New York Post Lies about Biden “Wandering” & Claiming He’s Senile

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New York Post, Republicans & Right Media defamed & lied about President Biden with a doctored video of him “wandering” off and claiming he’s senile, in their desperate attempt to help Trump: a lying, lawless, wannabe-dictator lunatic corporate boot-licker who’s expected to cut taxes for RICH Billionaires which he & Republicans are beholden to.


The New York Post & Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, which also owns FOX NEWS, a network well known for engaging in Republican Propaganda & lying to their viewers by “omission of the facts”, which makes the case that they have a Political agenda to destroy President Biden to influence the outcome of the 2024 election.


Major right-wing media outlets & influencers have been blasting out videos that they claim show “proof” of Biden’s wandering off, freezing up or even filling his pants with a substance commonly represented by a brown swirl emoji. However independent fact-checkers and the Biden campaign have pointed out that the videos, while they are un-doctored by AI, do not show the full context that wider camera angles would show. MSNBC’s Brian Tyler Cohen takes a closer look at these “cheap fakes” and what voters can do heading into the election.


Right-wing media shares clip of Biden minus context


After getting called out by the White House, the New York Times responded with NO PROOF that the “White House makes wrong claims”.


Trump’s leaked speech about making the rich even richer. This is why Republicans & Right Wing Media wants to destroy Biden and put Trump in the White House.



As shown in this video, TRUMP is the one who has cognitive issues.


Why isn’t the media reporting on how Trump is a LUNATIC who lies with Impunity?

In the above video, Dr. John Gartner stated; “If we could construct a psychiatric Frankenstein monster, we could not create a leader more dangerously mentally ill than Donald Trump,” Gartner began. “He is a paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality and lashes out impulsively at his imagined enemies. And this is someone who is handling the nuclear codes.

Former Professor at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Lance Dodes suggested; “He lies in the way anybody who scams people does. He’s tried to sell an idea or a product by telling you something that is untrue. There is also the kind of lie he has that in a way is more serious — that he has a loose grip on reality. We can say that because he lies about things that aren’t that important. I think what that indicates is that he can’t stand an aspect of reality that he doesn’t want, so he rejects it. His grasp of reality, his attention to reality is loose. This is an extremely dangerous trait in a president. It actually makes him unqualified.”

Ted Cruz calls Trump a “Pathological Liar who doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies” and claims Trump “is a narcissist at a level this country’s never seen”.

Even ex-Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan referred to Trump as an ‘Authoritarian Narcissist’. No normal person would lie with impunity like Trump has (over 30,000 times while President), refuse to admit he lost the election, claim he won after he lost, then instigate a coup and insurrection to overturn the election after he lost.


The Wall Street Journal and Sinclair Broadcasting Group’s of 186 TV Stations defamed President Biden by questioning his cognitive & mental acuity based on Republicans comments, such as Kevin McCarthy.

Republicans has a political interest, agenda and motive to help Trump get elected by destroying President Biden using any means available. Therefore comments from Republicans used to create the Wall Street Journal article criticizing President Biden are biased, prejudicial and unreliable.

The Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, which also owns FOX NEWS, a network well known for engaging in Republican Propaganda & lying to their viewers by “omission of the facts”. Sinclair Broadcasting Group’s Chairman, David D Smith is reported to be a “prominent donor to Republican causes”, as stated in an article below at


During the 2020 election, Sinclair Broadcasting Group forced its local news stations to air “Must Run” Pro-Trump segments by Boris Epshteyn, who is currently facing Felony charges in Arizona’s fake elector case to overturn the 2020 election for Trump.

The fact that the Wall Street Journal and Sinclair Broadcasting Group are owned / managed by Republicans who have a history of helping Trump, makes the case that they have a Political agenda to destroy President Biden. It seems clear that the intent of their actions is to influence the outcome of the 2024 election.

With Sinclair Broadcasting Group’s history of engaging political activities to help Trump & Republicans, they’re behaving like a Super PAC and should be required to register with the Federal Elections Commission (FEC).

The Wall Street Journal and Sinclair Broadcasting Group’s of 186 TV Stations are spreading and amplifying biased and prejudicial comments on a massive scale.

By quoting the Wall Street Journal’s article, essentially claiming President Biden is senile to millions of unsuspecting viewers, Sinclair, with their 186 local news TV stations has put a giant thumb on the scale for Trump and defamed President Biden in the process. This has done tremendous damage and to some extent, irreparable harm to President Biden and Democrats.

The The Wall Street Journal and Sinclair Broadcasting Group are literally helping to put Trump in the White House… a Lying Lawless, Wannabe Dictator Lunatic intent on revenge & eliminating Democracy if he becomes President. (Details on this page)

Congressional Democrats & the DNC should call out The Wall Street Journal and Sinclair Broadcasting Group to the MAX for the political “Hit Job” they engaged in against President Biden to help Trump. They should take immediate action to compel the Wall Street Journal & Sinclair Broadcasting Group to post retractions and/or demand that they advise their viewers that the segment they aired defaming President Biden used biased and prejudicial sources. Sinclair Broadcasting Group should also be required to disclose to their viewers that it’s owned / managed by a prominent Republican who’s active in donating to Republican causes who told Trump’s campaign in 2016 ‘We are here to deliver your message’.


Sinclair Broadcast Group’s History of Republican Propaganda

Description from YouTube: “Media giant Sinclair Broadcasting Group injects its right wing narrative into local news broadcasts. Former Sinclair reporter Suri Crowe, breaks down the latest right wing narrative Sinclair pulled that is intended to fool the masses in this Meidas Touch Network exclusive report”.


Stunning Supercut Shows Sinclair Stations’ Collective Push Of Controversial WSJ Report On Biden’s Mental Fitness

Sinclair-affiliated channels pushed the story despite concerns raised about its lack of balance in sourcing.

Per the above article: “Local news channels across the country used a nearly identical script to push coverage of a controversial Wall Street Journal article questioning President Joe Biden’s mental fitness. An eerie supercut compiled by Popular Information shows how anchors on dozens of channels owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group parroted the story in an apparently coordinated fashion. Each segment deferred to national correspondent Matthew Galka’s comment that Biden’s questionable mental acuity could be an “election decider.”

However, the Wall Street Journal story is reported without highlighting the concerns raised about the article by prominent media critics, who attacked the piece for its lack of balance in sourcing. The article in question, titled Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping, was published on June 4 and based its claims on “interviews with more than 45 people.”

CNN’s Oliver Darcy said the 3,000-word article contained “glaring problems” and Poynter’s Tom Jones questioned its heavy reliance on anonymous Republican sources and the comments of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) — who the article’s author even noted takes a “tactical” approach to describing Biden.

Despite this, according to Popular Information’s investigation, the WSJ article’s claim that Biden is “slipping” has been discussed 64 times on air on Fox News and Fox Business. Popular Information also found that the article was the topic of at least 15 articles on Fox News’ website.

Sinclair is owned by David D. Smith, a prominent donor to Republican causes’.


Sinclair TV chairman to Trump: ‘We are here to deliver your message’

The rightwing broadcaster met Trump at the White House to pitch a potentially lucrative new product to officials

According to the above article: Chairman of Sinclair Broadcasting Group, David D Smith told Trump’s campaign in 2016: ‘We are here to deliver your message


WSJ relies on Republican Kevin McCarthy to criticize Biden

A new WSJ article on President Biden’s mental sharpness uses former Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy as a source to criticize Biden.


Right-wing propaganda infiltrates local news stations as 2024 Election ramps up

President of Media Matters for America, Angelo Carusone and Donny Deutsch join Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House with a look at the impact that Sinclair Broadcast Group is having on what Americans are seeing on their local airwaves with radical right wing propaganda being spread on million’s of televisions across the country.


Dems push back against Wall Street Journal report on Biden’s acuity

The front-page Wall Street Journal report on President Joe Biden showing signs of “slipping” suffers from some rather important flaws.

Per the above article; “I know members of Congress from both parties who’ve interacted with him have praised his sharpness; Biden’s recent work on Ukraine, border policies, and the Middle East suggest he’s tackling and implementing an expansive and ambitious agenda at the White House; questions about Donald Trump’s mental stability seem far more salient right now; and some GOP officials might want the public to believe the worst about Biden and his age, but I’m not inclined to take Kevin McCarthy’s and Mike Johnson’s word for it.

White House spokesperson Andrew Bates told me this morning, “Literally, the sole on-record critic in the entire story is Kevin McCarthy, whose interview contradicts his earlier public and private statements about finding the President sharp in their private meetings. … It’s a little surprising that The Wall Street Journal thought it was breaking news when congressional Republicans told them the same false claims they’ve spouted on Fox News for years, but it’s also telling that the only individuals willing to smear the President in this story are political opponents afraid to use their names — plus one proven liar.

“President Biden inherited an economy in freefall, fraying alliances, and a spiking violent crime rate, and he turned each around with his experience and judgment, delivering the strongest economic growth in the world, making NATO bigger than ever, and forcing violent crime to a near 50-year low,” Bates concluded”.



Trump’s own staff claimed he was unable to stay focused and had a 2 minute attention span. Former DHS official Miles Taylor claimed Trump was ‘Incandescently stupid’ and classified memos had to be ‘dumbed-down’ so he could understand them. White House sources claim a ‘Special Folder’ of 20-to-25-pages containing flattering news and photos was given to Trump twice a day by staff such as Reince Priebus and former Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Top White House officials described Trump as; “a f***ing moron”, “he tries to divide us”, “he’s an Idiot”, “a professional liar”, “thinks he God”, “like an 11 year old child”, “dumb as shit”, “dope with the intelligence of a kindergartner” & “don’t think he’s fit for office”.

A book called “The Toddler in Chief” details more than 1,000 documented reports by Cabinet members, Oval Office advisers, Republican Party officials and the President himself having childlike behavior and temper tantrums. Reports claim White House aides had to treat Trump like a child in order to placate him.

These reports should be well known to everyone in Politics and the News Industry. They are all over the internet.



The Washington Post fact checkers claim Trump made over 30,000 false or misleading statements during the time he was President.

If Wall Street Journal & Sinclair TV Stations FAILED to report any of the above, it proves they are biased and are engaging in a Political Hit Job against President Biden.

There’s a huge difference credibility between reports from Republican political opponents of President Biden and Trump’s own staff about his incompetence. The fact that most of Trump’s staff is not supporting him and warning about the danger of a 2nd term of Trump being President is huge news. If Wall Street Journal & Sinclair TV Stations are failing to report this, it proves bias FOR Trump.


As shown in the above screen shot from FOX’s Jessee Watters show, the chyron makes the outrageously false claim that “Biden Convicts Trump”,  a lie Trump and other Radical Right Wingers has been using to SMEAR, DEMONIZE and make their brainwashed viewers hate President Biden so they’ll vote Republican, against their own best interests.


BUSTED! The Dishonest Methods FOX Uses to Make Their Viewers Disrespect and Hate Joe Biden

Fox News was caught red-handed deceptively editing a sound bite to Joe Biden say something he didn’t say.  This was another “scandal” they invented to make their viewers hate Joe Biden & Democrats, the very party which stands up for the Middle Class and the Poor.


Strategist for GOP 2008 McCain / Palin Presidential campaign Steve Schmidt explains how Fox News and Rupert Murdoch have destroyed America


Why Fox is ‘the most destructive institution in all of American politics’


On April 9, 2024, when the Republican dominated Arizona Supreme Court ruled it would enforce a total Ban on Abortion based on a draconian law from 1864, it was the biggest story of the day, carried on every major news outlet. According to Rolling Stone Magazine, FOX hosts such as Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters mentioned it to their viewers ZERO times. This is how “News” outlets in Dictatorships such as Russia & North Korea functions and is a classic example of how FOX keeps their viewers in the dark about Republican’s restrictive and unpopular policies.


Fox News staffers agree: Fox is not a news organization

Multiple Fox News employees told media reporters that newly released filings from Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against the right-wing network show that Fox prioritizes its prime-time opinion programming over its news division. They echo what past staffers who have left say: Fox is a propaganda network for Republicans.

Per the above article: “Multiple Fox News employees told media reporters that newly released filings from Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against the right-wing network show that Fox prioritizes its prime-time opinion programming over its news division. They echo what past staffers who have left say: Fox is a propaganda network for Republicans”.

Anonymous quotes from Fox staffers show Fox is not a news organization

In response to incendiary revelations in two recent filings released as part of Dominion’s defamation case against Fox News, as well as a host of supplemental exhibits also provided by Dominion, the rift between the façade of Fox’s “news side” and its actual core business as a Republican propaganda outlet has grown into public view.

  • A Fox News journalist told CNN that “the opinion folks are probably right in that there really isn’t a lot of love lost between us and them.”
  • According to The Daily Beast, a Fox reporter “wondered how [Fox primetime host Tucker] Carlson could continue to work for the company after it was revealed that he was demanding at least one journalist be fired for doing their job.”
  • A Fox producer told The Daily Beast: Carlson “acts like the king of Fox. Entitlement. Extremely unprofessional.”
  • One Fox correspondent told The Daily Beast: “Honestly, Tucker is a joke, and I don’t know many in the news division that likes or respects him. He makes our jobs harder and way more dangerous.”
  • A senior Fox staffer told CNN media correspondent Oliver Darcy that he was correct and “should keep saying” that the Dominion filings made it clear that Fox isn’t a news network.
  • A news production staffer at Fox told The Daily Beast that it’s always been “opinion first, news secondary” there: “The news side has always been kind of used as a bit of a shield, a bit of a legitimacy play. And I think that in and of itself is, it’s kind of falling apart now.”
  • A Fox producer referenced the criticism of Fox’s reporters revealed in the filings, telling The Daily Beast: “If journalists are being criticized for being hard on the Trump admin or truthfully talking about the election, it’s a form of censorship. The news division is being given less importance.”
  • A Fox reporter called out Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott in The Daily Beast’s report for “clearly not looking out for the news side,” adding: “How can we all continue to work for her?! How can anyone watching Fox for news believe that they’re gonna get news if she’s in charge? We are not happy.”
  • A veteran Fox journalist told The Daily Beast that “Tucker has publicly attacked and humiliated journalists here at Fox before,” so “it shouldn’t be a surprise that he was trashing us behind the scenes.”
  • One Fox correspondent told Brian Stelter, writing for Vanity Fair of the released text messages from Fox’s prime-time opinion hosts: “We thought they hated us, but now we know it in their own words.”
  • A Fox staffer told CNN that “people are really shocked and disgusted” by what was revealed in the filings, adding: “Even longtime staffers. You would think after all we’ve been through nothing could surprise us. But this is unprecedented.”
  • A Fox reporter told The Daily Beast that the fallout from the filings is “demoralizing, deflating and soul-crushing” to a journalist.
  • More than one Fox employee told Stelter “we’re all embarrassed” by the filings’ contents.

Fox staffers in the past have also explained how the network operates like a propaganda outfit rather than a news organization

“This reaction to the contents of the Dominion filings is not the first time current or former Fox staffers have called out the network for being little more than a GOP propaganda shop; Fox veterans Chris Wallace, Carl Cameron, Shepard Smith, and Chris Stirewalt all agreed that Fox’s core business is not news once they left the network. Wallace called it “unsustainable” that Fox questioned the 2020 election results and downplayed the pro-Trump insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Cameron said that “over the years, the right-wing hosts drowned out straight journalism with partisan misinformation.” According to CNN, Smith believed “that his presence on Fox became untenable as opinion shows on the network spread falsehoods that hosts knew were lies.” Stirewalt admitted that Fox became “an arm of a political party” during the Trump years. And there was even more on-the-record criticism of the network from former employees who said they were “increasingly embarrassed by the channel,” which had become “a destructive propaganda machine” during the Trump era”.

Additionally, a September 2019 report from The Daily Beast attributed the following anonymous quotes criticizing the network to then-current Fox staffers:

  • Fox has acted like state media for a long time. This is just one small element to it.”
  • “As an employee, I have had concerns about how close Fox has become with the White House and the administration. I don’t think I’m the only person there who has these concerns. …
  • With these layoffs in multiple news departments coming just a few weeks before the election, it looks like Fox is more like an extension of this administration, instead of a news network.”
  • “The opinion team appears to have won the internal battle” with the news side.
  • The leaders of the Fox News website “are not interested in facts. They are obsessed with pitching ‘on-brand’ stories that include Blue Lives Matter, anything antifa-related, anyone who has suffered during BLM protests that can put the protestors in a negative light, anything that threatens Christianity, and anyone who is a Trump supporter who has somehow been wronged.”
  • “The Brain Room, in their research, came up with facts that were not used in Fox reports or were in contradiction to what Fox aired. I have to imagine that kind of tension has always existed there, between the fact-checkers and what is often reported.”
  • Top Fox executives have “long been unsupportive of real, unbiased reporting. They do not see themselves as a real news operation in the sense that people are doing original work, trying to break stories and get to the bottom of things, wherever the chips fall.”


REPUBLICANS are for the $RICH$



This meme is a perfect example of how the RICH uses lies and Right Wing Media to brainwash Middle Class and Poor Americans into voting for Republicans, who give the RICH tax breaks. Average Joe Americans are being duped by Republicans and their Right Wing Propaganda Media Outlets.


Study Confirms That Fox Makes You Stupid

According to a new study recently published in American politics, research consuming too much Fox news can in fact, made you stupid. Now the study didn’t put it that way. The study said, it just makes you less informed about, you know, certain things, especially certain things having to do with science, but let’s not dance around it, right? We’re we’re not having to use scientific language. We’re not having to have this published so we can straight up say what it actually is. Fox news makes you stupid. Now, before I get into the details of this particular study, it is important to remember that over the years we have seen study after study, after study, that has confirmed that Fox news viewers are the least informed out of any other media consumers here in the United States.



How Fox News and Right-Wing Media Brainwashed This Dad and Destroyed a Family

‘It was like some alien took over his body.’ Right-wing media brainwashed Jen Senko’s once open-minded father, but the story didn’t end there.


Republicans in the US Senate voted to cut funding from Medicare and Medicaid in order to help fund their 2 TRILLION tax cuts for the rich. They are taking away healthcare from the needy in order to give more money to the greedy.

Right Wing Media never discusses issues such as this because they serve the interests of the top 1%. If that’s all you watch, you’d never know about this.


See Fox News hosts humiliated as FBI Biden ‘informant’ gets arrested for lying

For months, the right-wing media promoted claims from an “informant” to make their case against the Bidens. But after the informant was arrested for lying to the FBI, the Fox News primetime hosts went silent.


CNN’s Jake Tapper Takes Jab at Sean Hannity, Suggests He’s Not a Journalist

CNN’s Jake Tapper took a jab at Fox News’ Sean Hannity Thursday, suggesting the conservative TV personality isn’t much of a journalist.



‘Propaganda’: Video shows Sean Hannity lying, slandering and making false accusation about President Biden. Reporter breaks down Fox News’ amplified coverage of Hunter Biden


BOMBSHELL: GOP’s ‘informant’ charged with lying about Bidens

The “informant” touted by Republicans in the Biden impeachment probe has been indicted on two counts of feeding the FBI false information about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden. “In the most spectacular embarrassment imaginable, it blew up in their faces.”


Sean Hannity and right-wing media claimed the ‘Biden crime family’ took millions in bribes. Their narrative just fell apart | CNN Business

Hannity’s program served as the primary vehicle for driving the narrative to the GOP base, but the informant made the whole story up, federal authorities said.

Per the above article: It has been one of the most dominant narratives in right-wing media and the GOP, used endlessly to demonize President Joe Biden — but on Thursday, it imploded in spectacular fashion.

For some time now, Fox News and the broader right-wing media machine have accused Biden and his son Hunter of engaging in an illicit $10 million bribery scheme to enrich themselves and sell out America. The tale, as it goes, claimed that an executive at the Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid for access to then-Vice President Biden to improperly wield his influence and help squash an investigation led by a Ukrainian prosecutor into the company.

Evidence of the bribery scheme has always been thin, at best, with most authoritative news outlets treating the claims with incredulity. But MAGA Media personalities like Sean Hannity quickly shifted into hyperdrive last year when a supposedly “highly credible” FBI informant claimed to have smoking gun evidence of the conspiracy.

The emergence of a confidential FBI informant coursed through right-wing media, where talking heads and outlets spotlighted the claims as damning evidence of criminal wrongdoing. It spawned scores of articles. Hundreds of Fox News segments. Republican lawmakers like James Comer and Jim Jordan, eager to bathe in the media spotlight, appeared on radio and television programs to stoke the conspiracy flames and demand investigations.

Hannity’s program served as the primary vehicle for driving the narrative to the GOP base. On his Fox News program alone, the claims formed the basis for a staggering 85 segments in 2023 alone, according to data from the progressive watchdog Media Matters. Hannity indicated to his millions of nightly viewers that Biden had been “compromised,” using the informant claims to declare the president was “very credibly accused of public corruption on a scale this country has never seen before.”

Meanwhile on Capitol Hill, Comer, who chairs the powerful House Oversight Committee, used the claims being extolled in right-wing media to accuse the FBI of engaging in a coverup and attempted to construct a corruption case against Biden. Those actions were then celebrated in right-wing media. And on and on the feedback loop went.

The problem? The informant, Alexander Smirnov, made the whole story up, federal authorities said Thursday, arresting the 43-year-old at Harry Reid International Airport in Las Vegas.

Special counsel David Weiss, who served as a Donald Trump -appointed U.S. attorney before assuming his current role, charged Smirnov with lying to the FBI and falsifying records. Smirnov, an indictment said, provided “false derogatory information” about Biden to the law enforcement agency. His “story to the FBI was a fabrication, an amalgam of otherwise unremarkable business meetings,” it said.

“In short, the Defendant transformed his routine and unextraordinary business contacts with Burisma in 2017 and later into bribery allegations against [Joe Biden], the presumptive nominee of one of the two major political parties for President, after expressing bias against [Joe Biden] and his candidacy,” the indictment continued.

The charges dealt a blow to the narrative Fox News had championed on its air and Republicans had pressed in Congress. But the same network that had hyped Smirnov’s claims against “the big guy,” suggesting they formed the basis of a monumental scandal that would overshadow Watergate in the history books, suddenly showed little interest in the story.

In the hours after the Weiss indictment, there was scant coverage of the development on Fox News. Most notably, Hannity didn’t bother to mention to his loyal audience that the narrative he had been tirelessly peddling to them had fallen apart. Instead, like the rest of the right-wing network’s dishonest stable of prime time talk hosts, he ignored the story.


Trump Knew Claims Of Voter Fraud Were False

Communications from conservative lawyer John Eastman show former President Donald Trump and his lawyers pushed claims of voter fraud he knew to be false in federal court and to the public in order to delay the counting of state electoral votes by Congress on Jan. 6, 2021, a federal judge in California said in a court order.


Trump told aides he wouldn’t leave the White House after his 2020 election loss


Trump Knew He Lost the Election But Lied To the Mob Anyway

Trump knew he’d lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden but encouraged thousands to mob the Capitol anyway.


Fox News Exposed for Peddling Trump’s Big Lie. This is just one example of how FOX pundits behave like propaganda minsters for Trump and amplify his lies.


Explosive findings showing that top Fox News hosts did not believe the 2020 election was stolen.