Republicans Supreme Court Hypocrisy

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After Antonin Scalia died, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Orrin Hatch, Jeff Sessions, John Cornyn, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Mike Lee and other Republicans blocked President Obama’s Supreme Court Nominee saying they should wait until after the 2016 election.  Below is a copy of the letter they signed.




In 2016, when conservative Scalia suddenly died during Obama’s last year in office, then-candidate Trump said the GOP should block President Obama’s nominee.  McConnell refused to even hold hearings on Obama’s centrist court nominee, Merrick Garland.

Those same Republicans have proven to be Partisan Hypocrites by rushing to replace Ruth Ginsburg Seat with Republican Trump’s nominee just weeks from the 2020 election. These people have no shame or decency.


Amy Coney Barrett’s Supreme Court Confirmation Hearing Exposes Hypocrisy of Graham and McConnell

Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham refused to hold a hearing on President Obama’s nomination of Judge Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court, pledging to the American people that there would be no Supreme Court justice confirmation hearing in the fourth year of a Trump presidency. In what will go down in history as perhaps the single worst and most offensive act of political hypocrisy, Graham is now presiding over the very hearing he promised the American people would not take place. This video explores the hypocrisy or Lindsey Graham, the duplicity of Mitch McConnell and the (secular) piety of Ben Sasse, all on full display in today’s confirmation hearing of Judge Barrett.


Exposing the Constitutional Abuses of Mitch McConnell


Jesse Dollemore discusses the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Anti-Democratic Republican tactics to retain power. Jesse advocates for expanding the number of seats on the Supreme Court to 11, 13, or even 15, which is allowed by the Constitution of the United States

Republicans lost the popular vote in all but one of the last seven presidential elections. But they have appointed four of the last six picks to the Supreme Court, based on the support of GOP senators who represent less than half the American people.

Now, with an election several weeks away in which President Donald Trump does not seem to be trying to win the popular vote as a matter of strategy, he said he will try to push through a conservative replacement for the liberal Ginsburg, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s help. It’s a political gift for a beleaguered President weighed down in the polls by a seemingly endless series of self-inflicted scandals and the tragic fact of nearly 200,000 Americans dead from his administration’s disastrous response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Before Trump, Republicans talked a lot about values and character. They talked about preserving our institutions and traditions. It’s not an argument that is operative today. Instead, situational ethics have been weaponized in Washington. And the stakes are always highest when a Supreme Court pick is involved.

Politics is about power, but it should also be about real and consistent principles. And if the GOP pushes forward the next nominee, ignoring the standard they set four years ago — when many accused them of essentially stealing a Supreme Court seat — it will permanently cripple the court’s already diminished credibility as a place beyond partisan politics.

In the coming weeks, there will be a search for at least four Republican Senators who — out of principle or political self-interest — will say they will not support a Supreme Court nominee pushed through in these hypocritical and hyperpartisan circumstances.

Source for the above;





Numerous articles claim Brett Kavanaugh and Clarence Thomas lied under Oath in their confirmation hearings so both could be removed as Justices from the Supreme Court.

In the above video, Ex-Federal Prosecutor Glenn Kushner explains how when Democrats take over the White House, the new head of the DOJ could order the FBI to review the confirmation hearings of Kavanaugh, Thomas and every Trump appointment and check for false statements. Anyone who lied under oath could be charged with perjury, arrested, removed as a judge and disbarred. Each could face years behind bars.

They could be given a choice to resign when confronted with evidence of perjury in exchange for dismissal of prosecution.

This would help balance Stolen Seats by Republicans…