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Trump and Republicans Attempts to Destroy Affordable Healthcare

Republicans voted 70 times to eliminate Affordable Healthcare (Obama Care) to millions of Americans with Pre-existing conditions, and wasted Millions of tax payers dollars in the process. They constantly used the term “Repeal & Replace” but never offered any replacement for the millions of people who would have become uninsured as a result of their actions.

Republicans core belief is “limited government” so they never had any real intentions of “Repealing & Replacing” the Affordable Care Act. They believe it’s not the governments responsibility to help citizens have healthcare, social security, medicare or similar programs. If they could, they would ELIMINATE all of these programs. They want to privatize everything, including the postal service. Republican Lobbyist Grover Norquist is a well-known proponent of “limited government” and famously said, “My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” [source:]


GOP Aims to Kill Obamacare After 70 Documented Failures

Newsweek found at least 70 examples of Republican-led efforts to repeal, modify or otherwise curb the Affordable Care Act since its inception as law on March 23, 2010.


GOP Attempts to Obstruct and Mislead on Health Reform


Ironical, it was John McCain who’s single vote which saved the Affordable Care Act and insurance for millions of Americans. This may be one of the reasons why Trump despised John McCain.


Perhaps because Trump knew he may lose the 2020 election, he became more desperate to dismantle Obamacare before he left office to destroy his legacy as his final parting shot.


Multiple news outlets have suggested that President Obama’s mocking of Donald Trump at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner provoked him to run for President. After Trump became President he pursued a relentless campaign to undue everything President Obama accomplished.


Trump’s primary reason to destroy Obamacare was probably due to his jealousy, personal hatred and his obsession to undo ALL of Obama’s Legacy.



This video shows how vindictive Trump is… “Get even. When somebody screws you, screw them back in spades.”


Republicans hated “Obamacare” because they hated Obama


President Obama and Democrats passed the Affordable Healthcare Act better known as Obamacare. One of the things the Affordable Healthcare Act addressed is making insurance companies accept people with preexisting conditions.

Like so many other issues, Republicans answer to the millions of people who are uninsured was and is to do nothing. This is another example of Republicans “Just say no” policy to anything President Obama wanted, regardless if it benefited the American people. If President Obama was for it… then Republicans were against it.


Trump administration asks Supreme Court to axe Obamacare


Trump administration asks Supreme Court to invalidate Obamacare


Keith Olbermann calls out Republican lies about “Obamacare”


Creepy anti-Obamacare ads stirred controversy over their content as well as who financially backed them.


Fox News and Republicans made outlandish false claims about “Obamacare” such as “Death panels” and claims babies wouldn’t be covered


Many Americans who survive being infected by the coronavirus are likely to have lingering health problems, which will result in growth in the class of Americans with pre-existing conditions who Donald Trump is trying to strip of health care protections through Obamacare



PolitiFact’s Lie of the Year: ‘Death panels’

Of all the falsehoods and distortions in the political discourse this year, one stood out from the rest. “Death panels.”

Republicans has made false statements designed to scare people into being against “Obamacare” which included claiming there would be “Death Panels” According to Wikipedia, ” death panel” was named as PolitiFact’s “Lie of the Year”, one of FactCheck’s “whoppers”, and the most outrageous term by the American Dialect Society.


Study shows Republicans lie more than Democrats; Obamacare perfect example

Many people have suspected it for years, but a study finally proved it. Republican politicians are bigger liars than Democrats. And they are not embarrassed about it.

Study shows Republicans lie more than Democrats; Obamacare is a perfect example

“While Republicans see a credibility gap in the Obama administration, PolitiFact rates Republicans as the less credible party” said CMPA President Dr Robert Lichter.

PolitiFact rated 32% of Republican claims as “false” or “pants on fire,” compared to 11% of Democratic claims – a 3 to 1 margin.


How eliminating Obamacare could negatively affect millions of lives


Most Americans support keeping Obamacare


Red states see highest Affordable Care Act enrollment rates

Affordable Care Act health plans are most popular among people in states where the law is least popular among politicians and ACA enrollments have climbed under Biden, according to new charts from Steve Rattner.


Watch this powerful reminder of why so many fought for the Affordable Care Act


Former GOP Congressman David Jolly: Why I Changed My Mind On Obamacare

Lawrence O’Donnell talks to Ezra Klein about the “catastrophic” CBO report – which estimates 22 million people would lose health care coverage – and GOP Rep. David Jolly shares his personal story of what happened when he found himself unemployed and uninsured. – Jun 27, 2017



The GOP is Dead

The Republican Party we once knew is dead. Chaos and corruption have now replaced the values of conservatism it was founded on.


Reagan knew evil when he saw it and stood against it. Today’s Republicans…not so much.


The Republican Party Is Over

Once upon a time, the GOP stood for limited government.



Former Republican David Jolly unleashes on the ‘rotten to the core’ politicians of the GOP

These are, in today’s Republican party, spineless politicians rotten to the core without virtue, without any level of human integrity, devoid of self respect, self reflection…Without courage and without the moral compass to recognize their own malevolence.’

“There is no greater example of selling your soul to a charlatan than what Republicans are doing right now in the House and the Senate,” he added. “And their legacies are on the line just as much as Donald Trump’s.”

Jolly was a lifelong Republican until he jumped ship in 2018. Before then, he served in Congress from 2014 to 2017 following the death of his boss. He ran for Senate in 2016 but dropped out when Marco Rubio opted to seek a second term.  (Source:


Today’s Republicans are EXTREMISTS


The Crazy Ones


Today’s Republicans have no principles or policies. The more insane & disruptive GOP politicians behave, the more they are liked & supported by MAGA Republican voters.


The GOP has been encouraging ‘loony’ views for years