GOP Party of DEATH

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REPUBLICANS have proven to be the “Party of Death” by not only refusing to make military grade assault weapons illegal, but by wearing AR-15 Pins in Congress During Gun Violence Survivors Week.


Chris Christie Calls Out Republicans for Not Being “Pro-Life for the Whole Life”


REPUBLICANS GLORIFY & PRAISE “Weapons of Death” by wearing AR-15 Pins in Congress


REPUBLICANS wearing AR-15 Pins in Congress During Gun Violence Survivors Week. REPUBLICANS George Santos and Andrew Clyde are DESPICABLE LIARS, devoid of honor or integrity.


Radical Right Wing REPUBLICANS Send Christmas Cards with Guns

Violent threats and extremist rhetoric by Radical Right Wingers, laced with talk about guns and civil war.




Top 20 Deadly GOP Policies From The “Party of Life”

Because they oppose the right to terminate a pregnancy, Republicans claim to be the Party of Life. In fact, they’re the Party of Death.


REPUBLICAN Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs bill ending unanimous jury recommendations for the DEATH PENALTY


REPUBLICAN Montana Governor signs bill into law restricting gender affirming minors

Rep. Zooey Zephyr pointed out to the Montana legislature in a passionate speech (above) how transgender kids have literally been committing suicide due to REPUBLICANS cruel discriminatory laws which they’ve been passing recently.

More than 50% of transgender and non-binary kids across the U.S. seriously considered suicide, according to a 2022 survey by the Trevor Project. But despite that, Republican state lawmakers in Montana censured Rep. Zooey Zephyr, the state’s first trans lawmaker, and Montana’s governor signed a bill into law banning transition care for trans youth.


The GOP is the “Party of Death” by refusing to make military grade assault weapons illegal


REPUBLICANS don’t care that the majority of Americans are for banning assault “Weapons of Death”


27 Killed, Gunman Dead at Sandy Hook Elementary Tragedy


Mass shootings in the US: A timeline


Texas rampage is among deadliest school shootings in U.S. history

In 2020, there were more than 19,000 gun-related homicides in the U.S., according to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s an average of 53 per day. There have been 213 mass shootings so far this year. The death toll in school mass shootings is also startling — since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012, 77 students have been killed.


The GOP is the “Party of Death” by refusing to eliminate “Qualified Immunity”, so bad cops can be held personally accountable and SUED for their actions.



Republicans are partly responsible for the deaths Tyre Nichols, George Floyd, 12-year-old Tamir Rice and others due to refusing to eliminate “Qualified Immunity”, so bad cops can be held personally accountable and SUED for their actions.

Eliminating Qualified Immunity would make cops think twice about engaging in abusive conduct like they did to Tyre Nichols. If they knew they would be PERSONALLY SUED if they abused civilians, Tyre Nichols and other who were beaten and killed by Police may still be alive today.

REPUBLICANS wants to keep Qualified Immunity intact… DEMOCRATS want Qualified Immunity eliminated so bad cops can be held accountable.

Therefore REPUBLICANS are partly responsible for the deaths Tyre Nichols and other Police Brutality victims.


Ending Qualified Immunity Once and For All is the Next Step in Holding Police Accountable | ACLU

As we approach the first anniversary of the killing of George Floyd, ending the doctrine that often lets officers avoid accountability is critical.

Per the above article: “Ending Qualified Immunity Once and For All is the Next Step in Holding Police Accountable

“Qualified immunity fosters an environment where government agents, including police, may feel empowered to violate people’s rights with the knowledge they will face few consequences. This erodes relationships with the community and diminishes the system’s credibility. Under qualified immunity, lives can be taken with impunity. It’s past time to heed the protesters’ signs, and end this doctrine once and for all”.

  • President Biden has already committed to the creation of a national, model use-of-force standard as one of his racial equity priorities. The ACLU is currently lobbying Congress to pass legislation that ensures this model standard truly conforms to the best practices in the field by embracing the principles set forth in the PEACE Act, which would permit officers to use force only when necessary, proportional, and as a last resort, after less extreme alternatives are exhausted. That standard would not only apply to federal agents, it would provide incentives to state and local police departments to adopt the rule.
  • Ayanna Pressley’s End Qualified Immunity Act would end qualified immunity for state and local actors.


REPUBLICAN Trump knew the herd immunity approach would kill millions of Americans. He admits it in the above video


The REPUBLICAN Trump administration explicitly pursued a strategy to spread the virus, to get more people sick. They took the side of Covid


REPUBLICANS talk about how sacred life is and how they’re Pro-Life, but with Coronavirus, not so much


REPUBLICANS Chose The Economy Over American Lives



A reporting from Rolling Stone claims Trump wants to bring back firing squads, public executions, and maybe even the guillotine.


Ron DeSantis Wants You to Know Trump Isn’t the Only One With an Execution Fetish

Ron DeSantis on Tuesday reiterated his push to make it easier to sentence people to death in Florida.

Per the above article: Florida’s Republican Governor “Ron DeSantis Wants You to Know Trump Isn’t the Only One With an Execution Fetish. During a press conference on Tuesday, the Florida governor promised to rework the state’s capital punishment procedure in order to make it easily to sentence people to death. “We’re going to reform the capital sentencing procedure in Florida






Republicans Pro-Life Hypocrisy


Republicans claim to be Pro-Life and how sacred life is but they’re Hypocrites when it comes affordable healthcare, feeding the poor, family separations, the death penalty and Coronavirus

It’s pretty hard to call yourself “pro-life” when you’re actively working to:

  • Imprison or execute women who access safe abortion care.
  • Tear babies away from their parents and lock them in cages, with no plan to reunite them.
  • Silence doctors and strip reproductive healthcare away from millions of low-income people.
  • Stand by while the maternal mortality rates skyrocket and women—especially Black women—die in childbirth.
  • Deny affordable healthcare coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.
  • Cut programs that feed hungry kids.
  • Block access to HIV testing and treatment across the globe.
  • Incite far-right violence with lies about abortion.
    (Credits for the above to;


Chris Hayes: ‘How Much Pro-Life Leaders Actually Care About Life’

Chris Hayes: “Since the beginning of the pandemic last March, we have watched the spectacle of the conservative, anti-abortion movement praising life of the unborn, and in the same breath essentially shrugging their shoulders about deaths from the virus.”


12-YO Expertly TEARS INTO Republican Hypocrisy On Abortion Rights

A 12-year-old went off on the West Virginia state legislature in an impassioned speech advocating for the state to restore and protect abortion rights for all women. Even more impressive is that the girl saw right through the Republican’s hypocrisy on their “pro-life” stance and how the issue really isn’t about saying unborn lives but rather just controlling women’s bodies.


All-Star Democrats Expose Hypocrisy, Danger, Delusion of “Pro-Life” Republicans

Representatives Pramila Jayapal, Jamie Raskin, and Hakeem Jeffries reveal just how little “pro-life” Republicans care about American women and children.


Republicans Say ‘My Body, My Choice’ For Vaccines As They Attack Abortion Access Activists Say

GOP attacks on abortion access naitonwide are escalating, yet many conservatives say ‘my body, my choice’ when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines.


Hypocrite Pro-Lifer Gets BUSTED


JP Morrell on Pro Life Hypocrisy