are ‘rigged.’


Biographer: Trump has been lying since childhood


Trump’s ex-colleagues open up about his history of lies


Without Evidence, Trump Claims Millions Voted Illegally

President-elect Donald Trump dismissed charges that his victory was illegitimate, alleging that he “won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” He didn’t provide any corroboration for the allegation


Trump falsely tells congressional leaders that millions of illegal ballots cost him popular vote

Days after being sworn in, President Donald Trump insisted to congressional leaders invited to a reception at the White House that he would have won the popular vote had it not been for millions of illegal votes, according to people familiar with the meeting. Trump has repeatedly claimed, without evidence, that widespread voter fraud caused […]


Trump either LIED about losing the Popular Vote by 2.9 Million because he can’t accept being the loser of anything or he’s Delusional if he really believes “millions of people voted illegally”. In either case, he’s unfit to be President.


Video title: Donald Trump is a Pathological Liar (May 31, 2016 – MSNBC)


Trump’s Lies: The Definitive List”


In a bizarre scene like you’d expect to see in North Korea or Russia, Cabinet members, from Reince Priebus to Elaine Chao took turns praising the “Dear Leader” and discussing the privilege of working for Trump.


Lying Trump… promised everything, delivered nothing


Trump State of the Union Lies and False Statements

President Trump’s State of The Union 2020: Fact Check

Trump averaged one false claim every 2.5 minutes in what might be his final State of the Union address.


Washington Post Fact-checking Trump’s 2020 State of the Union

Trump gave his 2020 State of the Union address on Feb. 4, the final of his first term. Although much has changed since the president’s last State of the Union (like his impeachment), parts of his speech were familiar. Once again, it was full of dubious claims. The Fact Checker reviews some of his most-repeated false claims.


Fact checking Trump’s economic claims in his State of the Union address

CNBC’s Andrew Ross Sorkin and Politico’s Ben White join Stephanie Ruhle to separate the fact from the fiction from President Trump’s economic claims during his State of the Union address.


2019 Trump State of the Union Lies and False Statements

Fact-Checking President Trump’s 2019 State of the Union found One False Claim every 2 Minutes


10 Dubious claims made by Trump during his 2019 SOTU address to Congress



2018 Trump State of Union False Claim Every 4.5 Minutes