Trump Used COVID-19 Briefings as Rallies to Promote Himself

The above Graphic shows how Trump used COVID 19 Briefings as Rallies to Promote Himself


Trump began hijacking coronavirus task force press conferences after seeing praise heaped on Pence: NYT reporter

Appearing on CNN early Sunday morning, New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman claimed that Donald Trump’s only concern over the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic is how it reflects on him and his desire to take credit for any successes.Speaking with host John King, …

Trump Tweets Prove he was abscessed with Ratings


Coronavirus Briefings Are The New Trump Rally


Trump Sees His Handling of COVID-19 as Path to Reelection


How Trump Is Turning Briefings Into Rallies


Trump’s pandemic press briefings have redefined “unhinged”


Trump Talks Four Times More Than Birx & Fauci Combined At Briefings

Despite having doctors and scientists all around him, The Washington Post calculated that Trump speaks 61% of the time at White House coronavirus briefings. Ashley Parker joins to discuss. Aired on 4/22/2020.


Trump Spreads Coronavirus Misinformation As U.S. Death Toll Tops 46,000

Flanked by doctors and scientists, the president held another marathon coronavirus briefing repeatedly saying things that are not true while claiming Americans are ‘excited’ to reopen the nation as the pandemic continues to kill thousands of people every day. Aired on 4/22/2020.


Trump has meltdown at covid-19 press conference lashing out at media and shows propaganda video


Opinion | Don’t broadcast Trump’s press briefings live. They contain more questions than answers.