Trump Criticizing and Marginalizing Dr. Fauci Because He’s Jealous

Like the Spoiled Rich Brat Donald Trump is and has been his entire life, he expects to be the center of attention and admiration.


Listen to leaked call of Trump bashing Fauci to his staff


Cooper goes after Trump for bashing Fauci on leaked tapes


By Trump complaining that Americans like Fauci more than him, it appears the real reason he has Marginalized Dr. Anthony Fauci and is no longer including him in “coronavirus briefings” is so he doesn’t have to share the spotlight with anyone else or compete with anyone else.

Trump’s “coronavirus briefings” do not provide any real informational value. They are clearly a campaigning tool to try and look “Presidential” to improve his chances of getting re-installed by the Electoral College as “President” in 2020.


Like the Spoiled Rich Brat Donald Trump is and has been his entire life, he expects to be the center of attention and admiration.


Since polls show Dr. Fauci is trusted 67% to Trump at 26%, it appears Trump is jealous and is using his minions to discredit and destroy Dr. Fauci.

It  also appears Trump is Marginalizing Dr. Fauci because Fauci’s statements about Covid-19 often conflicts with Trump.


5 Times Trump Praised Dr. Fauci Before Retweeting That He Should Be Fired

Trump retweeted a tweet that called for the firing of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Dr. Fauci is the longtime director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and a key player in the Trump Administration’s handling of the novel coronavirus pandemic.