Category Archives: Uncategorized

Republicans Plan to Cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

Former Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich explains the longtime Republican plan to slash Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.


Trump adviser Stephen Moore Says the AARP is one of the Most Evil Organization in America

Trump adviser Stephen Moore stated at the 2024 CPAC: “The AARP is one of the most evil organizations in America. They have got to go”. Reminder that Trump introduced a budget to cut Social Security and Medicare every single year he was in office.

Per an article at, “Stephen Moore, who withdrew from Fed consideration after sexist remarks were uncovered, is also the co-author of the Radical Project 2025 effort” to turn the Presidency into a Dictatorship if Trump is elected in 2024

“Project 2025 is all about forcing a far-right agenda on to everyday Americans,” said Tony Carrk, the executive director of the progressive watchdog Accountable.US, which produced an extensive report on Moore’s views and positions. “So it’s no wonder they tapped a notorious social security opponent like Stephen Moore to help write their policy schemes.”

Moore, Carrk said, had “dedicated his career to slashing social security benefits and taxes for billionaires”. Like other welfare programs such as Medicare, social security is a longstanding target of the US right but also something of a third rail for politicians of either party, given public support.

Joe Biden has said he “will not cut a single social security or Medicare benefit”.



Ronald Reagan telling the Truth about Social Security Versus Mitch McConnell LYING


Republicans are Debt Ceiling Hypocrites who spend more & raise the debt when a REPUBLICAN is President then demand cuts in spending when a Democrat is President



Republicans Creating Commission To Figure Out How To Cut Social Security And Medicare

Social Security and Medicare are still on the chopping block with Republicans, and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced this week that a new “budget commission” being created will look at potentially cutting the programs. This is political self-destruction for Republicans, but millions of people may end up suffering before political retribution could be dealt at the ballot box. Jun 4, 2023


Republicans Release Plan to GUT Social Security

Jun 15, 2023 A panel of Republican lawmakers have just released their newest plan to strip you of your social security and Medicare benefits.


Republican Senator: Social Security Is UNFAIR To The Rich!

Republican Senator Ron Johnson seems to think his constituents don’t understand the concept of social security, calling it a “nanny state” program at the Senate Budget Committee hearing called “Protecting Social Security for All: Making the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share.”


REPUBLICAN Senator Ron Johnson caught Protecting the RICH


VIDEO PROOF: Republicans Want to Cut Social Security

Republicans has been wanting to cut Medicaid, Social Security and Medicare for YEARS. In the above video Republican Senator Mike Lee stated: “It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up from the roots and get rid of it”. Republican Florida Senator Rick Scott is called out by FOX NEWS John Roberts for wanting to Tax the Poor plus eliminate Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Republicans like Johnson make false claims of Social Security counting towards the national debt.


Mike Pence: It’s Time to CUT Social Security

Mike Pence went on TV and said the quiet part out loud when he talked about the Republican’s plan to privatize social security.


The GOP is Sacrificing Americans so Billionaires Can Profit Even More

Rightwing billionaires (who pay an average income tax of 3.4 percent) think the world is made up of “makers” and “takers.” 45,000 Americans die every year because they lack health insurance, including those who can’t access Medicaid.


Nikki Haley says she’s fine with “reforming entitlements” because it’s what her billionaire friends want.



‘Damaging cuts’ to Medicare and Social Security are looking more likely with McCarthy as House speaker. Here’s what it will mean for retirees.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy made concessions to far-right GOP members to win his seat, which likely include cuts to Medicare and Social Security.


Hard to understand why so many seniors vote for Republicans when their TOP priority is cutting Medicare and Social Security.




Republican Leaders Plot Forcing Choice Between Economic Ruin Or Social Security And Medicare Cuts

New reporting and interviews with Republican leaders have clarified House Republicans’ intent to use threats to block an increase to the debt limit – which could lead to a default and a major economic crisis – subject to demands for policy concessions.

Per the above article: “New reporting and interviews with Republican leaders have clarified House Republicans’ intent to use threats to block an increase to the debt limit – which could lead to a default and a major economic crisis – subject to demands for policy concessions”.

The Bipartisan Policy Center projects that the debt limit will need to be raised in the third quarter of 2023. Congress’ Joint Economic Committee, chaired by Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) published a report last year titled: “Breaching the Debt Ceiling Could Harm Millions of Americans and Produce Economic Devastation.”

Debt limit fights were a hallmark of Republican congressional majorities during the Obama presidency, at the time Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell likened the tactic to hostage-taking. House Republicans now say one of their “top priorities” for a ransom in any future debt limit standoff would be demands for cuts to Social Security and Medicare:

Punchbowl: McCarthy On Debt Limit, Immigration And Ukraine

McCarthy signaled that Republicans would again hold the debt limit up for policy changes.
As we all remember, the debt limit was one of the bruising battles of the Obama presidency under then Speaker John Boehner. The U.S. government’s credit rating was downgraded for the first time ever following that 2011 debacle, but GOP lawmakers apparently are ready to try again in order to force “structural changes” to popular entitlement programs including Social Security and Medicare.

Here’s McCarthy on the debt limit:

“You can’t just continue down the path to keep spending and adding to the debt. And if people want to make a debt ceiling [for a longer period of time], just like anything else, there comes a point in time where, okay, we’ll provide you more money, but you got to change your current behavior. We’re not just going to keep lifting your credit card limit, right? And we should seriously sit together and [figure out] where can we eliminate some waste? Where can we make the economy grow stronger?”

We reminded McCarthy that he didn’t pitch these debt limit battles during the Trump era, during which the GOP ran up $7 trillion in new debt in only four years, including pandemic relief funding. Congress raised the debt ceiling three times during Trump’s presidency. Republicans only hold the borrowing cap hostage when Democrats are in the White House. McCarthy countered that President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats have spent too much money, in his view.

We asked McCarthy if he intended to try to reform entitlements as part of the debt ceiling debate. McCarthy said he wouldn’t “predetermine” anything.

Bloomberg Government: Entitlement, Spending Cap Plans Linked by GOP to Debt-Limit Deal

Social Security and Medicare eligibility changes, spending caps, and safety-net work requirements are among the top priorities for key House Republicans who want to use next year’s debt-limit deadline to extract concessions from Democrats.

The four Republicans interested in serving as House Budget Committee chairman in the next Congress said in interviews that next year’s deadline to raise or suspend the debt ceiling is a point of leverage if their party can win control of the House in the November midterm elections.

The Republican position — which members are still formulating — could set the stage for an explosive standoff next year, reminiscent of the 2011 negotiations when the Tea Party wave of Republicans took on the Obama administration over spending.”

It’s also possible Republicans will demand process-focused legislation — such as requiring a reduction in the debt-to-GDP ratio — that could subsequently put major entitlement programs in play.

If Congress doesn’t raise or suspend the debt limit by the deadline, the federal government would default on payments officials had already agreed to make. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned during 2021 negotiations that a default would be “a catastrophe” and could cause a financial crisis.

The debt limit is clearly one of those tools that Republicans — that a Republican-controlled Congress — will use to make sure that we do everything we can to make this economy strong,” said Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.) , the ranking member of the House Budget Committee. He’s seeking the top GOP spot on the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee but said if he doesn’t get it, he’ll remain in his Budget Committee position.

Reps. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas), Buddy Carter (R-Ga.), and Lloyd Smucker (R-Pa.) are seeking the top spot on the Budget Committee if Smith gets the Ways and Means role. Those three agreed Republicans must use the debt-limit deadline to enact fiscally conservative legislation. Rep. Kevin Hern (R-Okla.), head of the Republican Study Committee’s Budget and Spending Task Force, also said the upcoming debt-limit deadline is “obviously a leverage point.”


Washington Post: GOP To Use Debt Limit To Force Spending Cuts, With Medicare, Social Security In Mix, McCarthy Says

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said that if Republicans win control of the House the GOP will use raising the debt limit as leverage to force spending cuts — which could include cuts to Medicare and Social Security — and limit additional funding to Ukraine.

“You can’t just continue down the path to keep spending and adding to the debt,” the California Republican told Punchbowl News in a recent interview. “And if people want to make a debt ceiling [for a longer period of time], just like anything else, there comes a point in time where, okay, we’ll provide you more money, but you got to change your current behavior.”
“We’re not just going to keep lifting your credit card limit, right,” he added. “And we should seriously sit together and [figure out] where can we eliminate some waste? Where can we make the economy grow stronger?”

Pressed on whether changes to the entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security were part of the debt ceiling discussions, McCarthy said he would not “predetermine” anything.
The debt limit — the country’s borrowing cap — will need to be lifted next year to protect the country’s credit score and to prevent the United States from defaulting on its debt. But McCarthy suggested that his party would be willing to hold the debt limit up for policy changes.


Axios: GOP Leaders Prepare For 2023 Debt Limit “Nightmare”

GOP leaders, congressional aides and business groups are preparing for a potential “nightmare scenario” next year if House Republicans take back the majority: a debt limit showdown reminiscent of the near-crisis in 2011.

Why it matters: There are serious question marks — and underlying anxiety — surrounding what type of leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) will be if elected as House speaker. How he handles a debt limit showdown will be a crucial test of his leadership abilities for which key stakeholders are already privately planning.


The Hill: McConnell, McCarthy Public Splits Raise Questions About Ability To Govern

McConnell helped fashion a compromise in December that allowed Democrats to raise the debt limit through the Senate with a simple majority vote.
McCarthy and other House GOP leaders, by comparison, made raising the limit harder by saying they would not vote for such a measure even if it were attached to popular defense legislation.

This is already fueling anxiety that Congress is heading for another debt-limit standoff next year, with Republicans potentially in control of the House this time.
In 2011, the nation came perilously close to defaulting on its obligations with a Democrat in the White House and a GOP House. It prompted Standard and Poor’s to downgrade the nation’s credit rating.


Newsweek: Fox News Host Confronts GOP’s Scalise on Proposed Medicare Cuts: ‘Betrayal’

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, a Louisiana Republican, on Sunday was confronted over potential voter discontent with the GOP’s plans for Medicare.

Representative Scalise appeared on Fox News Sunday to discuss the upcoming midterm elections. As the minority whip, he is considered to be the second-highest-ranking Republican in the House.

As soon as his interview began, host Shannon Bream pressed Scalise over the party’s plans for Medicare and Social Security should they regain the House majority in this year’s midterms. Bream presented the lawmaker with a message from a concerned Fox News viewer, who characterized the GOP’s plan for Medicare as a potential “betrayal.”
“He’s a Republican, he’s very worried about you cutting his Medicare,” Bream said as she relayed the message she purported to have received on Twitter. “He says it’s a dealbreaker and a betrayal by the GOP.”

In June, the Republican Study Committee, of which Scalise is a member, released a budget plan that included numerous suggested reforms for Medicare and Social Security, including raising the eligibility ages for each program to 67 and 70, respectively. The proposal further called for withholding payments for individuals who retire early or had a certain level of income, and also suggested using private funding sources for Social Security to lower income taxes.


President Biden oversaw an 8.7% increase in Social Security benefits while Republicans want to CUT Social Security


Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is a typical Republican who wants to cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid.


Marco Rubio Makes It Clear: Republicans Will Cut Social Security And Medicare After Tax Cuts Pass

In an interview with Politico this past week, Republican Senator Marco Rubio made it painfully clear that his Party intends to cut Social Security and Medicare funding in the months to come, after they end up passing their corporate tax cuts, of course. The goal of the Republican Party is perfectly clear: They want to give everything they can to corporations while taking everything away from the rest of us.



Republicans Have Proposed To Cut Social Security Across The Board By More Than 21%’



Republicans want to roll back Medicaid, a program that insures nearly one in five Americans.


Republican Healthcare Bill Gives Tax Cuts to the Rich by Gutting Safety Net for Poor & Middle Class


Jul 23, 2021 – After Missouri Voters overwhelmingly voted for Medicaid Expansion, Republicans REFUSED to implement the Medicaid Expansion which was passed by voter referendum. The Missouri State Supreme Court ruled that Republicans cannot simply overrule the outcome of an election in which the state’s voters decided to amend the state constitution to expand Medicaid.

This is another example of how Republicans are adamantly against providing Medical Care for people, how they don’t gave a damn about Democracy or people’s votes and how at their core, they are anti-democratic fascist authoritarians.


Despite Trump’s promises NOT to cut Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security, that is exactly what he intends to do IF he is re-elected in 2020.

Trump has broken his promises to American seniors. His 2020 budget proposes cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Our seniors deserve better, and that is why we are fighting today and every day to elect Democrats up and down the ballot.

Trump’s just-released 2021 proposed budget calls for $292 billion in cuts to safety net programs (including Medicaid and food stamps), $170 billion in cuts to student loan forgiveness, a $3.3 billion cut to the National Institutes of Health, and a $6.2 billion cut to the Education Dept. Funding would rise for ICE, Customs & Border Protection, the border wall, NASA, and Veterans Affairs.



Republicans want to Cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA Healthcare, Minimum Wage, Obamacare, Food Stamps, Child Health Care and more.

Republicans want to repeal every piece of legislation passed in the last 80 years which protects working people, children, the elderly or sick.


Fmr. GOP congressman: Why I changed my mind on Obamacare

Lawrence O’Donnell talks to Ezra Klein about the “catastrophic” CBO report – which estimates 22 million people would lose health care coverage – and GOP Rep. David Jolly shares his personal story of what happened when he found himself unemployed and uninsured. (June 26, 2017)


Senate GOP drafted a secret, partisan health care bill behind closed doors, refusing any meaningful bipartisan input on the bill and refusing to hold any hearings on this legislation that would impact one sixth of our economy. Senate Democrats today urged the GOP to reverse course on this tactic and release to the public the legislation that would impact the health and bottom lines of millions of Americans. (Jun 13, 2017)


Chris Hayes Explains The ‘Shameless’ Mitch McConnell Doctrine

‘In an era of extreme polarization and weak institutions, you can get away with whatever you’re shameless enough to pursue,’ says Chris Hayes (Jun 12, 2017)


Republicans in Congress wanted to hold the debt ceiling hostage to force benefit cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and even Social Security. If they can’t get these cuts by threatening the solvency of our nation, their next opportunity will come as Congress attempts to craft a deficit reduction plan to avoid the $110 billion in automatic cuts delayed in the fiscal cliff legislation. Once again, many legislators have made it clear they expect seniors, retirees, the disabled, and the poor to pay down our deficit. They will demand drastic changes such as raising the retirement age, means testing, or changing the cost of living allowance (COLA) formula to cut benefits to millions of middle class and poor beneficiaries in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security who are still struggling in this economy.

Democrats in Congress succeeded in keeping these devastating benefit cuts out of the short-term “fiscal cliff” deal. Unfortunately, important leverage was also lost. Washington’s well-financed anti-entitlement lobby continues to pretend that “shared sacrifice” means that if a millionaire loses a tax break (which he or she doesn’t need and America can’t afford) then the middle-class and poor must also pay more for or risk losing their health care benefits in Medicare and Medicaid. [Source:]


Republicans accuse Democrats of being fiscally irresponsible. But as the video above shows, it’s Republicans who are responsible for running up the Debt & Deficits due to their tax Breaks for the Rich

National Debt exploded under REPUBLICANS Ronald Reagan & George H.W. Bush due to excessive military spending and tax breaks for the RICH.

This was all part of the “Two Santa Clauses” plan whereby they run up the debt & cut taxes when a Republican is President so they are viewed as a good “Santa Clause”. Then when a Democrat is President, Republicans scream about the National Debt, refuse to increase the debt ceiling, shut down the government if necessary to stop Democrats from spending any money on social programs which could help working Americans. Be sure to watch the SHOCKING video below about this.


REPUBLICANS increase the National Debt with excessive military spending and tax breaks to the RICH so there’s no money for Social Programs which benefit the middle class & the poor


The above video explains how for the past 40 years since Ronald Reagan was President, Republicans have been victimizing Americans using a tactic called the “Two Santa Clauses”, whereby they run up the debt & cut taxes when a Republican is President so they are viewed as the good “Santa Clause”. Then when a Democrat is President, Republicans scream about the National Debt, refuse to increase the debt ceiling, shut down the government if necessary to stop Democrats from spending any money on social programs which could help working Americans.

In this way, Republicans are literately punishing Americans for voting for Democrats who are dedicated to helping the middle class and the poor while doing everything possible to make sure Democrats can’t help the middle class and the poor, to make them look like the “Bad Santa Clause”.

This is another example of how Republicans are RUTHLESS… ONLY caring about seizing, maintaining power, being subservient to Corporate Interests and the RICH.


The above video explains how George W. Bush took Democrat’s and Bill Clinton’s budget surplus and exploded the debt by almost 10 Trillion, doing what Republicans always do…. giving Tax Breaks to the Rich (as shown in the graphs below) and then tanked the economy.

The national debt was increased by a projected 8 Trillion by Trump and Republicans due to military spending and tax breaks for the RICH


Inventor Of Trickle Down Economics Says Trump’s Tax Plan Is “Dead on Arrival”

David Stockman, the economist who developed the theory of trickle down economics during the Reagan administration, says that Trump’s tax plan is a giveaway to the wealthy elite and that it will result in an economic downturn. Stockman has admitted that his theory of trickle down economics is implausible, and he regrets the damage that his policy has caused this country.


Trump Tax Cuts Add WAY More Debt Than Advertised

“Experts” low-balled the amount of debt the Republican tax plan would entail.


Democrats balanced the budget when Clinton was president. Republicans and George W. Bush exploded the debt with unpaid for wars and tax breaks for the RICH.


Obama calls out Republicans for Causing Deficits and Debts


The Grover Norquist Tax Pledge which says Republicans shall never raise taxes helped skyrocket the Debt.


In an original broadcast essay, Bill says there’s more to Grover Norquist’s anti-tax pledge than ideology or principle — it’s also about Norquist’s efforts keep taxes low for his donor base of billionaires.




Trump & Republicans Supporting Putin / Russia

Videos on this page show how Republican’s has been supporting murderous Dictator of Russia Putin for years and how they share similar radical right-wing, anti-democratic, fascist, authoritarian ideologies


Trump was told that Putin had put bounties on American soldiers to be killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan and he did NOTHING. Any yet, most Republicans are continuing to support and defend this TRAITOR


Russian State TV Praising Marjorie Taylor Greene



Former Australian PM on Trump’s admiration for Putin

Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Australian television weighed in on former President Trump’s admiration of Russian President Putin, saying Trump is in awe of Putin


Trump has proven to be a Traitor against the United States and NATO by inviting an attack by Putin & Russia against NATO, while Republicans do and say NOTHING


GOP Senator Tommy Tuberville says ‘Putin is on top of his game’ while saying U.S. forced Russia into Ukraine War


GOP lawmakers, Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), spent July 4 in Moscow’s U.S. Embassy, NPR reported.


Trump and Republicans has been praising Murderous Dictator of Russia Putin for years, which at this very moment is MURDERING innocent people in Ukraine and bombing their cities into rubble… a peaceful country which did nothing to deserve being invaded and attacked by Russia.

Putin has proven himself to be a barbaric war criminal, which Right-Wing Conservative Republicans… Trump, Mike Pompeo, FOX, Tucker Carlson and Right Wing Media recently praised while disparaging President Joe Biden.


Long-time Republican host Chris Wallace absolutely tears into Tucker Carlson on his show today over visiting and interviewing Putin in Russia



Tucker Carlson CODDLES Vladimir Putin In Interview

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson coddled Russian President Vladimir Putin in an interview that lasted over two hours.


Tucker Carlson could be hit with SANCTIONS over Putin interview

Tucker Carlson could potentially be hit with sanctions for his forthcoming interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin


Russian TV Promotes Cawthorn & Carlson

Videos featuring Representative Madison Cawthorn, a Republican from North Carolina, blasting Ukrainian President Volydymr Zelensky has joined clips of Fox News host Tucker Carlson in regular rotation on Russian state-run television.

Is this TREASON… giving “Aid and Comfort” to an Enemy? Proof Russia is our enemy is the fact that they have nuclear weapons aimed at the United States.


Tucker Carlson Repeating Putin’s Propaganda


See Russian state TV’s reaction to this Tucker Carlson banner


Putin and Russia LOVE how Tucker Carlson has been Repeating PRO-Russia Propaganda


Russia Praises Fox Propaganda


Why is Fox / Tucker Carlson airing ‘anti-democratic BS’?

Brianna Keilar speaks to Rep. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ), who claims Tucker Carlson’s fans repeatedly call his office imploring the lawmaker to side with Russia.


CNN’s Nic Robertson looks at Fox host Tucker Carlson’s popularity on Russian state run television.


War And Lies: Trump Republicans Confronted With Past Putin Praise On TV

Many Republican leaders praised Vladimir Putin and misled Americans about the facts of his record as a dictator. This MSNBC report documents some of those claims, featuring them in contrast to recent reporting and footage about Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.


Republicans admitting they want a dictatorship and want to eliminate Democracy


Putin jailed, poisoned & murdered political opponents, seized oil companies for his own personal monitory gain and interfered in elections around the world. Putin’s atrocities has been well know for years yet Right-Wing “Conservative” Republicans praised and supported him.


This video gives insight into the oppressive laws Republicans has been passing in recent years such as anti-voting laws to rig elections in their favor, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT laws and how Russia shares many of the same anti-democratic ideals and values held by Republicans.

The United States will become as oppressive as Putin’s Russia unless Republicans are STOPPED by Voting them Out of Office.


The Right’s Embrace of Fascism and Authoritarianism


The above video shows the history of how Trump’s campaign manager, Paul Manafort helped Putin Puppet Viktor Yanukovych get elected President of Ukraine, how Republicans changed their Party Platform in 2016 to favor Russia and hurt Ukraine, how Trump helped Putin by destabilizing NATO and why Putin likely didn’t invade Ukraine while Trump was President.


Russian conspiracy about the US is spreading in America

A new conspiracy theory has become popular among some of the online communities that formed around QAnon — one simultaneously being promoted by the Kremlin as a justification for its invasion of Ukraine. The false claim: the United States is developing bioweapons in Ukraine and Vladimir Putin has stepped in to save the day and destroy the weapons. March 10, 2022


Claims Trump was tough on Russia and Putin wouldn’t invade Ukraine if Trump were President are Absurd. Trump kissed Putin’s ass during the entire time his was President.

During a interview with a Newsmax host who tried claiming Trump was tough on Putin, Former National Security Advisor John Bolton pushed back, stating ‘Trump complained sanctions on Russia were too tough” and he “barely knew where Ukraine was”.


Federal Prosecutor Glenn Kirschner: ‘Vladimir Putin Owns Trump’


Right-wingers turned Hungary into a anti-democratic fascist one-party-rule dictatorship. Trump & Republicans have followed the same playbook so it could happen here unless they are STOPPED.

Republicans have passed laws to overturn / override election results in states they control and put partisans in control of counting the votes, allowing them to make sure only Republicans are declared the winner.

Hungary Is a Version of What Republicans Wants For The U.S.

Chief national correspondent at the New York Times, Mark Leibovich, and former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi, react to Fox News’ anchor Tucker Carlson’s bizarre choice to host his show from Hungary, a country with an authoritarian regime.


Trump Endorses Right-Wing Autocrat In Hungary

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul and former FBI special agent Clint Watts discuss with Nicolle Wallace the former president’s endorsement of Viktor Orban ahead of the Parliamentary elections in Hungary.


Thom Hartmann explains how Victor Orbán and his Radical Right-Wing Party took over the once Democratic government in Hungary and turned it into a anti-democratic authoritarian fascist one-party-rule dictatorship where elections & the courts are rigged, all of the media is state controlled and praise for Victor Orbán Propaganda is seen everywhere.


POLL: Only 36% Of Republicans Support Freedom Of The Press

43% of Republicans think President Trump “should have the authority to close news outlets engaged in bad behavior,” while only 36% disagreed with the statement, according to an Ipsos poll


Trump Supporters Are Excited By The Idea Of Him Being A Dictator

Donald Trump did exactly what most of us expected, and he actually convinced his base that he SHOULD be a dictator if he gets back into office, and that it is somehow a good thing to trample on the Constitution. Ever since Trump first made his dictator comments, his supporters have been quick to defend and ultimately offer their praise of the comments, and that part isn’t dying down, either. A new poll also shows that a strong number of Iowa voters say that his rhetoric makes it MORE likely that they will support him.


Expert Compares Trump’s Politics to Fascism

Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley explains why he claims President Donald Trump’s politics are akin to fascism, a political movement based around a leader. 80+% of Republicans approve of Trump, even after he has LIED more than any other Politician in history (fact checkers claim over 30,000 false or misleading statements since becoming president).


GOP senator appears to be aligning with pro-Russian movement


Republicans used to distrust Russia but after Trump took office, many Republicans shifted their position.

How To Dismantle A Democracy

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has become a favorite among Trump-loving ethno-nationalists. Yale’s Jason Stanley and authoritarian expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat break down why Orbán — and the fascination with Orbán — is so dangerous.


Similar to Florida Employees being threatened if they criticize Republican Ron DeSantis or tell the truth about Climate Change when Republican Rick Scott was Governor, during the invasion of Ukraine, Russia passed a law which would put people in prison for up to 15 years for criticizing Putin and Russia’s policies.

Democrats has never engaged in these type of restrictions or violations of Freedom of Speech. This commonality is found in oppressive RIGHT WING governments. It’s easy to see that Republicans are headed in this direction and would not hesitate to be just as extreme if given the opportunity.


New Russian law criminalizes legitimate reporting


Marina Ovsyannikova, an employee at one of Russia’s major state television networks who interrupted a live broadcast to protest the Russian invasion of Ukraine, was arrested and interrogated for more than 14 hours and charged with organizing an unauthorized public event.


Radicalization is infesting airwaves of pro-Trump media

CNN’s Brian Stelter explains how the country faces radicalization as some right-wing media outlets flood the airwaves with conspiracy theories and disinformation.


Similar to how Right Wing Media Lied about the 2020 Election, Russian TV Is Lying about the War


Former Fox anchor Reacts to Recent Tucker Carlson’s Rhetoric

CNN’s Jim Acosta speaks to former Fox anchor Gretchen Carlson about the network’s take on tensions between Ukraine and Russia.


Two Fox News contributors resign after Tucker Carlson special

Stephen Hayes and Jonah Goldberg announced Sunday night that they have resigned from Fox News, saying that Tucker Carlson’s “Patriot Purge” propaganda film was the last straw.



Calmes: Russia’s crackdown on liberty sounds all too familiar to Americans

Red states like Texas, Missouri and Florida are waging their own culture war in parallel to Putin’s, targeting the rights of women and minorities.

Per the above article; “Russia’s crackdown on liberty sounds all too familiar to Americans We see the ravages of Russia’s war on Ukraine, where it’s as if the black-and-white scenes of carnage and fleeing refugees in World War II Europe — scenes consigned to history books, we thought — have been updated in horrific, real-time color. Vladimir Putin’s heinous war has united the Ukrainian people”.

“Then there’s the coverage of the figurative war here in America, a culture war waged by Republicans against women, minority groups, LGBTQ people, educators, public health officials and just about anyone not of a right-wing mindset. This needless conflict divides us, for Republicans’ political gain”.

“Such domestic battles are a luxury of peace and prosperity. I’m reminded of conservatives’ culture wars amid the good times at the turn of the century, before 9/11 made a mockery of the invented threats and brought Americans together against a real one”.

“Even as Ukrainians suffer bombings of hospitals, a maternity center, apartments and schools, our bloodless war proceeds on its several fronts: Against women’s constitutional right to abortion before a fetus’ viability. Against teachers’ rights to speak freely about race and gender. Against transgender youth and their parents. Against public health officials dealing with a once-a-century pandemic that’s killed nearly a million Americans”.

“On abortion rights, Republican-led states aren’t even waiting for the conservative U.S. Supreme Court to turn back the clock a half-century. They’re rushing either to ban abortions at 15 weeks’ gestation, significantly before a fetus is viable (the latest bill just went to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to sign), or to go further and copy Texas’ plainly unconstitutional law that ended nearly all abortions in that state, home to 7 million women of reproductive age”.

“Texas devilishly wrote its law to avert federal court review, dangling cash bounties to spur citizens to sue anyone who even unknowingly helps a woman who’s more than six weeks pregnant get an abortion. Under the legal threat, clinics ceased most services”.

“Predictably, Texans are traveling elsewhere. At least 5,500 women sought help in six neighboring states in just the first three months after the law took effect in September. Now comes a Republican lawmaker in Missouri, inspired by Texas’ law, who’s concocted a way to stop women in her state from going to Illinois or Kansas to exercise their reproductive rights: Attack women’s freedom to travel, too!”

“The bill, the brainchild of state Rep. Mary Elizabeth Coleman, is now before the Missouri House. It would invite anyone to sue a person who helps a Missourian get an abortion out of state, whether that’s a hotline operator making appointments or a doctor providing the service. It’s another patently unconstitutional gambit, but one that could have a chilling effect if clinics in the neighboring states want to avoid legal battles”.

“Texas Republicans, meanwhile, continued their pioneering ways in the culture war by opening a new offensive, against transgender kids and their families”.

“Gov. Greg Abbott, acting late last month on a nonbinding legal opinion from Atty. Gen. Ken Paxton, directed state officials to investigate parents for abuse if they help a child medically transition to the gender with which the youth identifies. The Texans sprung this plan just as the Journal of the American Medical Assn. reported that gender-affirming medical care made teenagers 60% less likely to suffer depression and 73% less likely to be suicidal”.

“By this week, Texas had opened investigations of at least five families. What a blatant invasion of personal liberty from the state that unironically advertises “Don’t mess with Texas.” As if transgender kids and their parents don’t deal with enough stigma, bullying and even the threat of violence”.

“Yet copy-cat Idaho aims to one-up Texas: Its state House voted Tuesday to make it a felony for a doctor to help transgender children. A record 147 bills against transgender people were introduced in 34 states last year, according to the pro-LGBTQ Human Rights Campaign, including successful measures to bar transgender girls from women’s sports”.

“LGBTQ issues more broadly are the target — along with racial justice and history – of a raft of so-called “parental rights” bills to restrict what teachers can say or assign in classrooms from pre-K through college”.

“Florida’s legislature sent its “Don’t Say Gay” bill to DeSantis, as well as a separate measure limiting what teachers and employers can say about race and diversity. Georgia’s Republican lawmakers are moving to ban the teaching of what they vaguely call “divisive concepts” about race”.

“PEN America, which keeps a monthly roundup, says there’s “no recent parallel” to the number of book bans and “educational gag orders.” The organization laments “a willingness, and even eagerness, to bring the weight and power of government to bear on controlling classroom speech.”

“In Russia, Putin is cracking down further on speech, too, just as he’s moved against gay rights and abortion. If Republicans in this country truly stood for freedom, their domestic agenda wouldn’t have so much in common with his”.


Far-Right Extremism: Why We Should Be Concerned


I’m a Former RT Anchor. Fox News Mimics Russian State TV.

Liz Wahl, who quit a Kremlin-funded network in disgust in 2014, writes that right-wing media stars like Tucker Carlson are at times indistinguishable from Russia’s own propaganda.

Per the above article; “Liz Wahl, who quit a Kremlin-funded network in disgust in 2014, writes that right-wing media stars like Tucker Carlson are at times indistinguishable from Russia’s own propaganda.

Fox News hosts like Tucker Carlson, along with other right-wing media figures, are at times indistinguishable from the propaganda on my former network, RT, a Kremlin-funded cable news channel that eagerly uses American voices to push a pro-Russia agenda.

American voices frequently amplified on RT include former Democratic congresswoman-turned-CPAC speaker Tulsi Gabbard, libertarian politician Ron Paul, and his son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)—all of whom share foreign policy positions that Russia now finds beneficial to amplify.

What these figures don’t seem to understand or ignore is that RT uses their stateside fame and clout to drive eyeballs to its YouTube channel and legitimacy to its brand.

During the Trump years, the channel routinely featured videos and friendly headlines of Trump himself and his radical supporters. Popular themes on the channel were Trump’s denigration of NATO and the European Union. One video on RT’s YouTube channel features Trump’s former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn at an RT event, being interviewed by the channel’s Russia-based host, wearing an RT lanyard”.


Republicans don’t believe in Democracy… to them it’s about seizing and maintaining power at all costs. This is why Putin helped Trump and Republicans get elected in 2016… because Republicans Anti-Democratic Fascist Authoritarian policies and tactics aligns well with Ruthless, Murderous Dictators like Putin.


Trump & Republicans Threat to Democracy, Women’s Rights & Freedom

Videos on this page shows how Trump & Republicans are a Threat to Democracy, Women’s Rights, Truth & Freedom… they LIE, attempted to STEAL the 2020 election, have taken away women’s rights and are destroying Democracy in the United States



Republicans are a threat to Democracy, Women’s Rights, Truth & Freedom for committing the following…

Rigging Elections by Gerrymandering, Decreasing the number of Days and Hours people can Vote, Purging Minorities off Voters Rolls, Decreasing Drop-boxes, Decreasing Voting Machines in Urban areas, Limiting Polling locations / hours, Making it harder to Vote by Mail, Making it a Crime to give Food or Water to people having the wait in long lines they’re responsible for causing to discourage people from voting, Passing laws to overturn election results they don’t like, voting to cut Healthcare, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Republicans ran up the debt with “Tax Breaks for the Rich” while refusing to make the rich pay their fair share, attempted to steal the 2020 election while LYING & FALSELY claiming “Trump Won” while accusing Democrats of stealing the election with no proof, MASS SHOOTINGS of Children in Schools where Military Grade Assault Weapons were used such as AR-15’s because they REFUSE to pass legislation which would make such weapons illegal.

RIDICULOUS Culture War & CRT nonsense, laws dictating what can be discussed in classrooms with huge fines of $10,000 against teachers for violations, their war on LGB & Transgenders, punishing Disney for exercising their freedom of speech, passing laws which Criminalize Assembly & Protests, Laws Legalizing Running over & Killing Protestors, Passing Anti-Choice Legislation Against Women, Turning the U.S. into a Gestapo Secret Police State by Placing $10,000 Bounties on anyone who helps a Women get an Abortion, Conspiracy Theories, LIES and refusing to eliminate the Electoral College which made two (2) unpopular & unqualified Republicans Presidents, who the majority didn’t vote for.

Republicans are now full-bore Anti-Democratic Fascist, Authoritarians dedicated to seizing power by any means necessary



Trump & Republican’s Multi-step plan to overturn the 2020 election EXPOSED


After learning that he lost the 2020 election, Trump refused to admit defeat and claimed without any proof that the election was stolen. 5 deaths were attributed to his inciting violence to overturn the 2020 election on January 6, 2021.




Republicans Suffering from Partisan Derangement Syndrome




Donald Trump and 18 others were indicted on allegations that they schemed to illegally overturn the 2020 presidential election. In this video, we’re explaining Trump’s charges




Trump Attorneys Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro and Jenna Ellis Pleads GUILTY to attempting to overturn the 2020 election and making false statements


100+ Republican Representatives voted to Overturn the 2020 Election Results and subvert the Will of the People, proving themselves to be LAWLESS, Partisan, Anti-Democratic and Unfit to hold Public Office.


18 Republican Attorney Generals and 126 Republican House members signed onto a baseless, treasonous, ANTI-Democratic lawsuit to overturn the 2020 election in the Supreme Court and over-ride the will of the American people.


147 Republicans Voted Against Democracy


147 Republicans violated their Oath of Office and proved to be lawless traitors by voting to overturn the 2020 election results in 6 states.


Lawrence O’Donnell says just hours after the Capitol was attacked on Wednesday, 147 Republican members of Congress continued to attack the Constitution. By objecting to the legitimate results of the presidential election, he says those members of Congress violated their oath to defend the Constitution with “true faith and allegiance.

We are only one election away from losing what little Democracy we have left unless Republicans are VOTED OUT.


The Republican MAGA mandate has been about democracy denying, undermining our elections and institutions, sowing division and chaos.


GOP Party of the Insane



Republicans know the only way they can win, is if you lose.


Republicans have declared WAR on the Truth and Democracy


Washington State GOP wants to Eliminate Democracy


Republican commentators and politicians at 2024 CPAC conference admitting they want a dictatorship and want to end Democracy


Why Republicans Don’t Want A Democracy


Only One Political Party Is Fighting To Defend American Democracy


Trump believes he has Presidential Immunity which gives him a right to do anything he wants and not be held accountable


Right Wingers around the world are systematically destroying Democracy, implementing One Party Rule with rigged elections, take-over of the News Media, Judiciary and take-over of Education, similar to what Viktor Orban has done in Hungary.


Video shows how Right-wingers turned Hungary into a anti-democratic fascist one-party-rule dictatorship. Trump & Republicans have followed the same playbook so it could happen here unless they are STOPPED.


How To Dismantle A Democracy

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has become a favorite among Trump-loving ethno-nationalists. Yale’s Jason Stanley and authoritarian expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat break down why Orbán — and the fascination with Orbán — is so dangerous.


Kurt Bardella who used to be a Republican and media consultant for Right Wing Breitbart News is now sounding the alarm about Republican extremism stating; “Democracy is dying at the hands of the GOP”.


Republicans Not Willing To Risk 2024 Outcome With A Fair Election

Reporting by Barton Gellman in The Atlantic lays out the ways in which Donald Trump and his supporters have infiltrated the election apparatus in the United States to ensure a Trump victory, and primed Trump’s base for violence to take victory by force.


Republicans Plans to Overturn Future Elections

Jesse talks about a new special report from Reuters which lays out the several candidates who are running for state Secretary of State positions in swing states all over the country in an effort to more easily overturn election results that don’t go their way.


Republican Candidates in Swing States Committed to Control and Overthrow Next Election


Republicans Push To Give Trump Allies Power Over Elections

More than a dozen Republican state legislatures have passed new restrictive voting laws that would give allies of former President Donald Trump more power over election results.


Republicans Organizing To Disrupt Elections With Poll Watchers, Poll Workers

Jocelyn Benson, Michigan secretary of state, talks about how election officials are maintaining election transparency and ensuring elections are properly staffed, while guarding against nefarious actors like those reportedly being recruited by Republicans to disrupt the integrity of elections in Democratic voting districts.




Ex-Bush Speechwriter: A ‘Loyal’ Republican Is Now Either A Sucker Or A Liar

Michael Gerson also named the group of Republicans who have “the most to atone for.”

Former Bush Speechwriter Says Loyal Republicans Are Either “Liars Or Suckers”

Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush, said in order for someone to call themselves a “loyal Republican” they would either have to be a liar or a sucker… because it takes both Liars and Suckers to keep the Republican Party alive today.


Republicans must lie to survive: They have no other choice

From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump, the path to Republican political success is rooted in profound deception

Per the above article; “The GOP exists to serve the interests of the wealthy and big business that comprise the richest 1%. No party, however, can ever win an election with only 1% of the vote. So to win elections, the GOP must necessarily reach beyond its own wealthy core and attempt to convince a large segment of working people in the 99% to vote for Republicans.

Normally, a political party wins elections by offering policies that benefit the voters. These policies attract the voters who then cast their votes for the political party.

But for the Republican Party, this is not an option. A candidate could not possibly campaign on the policies favored by the 1%. Just imagine the stump speech. “Vote for me and I will slash your health care! In fact, I’ll do even better — I’ll fight like mad to completely eliminate your health care!”

“Vote for me and I will get rid of your pensions! This would save corporations a bundle and boost profits to the shareholders! Screw the workers!”

“Vote for me and I promise to ship your jobs overseas under globalization! The exact same labor can be hired in Asia for only pennies! Hurray!”

The Republican Party is left with only one option. It cannot possibly be honest about its true intentions and actual policies. The working class would never vote for them. Instead, the only option is to lie”.


Republican Candidates such as George Santos, Hershel Walker and J.R. Majewski all got caught Lying to get elected


Republican Appointed Right Wing Judges / Justices Lied Under Oath


Republicans lied about crime, inflation and taxes to get elected in the 2022 midterms, falsely blaming Democrats & President Biden.


These 6 Republican Representatives attended a key meeting to plan to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Then, they begged for pardons.



The Rules of the Demagogue


Republicans are Anti-Democratic Fascists who want to seize power by any means necessary and DESTROY Democracy in the United States


Wisconsin GOP gubernatorial nominee Tim Michels saying he’d ensure “Republicans will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I’m elected governor” PROVE Republicans are Anti-Democratic Fascist who are determined to SEIZE and maintain POWER by any means necessary.


The New McCarthyism


Republicans Exposed as Traitors


Reagan knew evil when he saw it and stood against it. Today’s Republicans…not so much.


Republicans have proposed and passed legislation to disregard the will of the people and overturn election results they don’t like. Election officials like Rusty Bowers, who upheld his oath of office after the 2020 election, have been removed from office at an alarming rate.


GOP Has Become A ‘Cult Of Personality’

RNC calling Jan. 6 “legitimate political discourse” arguing that the GOP is “sanctioning fascistic violence.”


The GOP’s Turn To Extremism Began Long Before Trump

It’s easy to think of Trump as the reason for his party’s embrace of extremism. But as Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank points out in his new book, that pivot toward extremism is decades in the making.



Former Republican David Jolly unleashes on the ‘rotten to the core’ politicians of the GOP

These are, in today’s Republican party, spineless politicians rotten to the core without virtue, without any level of human integrity, devoid of self respect, self reflection…Without courage and without the moral compass to recognize their own malevolence.’

“There is no greater example of selling your soul to a charlatan than what Republicans are doing right now in the House and the Senate,” he added. “And their legacies are on the line just as much as Donald Trump’s.”

Jolly was a lifelong Republican until he jumped ship in 2018. Before then, he served in Congress from 2014 to 2017 following the death of his boss. He ran for Senate in 2016 but dropped out when Marco Rubio opted to seek a second term. (Source:


Evan McMullin: The Republican Party Is ‘Rotten To The Core’

Evan McMullin, Executive Director of Stand Up Republic, and more than 120 former Republican officials have discussed forming an Anti-Trump third party. He tells Lawrence O’Donnell that the Republican response to the events of January 6 was the impetus for that meeting. Aired on 02/12/2021.


Today’s Republicans have no principles or policies. The more insane & disruptive GOP politicians behave, the more they are liked & supported by GOP voters.


The GOP has been encouraging ‘loony’ views for years



Republicans May Refuse to Certify 2024 Election

MAGA Republicans have plotted to refuse to certify results of the 2024 election, months before the election unless their candidate wins.

Republican refusal to certify local election results seen as dress rehearsal for 2024 chaos

Republicans are following Donald Trump in rejecting democracy by refusing to certify local election results in Georgia and causing chaos with some towns insisting on hand-counting ballots without understanding the disadvantages of doing so.


Frightening truth about Trump’s lack of concern about votes

Instances in which Donald Trump not only assures his supporters that if he is elected they won’t have to vote in the future, but also that even for this 2024 election he does not need votes. Maddow posits that the reason Trump doesn’t care about votes is that he intends to win by manipulating the administration of the voting tabulation.


Pro-Trump administrators are already in place to subvert the 2024 election

Marc Elias, founder of Democracy Docket, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Donald Trump supporters are implementing a strategy of embedding themselves in the administrative side of the election so they can subvert the certification of the election if the outcome is not in Trump’s favor.



Impact of election deniers in swing states seen in CBS News investigation

A CBS News investigation found there are nearly 80 officials working in election oversight positions across seven swing states who either don’t believe the 2020 election results, refuse to certify the election, have publicly supported the actions taken on January 6 or have pushed election conspiracies.


More Republicans Refuse To Vow To Accept Election Results

New York Times senior writer David Leonhardt and former Senator Claire McCaskill discuss the growing trend among candidates in the Republican Party to not commit to accepting election results and the threat that poses to democracy.


Pro-Trump election officials poised to PREVENT 2024 certification

Brian interviews Justin Glawe about his viral Rolling Stone piece exposing how Trump-supporting election officials are poised to prevent certification of the November election.


Pro-Democracy Attorney Marc Elias discusses election officials who refuse to certify the election based on bogus fraud claims.


Trump’s Plot to Steal 2024 Election


REPUBLICAN Rep. Stefanik suggests she may not certify 2024 election results


Republicans to reject election results after saying voters should decide elections


Republican Candidates in Swing States Committed to Control and Overthrow Next Election


Republicans Not Willing To Risk 2024 Outcome With A Fair Election

Rachel Maddow shares passages from new reporting by Barton Gellman in The Atlantic in which he lays out the ways in which Donald Trump and his supporters have infiltrated the election apparatus in the United States to ensure a Trump victory, and primed Trump’s base for violence to take victory by force.

The Fight To Certify Elections Has Already Begun

From Marc | With fewer than 100 days until the election, Republicans are building an election subversion war machine.

Truth About Trump’s No Tax on Social Security & Tips SCAM

Brendan Duke, Senior Director of Economic Policy at the Center for American Progress Action Fund, joins MSNBC’s Ali Velshi to explain why Trump’s proposed tax cuts on Social Security & tips are a scam which would provide tax cuts for the wealthy & pennies for low- and middle-income families



GOP Republicans Project 2025 EXPOSED

Huge collection of videos about GOP Republicans Radical Project 2025 revealing their extreme agenda to turn America into a Anti-Democratic Fascist Authoritarian Nation with Trump as a Dictator, similar to Viktor Orban’s Hungary where elections & the courts are rigged, all of the media is state controlled and praise for Victor Orbán Propaganda is seen everywhere. This is what Trump and Republicans want to do to the United States.


Potential Trump Admin & Federal Employees are being expected to take an Oath of Loyalty to TRUMP (instead of the Constitution) to do his bidding without question. To get hired as a Federal Government employee under a Trump administration, all applicants must agree with the LIE that the 2020 election was “Rigged”, Stolen” and “Trump Won’.


If elected President, Project 2025 and the Radical Right Wing GOP Republican Dominated Supreme Court gives Trump the Power of a Dictator


Project 2025 would remove Presidential separations between the Department of Justice, putting Trump directly above the DOJ, allowing him to order the Prosecution of anyone who criticizes him. And since thousands of Federal Employees would pledge their loyalty to Trump, they would not hesitate to follow his orders.

This is the greatest threat our country has even faced and proves, REPUBLICANS are the Enemy of Democracy, Freedom, the United States Constitution and the Rule of Law.


Trump’s Promises and Plans for 2025 — in his own words

There’s no mystery about what Donald Trump wants to do in his second term. He’s told us his plans and Project 2025 is how Trump’s rhetoric will become an authoritarian reality for us all. Here’s what he has promised, in his own words.

1 – Pardon power
Trump will use his pardon power to shield himself and his allies from criminal accountability

2 – Directing Investigations Against Critics and Rivals
He’s promised to order the Department of Justice to investigate people who challenge him.

3 – Regulatory Retaliation
Trump has also promised to purge professional staff and experts inside the government and replace them with “Yes” Men and Women.

4 – Federal Law Enforcement Overreach
Trump plans to explode police powers in ways that would make America unrecognizable.

5 – Domestic Deployment of the Military
Trump wants to use the military to police our streets and send troops to our cities over the will of state and local officials.

6 – The Autocrat Won’t Leave
AND, like he showed us in 2020 and on January 6th, that if he is elected to office, he will be unwilling to leave. He’s willing to use every tool at his disposal to remain in power.

These promises are not just words; they are tactics pulled straight from the authoritarian playbook.



Project 2025 is a plan that will roll back your rights and put the government in your life.


Video by the Lincoln Project details how if Trump becomes President in 2025, he could have opponents and critics ‘arrested’, ‘locked up’ & ‘executed’ and media outlets critical of him, shut down. It would be the end of Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, the Rule of Law, the Constitution and the United States.




Project 2025’s ‘unhinged’ wish list: Criminalize porn, ban birth control

Project 2025 is a “wish list of a bunch of fringe, far-right policy proposals that I think many voters would be really horrified to learn about,” says Chris Hayes. For example, the agenda says, “Pornography should be outlawed,” and “the people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned.”



CNN anchor fact-checks Trump’s claims about Project 2025

Trump tries to claim he ‘knows nothing” about Project 2025. The above video proves he’s a liar.


This video shows how Trump is a pathological lair who lies with impunity. So when he claims he ‘knows nothing” about Project 2025, it’s just another lie added to the thousands he’s told with no regard for being called out.


Project 2025: DOJ as ‘office of vengeance’ emboldened by Trump’s Presidential Immunity

Under Project 2025, the Department of Justice would be used to attack American citizens. The 28-page section of the project’s manifesto covering the Department of Justice and the FBI is a nightmarish play-by-play on how to turn the DOJ into the office of vengeance


Project 2025 Exposed: Trump’s presidency will trigger a national abortion ban

Project 2025 is rooted in Christian nationalism. The architects want to change the framework of society to restore the family, as they understand it, as the centerpiece of American life. But, their version of “family” is defined in a very specific way, where only white, Christian men have power.



Project 2025 Exposed: The Trump allies seeking a Christian nationalist coup

The dangers of Project 2025, the manifesto that would give Donald Trump the authoritarian power to limit your rights, are outlined by Joy Reid. Roughly 140 individuals who worked in Trump’s presidential administration are affiliated with Project 2025.


Project 2025’s brutal plan to blow up public schools

Project 2025 is Donald Trump’s roadmap for a second presidency. Drastic changes Republicans would make to children’s public school education, if Trump returns to the White House


Project 2025 Exposed: A Christofascist assault stripping LGBTQ rights

Project 2025 is The Heritage Foundation’s plan to remake America, authored by many former Trump administration officials, and current Donald Trump and JD Vance allies. ProPublica reports that the organization also has video tutorials on how its allies can implement their radical agenda without accountability should Trump be elected and Project 2025 go into effect. Chase Strangio, co-director of the LGBTQ & HIV Project at the ACLU, joins Joy Reid on Project 2025’s Christofascist threat to our LGBTQ citizens.


Project 2025 Exposed: ‘Guts’ environmental protections for corporate greed

The Trump campaign wants to run away from Project 2025, because it is wildly unpopular and dangerous, including their plans to deal with the climate crisis and the environment, critics say. Jamie Henn, founder and director of Fossil Free Media, a nonprofit that supports putting an end to fossil fuels and addressing the climate crisis


Project 2025 Exposed: Child labor and decimated unions promised by Trump’s election

Trump took a private flight with the head of Project 2025, Kevin Roberts, The Washington Post reports. Jody Calemine, director of advocacy for the AFL-CIO, joins Joy Reid to discuss the potential, destructive impact of Project 2025 on labour unions and the American worker.


Hear chilling confession from Trump on Project 2025


Rattner breaks down Project 2025 Terrible policy and politics

MSNBC Morning Joe economic analyst Steve Rattner dives into the potential financial consequences of Project 2025, the 920 page policy manifesto by the conservative group the Heritage Foundation: higher taxes for lower-income Americans, increased student loan payments, and major cuts to Medicaid.


Project 2025 Architect Issues Direct Threat Of Violence

Kevin Roberts, the leader of The Heritage Foundation which is behind Project 2025, issued what appears to be a direct threat to “the Left” during a recent interview on Real America’s Voice. Roberts said that we are in the middle of the “second American Revolution,” but he then added that it will remain “bloodless, if the Left allows it to be.” This means that Roberts is not ruling out the threat of actual violence, he’s just pretending that it’ll be up to liberals to make that choice. This man is promising annihilation if Trump gets back in office, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Project 2025 Architect Threatens Violence if Americans Reject a Trump Dictatorship

The President of The Heritage Foundation, the group spearheading Project 2025, had a chilling response to the Supreme Court’s decision that granted absolute immunity to Presidents. He celebrated the Supreme court’s ruling and called his organization’s plan to turn America into a dictatorship a “second American revolution” and warned that it will “remain bloodless” only insofar as Americans are willing to comply with their theocratic Christian nationalist vision for the country. In this video we’ll react to his comments and look at the core tenets of Project 2025.


New report aims to protect election certification from Trump subversion strategy

As Americans become increasingly aware of the likelihood that Republicans will try to subvert a potential 2024 election loss by Donald Trump with a plan to hijack the election administration apparatus and prevent (or just make a mess of) the election certification process, more people are wondering how to stop such a scheme from happening. Noah Bookbinder, president of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, talks with Rachel Maddow about a new expert report that outlines strategies for combating efforts to interfere with the certification of the vote.


‘This is an assault’ that means people’s lives: Gov. Inslee on Project 2025’s plans for the climate

Project 2025 proposes drastic changes to the federal government’s climate and environmental regulations framework. The authoritarian blueprint includes relaxing reporting requirements for industry polluters, reclassifying toxic pollutants, weakening environmental justice programs, privatizing weather data, and opening up public lands for oil and gas drilling. “I take this personally,” says longtime climate advocate Governor Jay Inslee. “This is an assault on my state and assault on our families. My state’s on fire today because of climate change.”


Right-wing Project 2025 agenda revealed: Expertise-driven civil service government would be gone, replaced by sycophants loyal only to TRUMP


‘It’s a manifesto’: The most terrifying details in Project 2025

The Nation’s Justice Correspondent Elie Mystal joins Melissa Murray, in for Ali Velshi, to discuss his new article on the dangers of Project 2025, the right-wing blueprint for a second Trump term that threatens to wreak havoc on the Department of Justice, consolidate federal power, and ultimately “take over the legal structures of our nation.” Mystal also describes why the discussion surrounding Trump’s potential pick for Attorney General is so concerning, including floating names like Utah Sen. Mike Lee, Trump White House veteran Stephen Miller, and Ken Paxton.


‘An America that you won’t recognize’: Legal scholar Kermit Roosevelt III on SCOTUS and Project 2025

The Supreme Court’s latest term revealed just how fundamentally the ultraconservative supermajority has changed the dynamics on the court, as well as how dire its ethics issues are. The justices, however, seem to believe they’re above reproach. “The only way to take the Supreme Court back in the near term is actually court expansion,” Kermit Roosevelt III, Constitutional Law scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, tells Ali Velshi. It’s a critical moment for the country and the judiciary alike, with Republicans using the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 playbook to prepare for a possible second Trump term. Roosevelt adds that if they succeed, “it’s going to be an America you won’t recognize.”


Alert: GOP ‘marches toward fascism’ as party’s embrace of MAGA’s Project 2025 is exposed

Katie Phang reports on the details of the RNC’s chilling Project 2025, and is joined by former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance and Co-founder and CEO of The Seneca Project Tara Setmayer


Ruth Ben-Ghiat, Professor of history and scholar of authoritarianism, speaks to Ali Velshi about Project 2025’s plans to consolidate power if Trump wins the presidency in 2025, including who’s on their hypothetical list of pre-screened loyalists to join the Trump administration, and why their plan to abolish federal agencies is so uniquely dangerous to democracy.




White Nationalist Nick Fuentes admits, there’s a lot more Democrats & Independents than Right Wingers.


Project 2025 is Trump’s blueprint to get rid of democracy and the rule of law

In a potential second Donald Trump presidency, the conservative Heritage Foundation plans to remake government in the mold of dictator Viktor Orbán of Hungary.

Per the above article: Project 2025 is Trump’s blueprint to get rid of democracy and the rule of law. In a potential second Donald Trump presidency, the conservative Heritage Foundation plans to remake government in the mold of dictator Viktor Orbán of Hungary.

An extremist, dark money “slime machine” is preparing a list of federal civil servants deemed disloyal to Trump, who could be reclassified, reassigned or fired if he takes office, The Associated Press reports. The chilling plot, a revival of the McCarthyism that traumatized a postwar America, is part of the dystopian agenda known as Project 2025.

Key to the agenda is purging the government of nonpartisan government officials sworn to uphold the Constitution and replacing them with sycophants loyal only to Trump. The entire federal government would be placed under direct presidential control. This includes the Department of Justice, which Trump has vowed to use to prosecute his political enemies.

The purge would pave the way for a Trump administration to impose a radical, repressive and regressive regime — one that could endure long beyond Trump’s constitutionally mandated term or even his lifetime. A vice president, Mike Pence, and officials committed to the rule of law in the departments of Justice, Defense, and Homeland Security thwarted the attempted Trump coup in 2020 and 2021.

In a second term, there won’t be any officials who place the rule of law above Trumpism.

The agenda proposed in Project 2025 is grisly:

  • Dismantling the foundations of immigration policy, tearing families apart, turning away desperate refugees and stripping away protections for Dreamers
  • Undermining climate change mitigation, environmental justice and the transition to clean energy
  • Eliminating racial justice initiatives and preserving advantages for white Americans, even perverting the Justice Department’s civil rights division to “investigate and prosecute all state and local governments, institutions of higher education, corporations and any other private employers” with diversity, equity, and inclusion policies
  • Gutting public education, wiping out Head Start and other support for low-income students and withdrawing federal oversight of public schools
  • Slashing health care insurance, putting 18 million Americans at risk of losing coverage entirely, killing the drug price provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act and Affordable Care Act’s protections for preexisting conditions.
  • Shutting down access to safe abortions, contraception and other reproductive health care, putting women’s lives at risk
    Deleting “sexual orientation and gender identity” from all federal rules, reinstating a transgender military ban and limiting LGBTQ workplace discrimination protections
  • Fire civil servants who stood up to Trump

As disturbing as this agenda is, the most alarming and repellent policy proposal contained within Project 2025 is the restructuring of the federal government, eliminating the kind of public servants who stopped Trump from completely disassembling the Department of Veterans Affairs, overcame his resistance to expelling Russian spies, deterred him from shooting racial justice protesters, derailed his plan to deploy the military against migrants and kick undocumented children out of schools and deflected his suggestion to drop nuclear bombs into the eyes of hurricanes.

There will be no stopgaps, no checks and balances, no one to say no when he tries to subvert the next election.

The (Radical Right Wing) Heritage Foundation, which produced Project 2025, grew out of the mid-1970s movement to protect racially segregated schools. The first battle it waged was against a school district’s adoption of multicultural textbooks — “n- – – – er books,” as some opponents called them.’’

The Heritage agenda is just as repellent now as it was then, which is why undermining a free democracy is key to its implementation. Heritage President Kevin D. Roberts says the “model for conservative governance” is Hungary’s authoritarian, anti-democratic leader Viktor Orbán.

“Why is Orbán their model? Because he showed them how to use elections to undermine democracy and ensure perpetual power for his team,” historian Nancy McClean said. “How? Orbán purged the civil service and refilled it with obedient loyalists. He got the Constitution altered. He completely dominates. And this is what Heritage wants to see happen in the United States.”


Crazy Items in the Project 2025 Leader’s Book That Trump Doesn’t Want You to Read

Project 2025 leader and Heritage Foundation president, Kevin Roberts, is exposed for his deranged and dangerous goals in book that gets delayed to release in order to help Donald Trump with voters. Items include forcing couples to have children (weather they want them or not).


Ex-evangelical leader discusses how Project 2025 is Radical Religious Fanatic Republican’s plan to turn the United States into a middle ages, Christian Taliban style Theocratic Country where LGBT’S are executed


Project 2025: Trump’s Second Term Not-So-Secret Plan (40 minute podcast)


Jamie Raskin issues the Project 2025 WARNING (25 minutes)


Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, which is the organization behind Project 2025, just gave a chilling interview on national television that gives a dark glimpse into what is in store for America if Donald Trump wins in November.




What Taylor Swift exposes about GOP’s ‘crushingly toxic’ Project 2025


Comedy skit from DNC Convention outlines not-so-funny impact of Project 2025 on average American’s lives



Videos show how Autocrat Victor Orbán & his Radical Right Wing Party eliminated Democracy in Hungary by taking over the Government and turned it into a authoritarian fascist one-party-rule dictatorship where elections & the courts are rigged, all of the media is state controlled and praise for Victor Orbán Propaganda is seen everywhere. This is what Trump and Republicans want to do to the United States.


The Right’s Embrace of Fascism and Authoritarianism


Washington State GOP wants to Eliminate Democracy


Hungary Is a Version of What Republicans Wants For The U.S.

Chief national correspondent at the New York Times, Mark Leibovich, and former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence, Frank Figliuzzi, react to Fox News’ anchor Tucker Carlson’s bizarre choice to host his show from Hungary, a country with an authoritarian regime.

Right-Wingers turned Hungary into a Anti-Democratic Fascist One-Party-Rule Dictatorship. It will happen here unless Republicans are STOPPED.

Republicans have passed laws to overturn / override election results in states they control and put partisans in control of counting the votes, allowing them to make sure only Republicans are declared the winner.


DeSantis & Florida Republicans are following the playbook of Fascist
Autocrat Dictator of Hungary Viktor Orban by taking control of Education



How To Dismantle A Democracy

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has become a favorite among Trump-loving ethno-nationalists. Yale’s Jason Stanley and authoritarian expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat break down why Orbán and the fascination with Orbán is so dangerous.


Thousands of solders from around the world fought and died to DEFEAT Fascism in WWII. We owe it to them and ourselves to continue fighting for freedom and against Anti-Democratic Fascist DICTATORS



‘Dictator worship’: Orban visit puts Trump soft spot for dictators on display

Donald Trump has made it clear that he wants to emulate autocrats such as Putin, Kim Jong Un and Hungarian dictator Viktor Orban who visited Trump at Mar-a-Lago.


Trump Endorses Right-Wing Autocrat In Hungary

Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul and former FBI special agent Clint Watts discuss with Nicolle Wallace the former president’s endorsement of Viktor Orban ahead of the Parliamentary elections in Hungary.


This video gives insight into the oppressive laws Republicans has been passing in recent years such as anti-voting laws to rig elections in their favor, anti-abortion, anti-LGBT laws and how Russia shares many of the same anti-democratic ideals and values held by Republicans.


Expert Compares Trump’s Politics to Fascism

Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley explains why he claims President Donald Trump’s politics are akin to fascism, a political movement based around a leader.



Why Republicans Don’t Want A Democracy


Rules of the Demagogue


Republicans are Fascists who want to DESTROY Democracy in the United States


Republicans Block Bills to Help Military Veterans

Trump & Republicans pretend to ‘support our troops’ but have shown disrespect for the United States Military and Blocked Bills to help our Military Veterans


Stolen Valor



Republicans Fist Bump After Blocking Veteran Healthcare Bill

GOP Senators celebrated blocking a critical veteran health care bill with a fist bump on the Senate floor on Wednesday. Activist Susan Zeier, mother-in-law of late veteran Heath Robinson, for whom the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act — or PACT Act — is named, joins The ReidOut. The PACT Act would have expanded medical coverage for millions of combatants exposed to toxic burn pits during their service.


REPUBLICAN Sen. Tommy Tuberville blocking over 300 military promotions and pay raises



What Trump reportedly said about injured veteran



Jesse talks about Jon Stewart and his continued advocacy for first responders and veterans. Stewart was on Capitol Hill yesterday, standing in front of the Senate, when he EXCORIATED Republican members who claim to be ardent supporters of the military and veterans.


Lauren Boebert VOTES NO on Funding for Sick Vets After Heckling Biden About Same Issue

Ex-Marine Jesse Dollemore talks about the hypocrisy of Republican Lauren Boebert, who voted NO on a bill to aid sick veterans. This dereliction of duty came on the heels of her chiding and heckling Joe Biden during his State of the Union Address while he was talking about this very bill.



Arlington official feared ‘retaliation’ after altercation with Trump campaign

When a staff member tried to enforce the Arlington cemetery rules, a Trump campaign aide got physical with her, shoving her aside. However, that worker declined to press charges because she “feared Trump’s supporters pursuing retaliation,” according to the New York Times.


REPUBLICAN Trump Calls Military Troops Suckers and Losers

A article posted by The Atlantic claims Trump repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades and called Military Troops Suckers and Losers.


Per the above video, Trump was told that Putin had put bounties on American soldiers to be killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan and he did NOTHING.


Retired general responds to Republican’s call for Gen. Mark Milley to be ‘hung’


Gen. Milley Responds to Trump’s Attack on Democracy and the Constitution. Ex-Prosecutor points out how Trump may have engaged in witness intimidation


Army Gen. Mark Milley delivered a full-throated defense of democracy and not-so-subtle swipes at former President Donald Trump during a packed ceremony as he closed out his four, often tumultuous years as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (Sept. 29)


Meghan McCain slams Trump after mocking her father again


Vets sound off on Trump mocking Nikki Haley’s husband

Retired U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant, Amy McGrath, founder of Democratic Majority Action PAC and Paul Reickhoff, founder of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America join Alicia Menendez in for Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House with reaction to Donald Trump’s comments about Nikki Haley’s husband who has been absent from the campaign trail because he is serving in the military abroad.


Retired colonel reacts to ex-Trump official’s revelations about Trump

Retired US Air Force Col. Cedric Leighton reacts to former White House chief of staff for Donald Trump John Kelly’s criticism of the former president that he made in an exclusive statement to CNN.


12 ways Trump, the commander-in-chief, has demeaned veterans and service members


CNN’s Keilar rolls the tape on Trump’s attacks on military members and their families



Per The Atlantic article; “When Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that “the helicopter couldn’t fly” and that the Secret Service wouldn’t drive him there. Neither claim was true.

Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed”.


Reports Of Trump Disparaging Veterans Resonates With What We Know About Him

Rachel Maddow looks at past behavior by Donald Trump, from his remarks about John McCain to his insensitive treatment of a military widow that makes it easy to believe reports that he holds military service in low regard, and makes it harder for Trump and his defenders to dismiss. Aired on 09/04/2020.


Mary Trump Shares Family Anecdote Of Trump Disdain For Military Service

Mary Trump, in a previously unaired portion of her interview with Rachel Maddow, talks about a family anecdote described in her book, “Too Much and Never Enough,” in which her uncle, Donald Trump, threatened to disown Don Jr. if he joined the military. Aired on 09/03/2020.


Four-star Gen. Barry McCaffrey Blasts Right-Wing Media FOX News Attacks On Gen. Milley


Democrat McCaskill tries to introduce a bill guaranteeing Military Pay During Shutdown, and was Blocked by GOP McConnell

Watch the moment Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) tried to introduce a bill guaranteeing military pay and death benefits during the gov’t shutdown — and GOP leader Mitch McConnell blocked it


Republicans Block VA Benefits

Republicans blocked important legislation from Sen. Bernie Sanders to improve veterans’ access to health care among other things. Only two Republicans, Sens. Dean Heller and Jerry Moran, voted for the veterans benefits bill, which was endorsed by every major veterans organization.


Republican Senator Blocks Veterans’ Suicide Prevention Bill


Republicans pretend to be the party of patriots and “support our troops” but they have consistently Blocked important Bills to help our Veterans. In 2014, Senate Republicans blocked a Veterans’ benefits bill that would have expanded Federal healthcare and education programs for veterans.

President Obama had to threaten to use his veto pen when House Republicans attempting to cut benefits for 70,000 Veterans. It was revealed that George W. Bush charged a charity for Veterans who lost limbs in Iraq and Afghanistan to hear him speak.

Republicans have demonstrated that they have about as much respect for our Veterans as they do America’s poor, women, minorities and the elderly.


Republicans Cut Food Assistance to Veterans

Republicans claim they support our troops and the military but voted to cut 900,000 veterans off of food stamp assistance


Elderly Vets Could Face Benefits Cut Under Trump Budget

President Donald Trump’s budget proposal would cut a major benefit for disabled elderly vets.

Elderly Vets Could Face Benefits Cut Under Trump Budget

Republicans always pretend they are patriotic and “Support Our Troops”, however per the above article President Trump’s federal budget plan could cut benefits annually to disabled elderly veterans.


This meme is a perfect example of what hypocrites some Republicans are regarding our military and troops



Speaker Mike Johnson: Radical Right Wing Extremist

Steve Schmidt reacts to Republicans electing Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Mike Johnson is a Radical Right Wing Republican Extremist & Religious Fanatic. His views and beliefs on just about everything is totally out of step with the majority of Americans. He’s an election denier and Trump Supporter who claims Trump won the 2020 election, voted to overturn the 2020 Election, said January 6 was a legitimate protest, claims Covid is a Hoax, claims Vaccines are Dangerous, a Climate Change Denier who claims climate Change is a Hoax, a Religious Fanatic who embraces Christian Nationalism, says the United States is a “Biblical Republic” and does not believe in the separation of church and state. He’s against Same Sex Relationships & Gay Marriage, Anti LGBT Rights, Author of 3 bills to Ban Abortion Nationwide, wants to Cut Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security, and has said Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme.

All 220 Republicans voting for this Extremist (supported by Trump) tells you everything you need to know about today’s Republicans and why ALL need to be voted out.

The fact that a Radical Right Wing ideologue like Mike Johnson has been made speaker, when his views (& the Supreme Court) is out of step with the majority, is another example of what a mess the United States Government is, which has enabled Republicans to seize minority rule by lying, cheating using gerrymandering, theft of seats by illegal redistricting and the Anti-democratic Electoral College which made Republicans Trump & Bush President, when they got the LEAST votes.



Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson compares himself to Moses


Ex-evangelical leader, Frank Schaeffer discusses Mike Johnson, Republican Religious Fanatics, their Anti-Democratic views and how they want to turn the United States into a Theocratic Country.


Liz Cheney: ‘Rep. Mike Johnson was desperate for Donald Trump’s approval’

Liz Cheney, Former Congresswoman and Vice Chair of the January 6th Select Committee joins Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to describe the fall of the Republican Party and what can be done to save the country from turning into an autocracy.


Apr 10, 2024 – Speaker Mike Johnson goes to Mar-A-Lago to kiss to Trump’s Ass… (the most lawlessness and corrupt President in History), seeking help to save his speaker-ship


Cheney warns of Speaker Johnson’s willingness ‘to do things he knew to be wrong’ for Trump

“It’s terrifying.” Former Rep. Liz Cheney talks with Rachel Maddow about her concerns about the lengths to which House Speaker Mike Johnson will go to placate Donald Trump and the risks that poses to an orderly election outcome if he still holds the office in 2025


Speaker Mike Johnson’s ‘Depraved America’ comments draw scrutiny

Rev. Al Sharpton, President of the National Action Network and Molly Jong Fast, Special Correspondent for Vanity Fair join Alicia Menendez in for Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss Speaker Mike Johnson’s comments bemoaning about a loss of faith in American institutions when he led the charge to overturn the 2020 Election in congress


Trump, Johnson duo is the ‘authoritarian meets zealot buddy movie’ that no one needs

“It doesn’t matter that Donald Trump sees this through the prism of self-preservation, and Mike Johnson I guess sees it as his biblical calling. Their goals are the same,” says Jen Psaki. “It all has the makings of basically an authoritarian meets zealot buddy movie that really no one needs in this country.”


Mike Johnson is one of the Treasonous Republicans who voted to overturn the 2020 election.

In November of 2020, former Vice President Joe Biden was elected to be the 46th President of the United States by overwhelming margins in the popular vote and the Electoral College. Despite Biden’s decisive victory, Donald Trump and other prominent Republicans commenced a daily assault on the legitimacy of the election that included filing dozens of frivolous lawsuits seeking to have the results invalidated.

Hundreds of Republican elected officials across the country amplified these false claims, and in doing so, they helped incite the January 6 attack on the Capitol building, which left five people dead, including one Capitol Police officer.

And even after this deadly insurrection, 147 Republicans (which included Mike Johnson) still voted against certifying the election.


The courageous Reconstruction Congress implanted into our governing document safeguards to cleanse from our government ranks any traitors and others who would seek to destroy the Union. To that end, Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment stipulates that:

“No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof”. (The above text was taken verbatim from Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.) letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi dated December 11, 2020)

During the four years Trump was President, House Republicans pledged their loyalty to Trump above our country. In 2019, every house Republican refused to vote to impeach Trump for his numerous violations of his Oath of Office and his abuses of power. They have proven over and over again that they are unreasonable, condone lawlessness and are unfit to hold ANY position in elected public office.

ALL Republicans who voted against certifying the 2020 Election are unfit to hold public office and should be REMOVED from Congress.


Mike Johnson was one of the 106 Republican House members who signed onto the amicus brief to overturn the 2020 election.


Steve Schmidt: ‘106 Members Of Congress Broke Faith With American Democracy’

Fmr. Republican strategist Steve Schmidt joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss how some House Republicans refusing to accept that Biden won means “we’re one election away from losing the country to people who do not believe in democracy.” Aired on 12/11/2020.


18 Republican Attorney Generals and 126 Republican House members signed onto a baseless, treasonous, ANTI-Democratic lawsuit to overturn the 2020 election in the Supreme Court and over-ride the will of the American people.


New Republican Speaker’s HORRIFIC statements suddenly SURGE into spotlight


House Republican SCREAMS “DAMN RIGHT!” Admitting to Attempting to Overturn 2020 Election!

Jesse talks about the outbursts from Republicans on the House floor during a speech given by Congressman Pete Aguilar while nominating Hakeem Jeffries to be Speaker of the House.


Charlie Sykes: This is now a full MAGA House

Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson was elected Speaker of the House on Wednesday. Rep. Johnson played a key role in former President Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, and The Bulwark’s Charlie Sykes says in the election of Johnson, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., and a handful of other far-right House GOP members got their way.


‘MAGA Mike Johnson’ a closer look at the new House Speaker

NBC News Capitol Hill Correspondent Ali Vitali and former Republican Congressman David Jolly join Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss to take a deeper look at new House Speaker Mike Johnson and his hard right voting record.


‘New speaker will use his power to undermine rights of same-sex couples’: NY Mag journalist warns

New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson’s history of extremist views on abortion, LGBT rights, and contraception, are discussed by NY Magazine’s Irin Carmon and author Judd Legum.


Republicans Pick Election Denier And Trump Loyalist To Be New House Speaker

Republican Representative Mike Johnson from Louisiana is the new Speaker of the House, and the GOP could not have made a worse choice for the country. After a tumultuous few weeks, Republicans finally coalesced around the nominee after a blessing from Donald Trump, and that’s not the least bit surprising. Johnson served on both Trump impeachment defense teams, fought to NOT certify the 2020 election results, and even filed an amicus brief in Texas to toss out more than 100,000 votes in the 2020 election. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses the dangers of this fringe lunatic now leading the House.


During his sermon at the Christian Center in Shreveport, Louisiana, Johnson said: “Some of you were around in the late 60s, you remember that what that was about? The counterculture revolution, Woodstock, and drugs and peace and free love and all that, but,” he claimed, it was “more about the undermining of the foundations of religion and morality.”

“Because if you remember in the late 60s we invented things like no-fault divorce laws. We invented the sexual revolution. We invented radical feminism. We invented legalized abortion in 1973, where the state government sanctioned the killing of the unborn,” he said.

“All these things happened because as collectively as Americans, we began to get together in growing numbers and thumb our nose at the creator and say, ‘We don’t believe that anymore, we’re rejecting the founders natural law philosophy in favor of moral relativism, and we’re going down another path.’ “

“Now, what we tolerate in moderation our children excuse in excess. What happens when you fast forward another 30 or 40 years?” he asked. “We know that we’re living in a completely amoral society. And people say, ‘How can a young person go into their school house and open fire on their classmates?’ Because we taught a whole generation, a couple of generations now, of Americans that there is no right and wrong. That it’s about survival of the fittest and you evolved from the primordial slime, why is that life of any sacred value because there’s nobody sacred to whom it’s owed.”

No mention about GUNS being responsible for the shootings because like most Republicans, Mike Johnson is bought & paid for by the NRA.

Under the Democrat Clinton Administration Assault Weapons Ban, the maximum capacity of a magazine was set at 10 rounds. AR-15s were one of 18 semiautomatic weapons banned under the 1994 law that expired in 2004 during the Republican George W. Bush administration despite broad public support and a drop in gun fatalities. Since then, killers have used semiautomatics to target victims en masse. Republicans are responsible for mass shootings and deaths since 2004 because President George W. Bush let the Assault Weapons Ban expire in 2004. Republicans have refused since then to allow it to be renewed.


Meet the GOP’s New Speaker of the House… MAGA on steroids?

“Trump endorsed” Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) was confirmed today…a choice that has the enemies of progress rejoicing. What will this mean for America in the months to come?


5 things to know about Speaker Mike Johnson

All eyes are on Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), the 51-year-old whose election to be the 56th Speaker on Wednesday put an end to the over three weeks of turmoil and GOP infighting in the lower chamber. Johnson, who was serving his second term as vice chair of the House Republican Conference, won the Speaker’s gavel in…

Per the above article:

Johnson has opposed Ukraine aid

  • Johnson was one of 57 Republicans to vote “no” on a $40 billion aid package to Ukraine.

Johnson pushed to overturn 2020 election results

  • Almost immediately after the 2020 election, Johnson emerged as a supporter of then-President Trump’s unfounded claims that the election was stolen from him.
  • Later in 2020, Johnson led an amicus brief signed by 100 House Republicans supporting a Texas lawsuit that aimed to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. After the brief was introduced, Johnston posted to X, “President Trump called me this morning to let me know how much he appreciates the amicus brief we are filing on behalf of Members of Congress. Indeed, this is a big one!’”
  • Johnson was also one of 139 House Republicans who later voted to object to the election results in Arizona, Pennsylvania or both, shortly after the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol.

Johnson is an ally of Trump

  • Johnson has also come out as a vocal critic of the mounting legal battles against Trump, arguing the former president and “disfavored” Republicans have been targeted by legal and political systems.
  • Johnson serves on the House Judiciary’s Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government and has used discussion of President Biden and his family’s alleged foreign business dealings to call out the “bogus” charges against Trump, which include a case from the special counsel Jack Smith over Trump’s efforts to overturn the election.

Johnson voted against the recent bill to keep the government open

  • Johnson was among the 90 Republicans who voted in opposition of the CR, though it still passed in a largely bipartisan 335-91 vote.


Mike Johnson’s campaign contributions from company tied to Russia

The Louisiana Republican’s team previously said it returned all the money it received from a company predominantly owned by Russian nationals in 2018.

Per the above article: “Mike Johnson’s Campaign Contributions From Company Tied to Russia”

A group of Russian nationals were able to donate to newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson’s campaign in 2018 by funneling the money through a U.S. company. The Texas-based American Ethane company previously donated tens of thousands of dollars to the campaigns of Louisiana Republicans including Johnson, who was voted by the House to replace Rep. Kevin McCarthy as Speaker on Wednesday following three weeks of GOP chaos in the lower chamber.

One of the men behind the company, Nikolaev, an oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, was also found to have financially backed Maria Butina, a Russian citizen who lived in Washington D.C. Butina was sentenced to 18 months in prison in 2019 after admitting to acting as an unregistered foreign agent to infiltrate conservative political groups and influence foreign policy to Russia’s benefit before and after the 2016 election.

Johnson’s former campaign manager, Jason Hebert, previously told The Advocate that the campaign returned the money given to them by American Ethane in 2018 once it was “made aware of the situation.”

Sharing a subpoena issued as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation in 2018, Los Angeles-based attorney Ronald Lebow posted on X (formerly Twitter): “Besides being supportive of the attempted coup, Johnson received money from Russian Oligarchs and was known to Marina Butina, the Russian spy/go between funneling money from Putin to the NRA and Republicans like Johnson.”

It is against federal law for a campaign to knowingly accept donations from a foreign-owned corporation, a foreign national, or any company owned or controlled by foreign nationals.

A Federal Election Commission investigation ruled in 2022 that American Ethane made political campaign contributions using funds derived from loans from foreign entities ultimately owned by Russian nationals and that American Ethane had “zero domestic funds available” to make those contributions.

In a scathing letter, two FEC commissioners, Democrats Shana M. Broussard and Ellen L. Weintraub, condemned their Republican colleagues after the agency only fined American Ethane a $9,500 civil penalty for donating to GOP candidates in Louisiana in 2018 despite being almost entirely owned by Russian nationals”.

This is another example of how Russia and it’s murderous, terrorist dictator Putin supports Republicans, because their anti-democratic fascist policies aligns well with those of Russia.


Mike Johnson hates America, but he believes he can save it

“We’re living in a completely amoral society.”

Per the above article: “Mike Johnson, the new Republican speaker of the House, has a very dark view of America. He believes that the United States is “a completely amoral society” and that global “sinister” forces have a hold on some of its governmental policies.

Immediately after Johnson—a little known congressman from Louisiana whose most notable act to date has been leading the effort to block the certification of Joe Biden’s 2020 victory—was elevated by the House GOP to be speaker, people started digging into his background and discovered that he was a far-right Christian fundamentalist who seeks to ban all abortions, who has called for getting rid of no-fault divorce, who has decried same-sex marriage, and who has compared homosexuality to pedophilia. He is a culture war extremist.

He also seems to hate America—at least, modern-day America.

In a 2016 sermon he preached at the Christian Center of Shreveport—while he was running for Congress—Johnson summed up his take on the United States. Standing before an American flag and an Israeli flag, Johnson delivered a 90-minute-long presentation in which he traced all present ills to the countercultural upheaval of the 1960s and 1970s that undermined “the foundations of religion and morality.” He ticked off the culprits: no-fault divorce, the sexual revolution, radical feminism, and legalized abortion. “Collectively as Americans,” he declared, “we began to get together in growing number and thumb our noses at the Creator and say we don’t believe that anymore.” The nation, he bemoaned, chose a path of “moral relativism.” He pronounced a harsh verdict: “We’re living in a completely amoral society.

for Mike Johnson, the world is full of devilish and anti-Christian forces. On a podcast that featured him and Jordan Peterson, the Canadian conservative provocateur, the pair turned toward the topic of climate change. Johnson demeaned climate activists as irrational, and he contended that they “regarded the climate agenda as part of their religion.” He continued: “They’re not serving the people. They’re serving the planet…They have effectively replaced Father God with Mother Earth…They believe we owe fealty to Mother Earth. We are created by the Earth, they believe. So we must owe everything to the Earth itself.” He was saying climate advocates were anti-God.

Johnson took it further. Peterson, who depicted climate change as a hoax, suggested that there was “something more nefarious going on…even than we owe fealty to the planet. It’s something like we have to destroy capitalism at all cost.” Johnson agreed: “I think that’s right. They’re consistently irrational. At a local or regional level here in the US, for example, I think the religious zeal argument makes some sense. But I do think on the international level, the persons who are ultimately responsible for this, those who are pushing the agenda, the elites at the top of the food chain, so to speak, there is a more sinister agenda. Ultimately, you and I, I think, agree this is about government control. They will pursue that with religious fervor, of course, as well. And they seem to have gotten the entire civilized world bought in on this, at least the leaders of many of these nations bought in on this idea that we have to pursue this agenda at any cost.”

In his first speech after becoming speaker, Johnson proclaimed, “I believe that scripture, the Bible is very clear. That God is the one that raises up those in authority.” He must be interpreting his improbable rise to speakership as an act of God—and a step toward the “biblical” United States for which he has long yearned.

Johnson, whose public demeanor is gentle and polite, is propelled by a rather grim and Manichean attitude toward the world. The United States is a moral hellhole. Those who embrace a biblical perspective, like he and Kelly do, are a small and decreasing minority—backs against the wall—fighting for the light in a time of darkness. And “sinister” conspirators at the global level are plotting against them”.


What Mike Johnson has said about cutting social security

New House Speaker Mike Johnson now faces scrutiny over past claims that entitlements threaten U.S. government stability.

Per the above article: “Attention is being drawn to Representative Mike Johnson’s stance on America’s entitlement programs—Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

During his tenure as chair of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) from 2019 to 2021, Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana, vigorously championed budget resolutions proposing trillions in cuts to these programs.

According to Bobby Kogan, senior director of Federal Budget Policy at American Progress, the proposed cuts were staggering; roughly $2 trillion from Medicare, $3 trillion from Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act, and $750 billion from Social Security.

At an American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research event before he was elected speaker, Johnson did not mince his words, saying that entitlements like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security pose an “existential threat” to the American way of life and the “whole form of government.”

A reduction in entitlement programs could have profound implications for the American people. Millions rely on Social Security for retirement income, on Medicare for health coverage in their golden years, and on Medicaid for essential healthcare services, particularly for low-income and vulnerable populations”.


The Christian Nationalism of Speaker Mike Johnson

Newly elected Speaker Mike Johnson embraces a Christian Nationalist view of the U.S.

Per the above article: “In his first day as the new Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Mike Johnson (R-LA) wasted no time in using sweeping religious rhetoric to magnify this political moment. While addressing his colleagues he shared how, “I don’t believe there are any coincidences. I believe that scripture, the Bible, is very clear that God is the one that raises up those in authority, he raised up each of you, all of us. And I believe that God has ordained and allowed us to be brought here to this specific moment and time.”

While what Speaker Johnson believes God ordained him to do will become clear in the coming weeks and months, his prior work, words, and writing give several clues. Although he has never called himself a Christian Nationalist nor publicly embraced the term as other House Reps have done, each example points to the strong embrace of the ethos of Christian nationalism—a cultural framework that advocates for a particular expression of Christianity to be fused with American civic life, with the government vigorously promoting and preserving this version of Christianity as the principal and undisputed cultural framework.

Speaker Johnson has explicitly embraced the idea that the U.S. was founded upon particular Christian principles, in 2016 claiming, “You know, we don’t live in a democracy . . . It’s a constitutional republic. And the founders set that up because they followed the biblical admonition on what a civil society is supposed to look like.”

In the same interview, he reiterated his belief that the separation of church and state is not a constitutional principle. “Over the last 60 or 70 years our generation has been convinced that there is a separation of church and state . . . most people think that is part of the Constitution, but it’s not.” And in 2022, he stated “The founders wanted to protect the church from an encroaching state, not the other way around.” Johnson, and those he has famously represented, insist the United States is a nation with “Judeo-Christian roots” at which “secular forces are chipping away.”


MAGA Mike Johnson’s Extreme Record Uncovered

Practically nobody knew who Mike Johnson was yesterday morning, and everything we have learned since has proven that Johnson’s speakership cements the extreme MAGA takeover of the House Republican Conference.

MAGA Mike Johnson’s Extreme Record Uncovered

Per the above article: “Practically nobody knew who Mike Johnson was yesterday morning, and everything we have learned since has proven that Johnson’s speakership cements the extreme MAGA takeover of the House Republican Conference. Since getting the gavel, Johnson has received nothing but praise from Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans – who’ve dubbed him “MAGA Mike” – while facing new scrutiny for his role leading efforts to overturn the 2020 election, fighting for a national abortion ban, railing against equal rights for the LGBTQ community, and working to gut Social Security and Medicare.

Johnson is a staunch ally of Donald Trump who has received nothing but praise from the former president and his MAGA minions since becoming speaker. They’ve even nicknamed him “MAGA Mike.”


Matt Gaetz: “MAGA is ascendant, and if you don’t think that moving from Kevin McCarthy to MAGA Mike Johnson shows the ascendance of this movement, and where the power of the Republican Party truly lies, then you’re not paying attention.”

Trump: “We think Mike Johnson is going to do really well. He’s popular. He’s smart. He’s sharp. He’s going to do fantastic… I think he’s going to be a fantastic Speaker.”

CNN: “Why Trump is so happy about the new House speaker”

The Hill: “Johnson won the gavel with the full support of the Republican conference Tuesday, including lawmakers closely aligned with Trump.”

CNN: “But the record suggests [Johnson] is no less partisan, particularly on issues of importance to Trump, like the 2020 election and Republicans’ effort to impeach President Joe Biden.”

Johnson is refusing to answer questions about his role as a behind-the-scenes “architect” of Trump’s Big Lie — helping spread election conspiracy theories and leading the effort to overturn the 2020 election results.

Politico: “A relatively junior House Republican at the time, Johnson was nevertheless the leading voice in support of a fateful position: that the GOP should rally around Donald Trump and object to counting electoral votes submitted by at least a handful of states won by Joe Biden…

“A review of the chaotic weeks between Trump’s defeat at the polls on Nov. 3, 2020, and the Jan. 6 Capitol attack shows that Johnson led the way in shaping legal arguments that became gospel among GOP lawmakers who sought to derail Biden’s path to the White House — even after all but the most extreme options had elapsed. As Trump’s legal challenges faltered, Johnson consistently spread a singular message: It’s not over yet.”

Washington Post: “In the weeks after the 2020 election, an obscure Republican lawmaker from Louisiana led a congressional effort to overturn the presidential results in four battleground states that had helped secure Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump… Johnson played one of the most significant roles of any member of Congress in the effort to overturn the election.”

Johnson is an anti-abortion extremist who’s repeatedly supported and voted for a cruel national abortion ban.

New York Times: “In Congress, Mr. Johnson has voted for a national abortion ban and co-sponsored a 20-week abortion ban, earning him an A-plus rating from the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. After the Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade in June last year, he celebrated.”

Jezebel: “Shortly after Johnson’s confirmation, on Thursday New York Magazine’s Irin Carmon resurfaced an old interview between her and Johnson from 2015 when he served in Louisiana’s state House and was working to dismantle abortion access.

At the time, Carmon writes that Johnson, who expressed hope that Roe v. Wade would someday be overturned, railed against people supposedly ‘using abortion as birth control’ and appeared to blame school shootings on abortion: ‘When you break up the nuclear family, when you tell a generation of people that life has no value, no meaning, that it’s expendable, then you do wind up with school shooters.’”

During Johnson’s time as a chair and current member of the ultra-conservative Republican Study Committee, he’s supported slashing trillions from Social Security and Medicare.

Common Dreams: “The newly elected Republican speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives has previously proposed trillions of dollars in cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid and suggested that slashing the programs should be the top priority of Congress.

“During his tenure as chair of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) between 2019 and 2021, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) helped craft budget resolutions that called for roughly $2 trillion in Medicare cuts, $3 trillion in Medicaid and Affordable Care Act cuts, and $750 billion in Social Security Cuts, noted Bobby Kogan of the Center for American Progress.”

Semafor: “These days, the RSC is best known around Washington as a GOP policy shop responsible for crafting proposals to balance the federal budget, often through changes and cuts to Social Security and Medicare.”

Johnson has a long history of making hateful comments about the LGBTQ community – and has supported and introduced legislation that refuses to grant LGBTQ people the equal rights they deserve.

ABC News: “An ABC News examination of public records, news reports and documents shows the extent to which Johnson dedicated earlier phases of his career to limiting gay rights, including same-sex marriage and health care access, and through anti-gay activism on college campuses.

“In 2005, the Family Research Council, an influential right-wing lobbying group, honored Johnson for his work defending Louisiana’s constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.”

CNN: “Speaker of the House Mike Johnson has a history of harsh anti-gay language from his time as an attorney for a socially conservative legal group in the mid-2000s. In editorials that ran in his local Shreveport, Louisiana, paper, The Times, Johnson called homosexuality a ‘inherently unnatura’ and ‘dangerous lifestyle’ that would lead to legalized pedophilia and possibly even destroy ‘the entire democratic system.’

“And, in another editorial, he wrote, ‘Your race, creed, and sex are what you are, while homosexuality and cross-dressing are things you do,” he wrote. “This is a free country, but we don’t give special protections for every person’s bizarre choices.’

“Now, Johnson is the speaker of the House at a time when a majority of Americans are strongly supportive of gay rights.”

Insider: “Last October, Johnson led over two dozen of his colleagues in introducing the “Stop the Sexualization of Children Act of 2022.”

The bill is essentially the national version of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Law — dubbed “Don’t Say Gay” by critics.

That’s led the Human Rights Campaign to condemn the bill as the ‘latest cruel attempt to stigmatize and marginalize the community.’”


‘Go pick up a Bible’: Speaker Mike Johnson defends anti-LGBTQ+ views

Republican House speaker, who has advanced extreme views as attorney and legislator, says ‘I am a Bible-believing Christian’

Per the above article: Before entering Congress in 2016, he was an attorney for rightwing Christian groups and a state legislator. In both roles he advanced extreme views, particularly against abortion and LGBTQ+ rights.

Johnson’s work for the Alliance Defending Freedom has attracted widespread attention. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which monitors far-right activity, calls the ADF a hate group – a label it rejects.

Nonetheless, the SPLC says the ADF has “supported the recriminalisation of sexual acts between consenting LGBTQ+ adults in the US and criminalisation abroad; defended state-sanctioned sterilisation of trans people abroad; contended that LGBTQ+ people are more likely to engage in paedophilia; and claimed that a ‘homosexual agenda’ will destroy Christianity and society”.

Homosexual relationships are inherently unnatural,” Johnson wrote in 2004, “and, the studies clearly show, are ultimately harmful and costly for everyone.”

Johnson also called same-sex marriage, which would be made legal across the US in 2015, “the dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest republic”.

Johnson said authorities had “legitimate grounds to proscribe same-sex deviate intercourse”.

“In closing these bedroom doors,” he wrote, “they have opened a Pandora’s box.”

The above remark is most striking; “In closing these bedroom doors, they have opened a Pandora’s box.” This seems to indicate that Johnson literally wants to legislate what consenting adults can do in the privacy of their own bedroom.

Johnson may think he was made Speaker of the House by God to do what HE thinks God wants, and as Speaker, he’s going to change the world into what HE wants. But his delusions of grandeur will hit a brick wall because President Biden won’t sign any legislation which takes away people’s freedom into law. Any insane legislation Johnson & his MAGA House try’s to pass will prove they’re out-of-control lunatics to the American people and help ensure Republicans are voted out in 2024.




Republicans Advocating and Condoning VIOLENCE

Videos show how Republican “Conservatives” are Bullies who threaten, advocate, condone and engage in Violence as a means of getting what they want.




Republicans OK with Violence to Seize Power


How Members of the Republican Party have Normalized the use of Violent Rhetoric


Republican Trumpers send Death Threats to Judges after Colorado Ruling confirming that that Trump has been disqualified for ins an insurrection to overturn the 2020 election. Just another example of what scum of the earth these people are.


Colorado Supreme Court justices receive threats after Trump is removed from ballot for inciting violence and an insurrection, engaging in a coup to stay in power after he LOST the 2020 election.


Trump-inspired death threats are terrorizing election workers



Brutal attack on Paul Pelosi by Right Wing Lunatic Brainwashed with lies by Right Wing Media, Republicans, Trump and QAnon Conspiracy Nuts


Jesse talks about Tucker Carlson’s gross desperation and lies on Fox News. He is clumsily distancing himself from the very same rhetoric that has motivated an attack against Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul.


Trump & Republicans Laugh at 82 Year old Paul Pelosi being Attacked with a Hammer, proving what SCUM of the earth these people are


The above video shows registered Republican White Nationalists plowing his car into a crowd of people in Charlottesville VA killing 3, injuring 35


New Mexico GOP candidate arrested in plot to shoot Democratic officials

Police in New Mexico arrested a man who they say was the “mastermind” behind shootings targeting Democratic politicians’ homes. Officials said Solomon Pena, a Republican, was angry about losing a state lawmaker race in November and made baseless claims that it was rigged. He’s accused of conspiring with and paying four other men to carry out some of the shootings.


California store owner shot and killed over pride flag

A Lake Arrowhead, Calif. store owner and mother of nine was shot and killed over a pride flag displayed in her shop window. During a Monday, August 21 2023 news conference, officials revealed 27 yr/old suspect Travis Ikeguchi social media footprint was filled with fervent anti-LGBT material.


Republicans Threaten Violence in the Streets if Trump is Indicted for His Crimes


Congressman Matt Gaetz admitted that there could be “bloodshed” if Donald Trump is kept off the ballot in 2024. Gaetz suggested that MAGA followers could become violent if that happens, and whether he meant it this way or not, that is an admission that we are dealing with a group of violent and deranged individuals who don’t care about the rule of law in the United States.


Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee tried to scare the Right into believing that the country is under attack from Democrats, and he went as far as to say that it is Biden who is going after Trump, and if he’s successful, this could be the last election “decided by ballots…instead of bullets.” These kinds of violent threats of revolution are becoming far too common on the Right, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.


How Trump Has Incited Violence for Years


Trump’s Threat; “If you go after me, I’m coming after you!”



Trump threatening revenge with a extreme close-up photo of his face in black and white, and audio of him making a threat: “If you f— around with us, if you do something bad to us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before.


Trump posts disturbing baseball bat photo with Alvin Bragg, threatens ‘death and destruction’

Former President Donald Trump has sparked outrage by sharing images of him holding a baseball bat next Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s head.

March 24, 2023: Trump threatened “death and destruction” if he’s criminally charged in New York — writing the shocking social media warning after posting an image of himself holding a baseball bat next to Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s head. Trump shared the image of himself holding a baseball bat — with Bragg’s hands up — on his Truth Social platform Thursday as he devoted his day to attacking the prosecutor for pursuing a case over a “hush money” payout to porn star Stormy Daniels.

Trump PROVES he’s a LAWLESS THUG for making threats: “If you go after me, I’m coming after you!” & “If you f— around with us, we are going to do things to you that have never been done before & threatening “death and destruction” if he’s criminally charged for his crimes in New York.

This is how MOB BOSSES and CRIMINALS behave and is more PROOF that Trump IS the Most Lawless, Corrupt & Dangerous President in History


Trump Threatens NY DA Alvin Bragg in violation of NY state law

“Former President Donald Trump threatened New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg, as Bragg investigates and prepares to indict Trump for his earlier New York crimes. Specifically, Trump indicates there will be “death and destruction” if Bragg indicts hims. Then, Trump commits a second crime by posting a picture of himself, holding a baseball bat, mid-swing, next to a picture DA Bragg whose hand is upraised as if in a defensive posture.

This conduct by Trump violates New York penal law section 195.05, obstructing governmental administration in the second degree:
“a person is guilty of obstructing governmental administration in the second degree when that person intentionally . . . attempts to prevent a public servant from performing an official function, by means of intimidation or interference . . . ”


Trump advocating violence at his rallies & tweets demonizing opponents correlates to increased threats to members of congress




Trump mainstreams political violence with normalizing repetition


Watch video evidence of REPUBLICAN Trump promoting violence.


Video Showing Trump Likeness Attacking News Media


Another example of how “Conservative” Republicans LOVE Violence… Trump Attacks & Beats Up CNN in Wrestling Meme Tweet.


After learning that he lost the 2020 election, Trump refused to admit defeat and claimed without any proof that the election was stolen. 5 deaths were attributed to his inciting violence to overturn the 2020 election on January 6, 2021.


Capitol Police officer crushed in door by REPUBLICAN Trump Supporting MAGA TERRORISTS, brainwashed with lies that the 2020 Election was Rigged & Stolen.


Lawless Radical Right-Wing REPUBLICAN MAGA Trump supporters smash into another car during a crazed attack attempting to run Biden campaign bus off the road.


REPUBLICAN Domestic Terrorist Vandalized Democratic Party Offices in Texas With Anti-Election, Pro-Revolution Message


Pipe Bomber Targets People Trump Hates

CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin calls out President Donald Trump for using violent rhetoric in his criticism of CNN and political opponents.



According to news reports, the El Paso shooter drove more than 10 hours to a Walmart in El Paso reportedly intending to kill Latinx people and immigrants. Minutes before he shot dozens of people, a racist, xenophobic manifesto appeared on the 8chan online forum, warning readers of a “Hispanic invasion” of Texas.

Trump used the term “border invasion” at least 21 times in public speeches & remarks in an eight-month period, therefore he’s responsible for inciting & instigating the El Paso shooting.


Trump Supporter Curt James Brockway, Assaults 13 Year Old. Attorney claims assault was inspired by Trump

Per an article posted at

“Lance Jasper, Brockway’s attorney, said Brockway is influenced by the rhetoric of President Donald Trump. Referring to times the President has spoken out against athletes and others that kneel or protest during the National Anthem and when he suggested possible jail time or loss of citizenship for burning the American flag, Jasper said, “Curt takes that literally and views the President as the commander in chief and when he sees it happening, he feels he needs to do something about it.”


Trump Supporter Shoots at a Cutout of High School Student David Hogg and talks about Civil War


Republican Rep. Michael Grimm Threaten to Kill a Reporter

Video shows REPUBLICAN Rep. Michael Grimm threatening to kill a reporter saying – ‘I’ll throw you off this f**ing balcony”



A Republican Trump supporter asked, to applause from the crowd… “When do we get to use the guns? No, that’s not a joke. I mean, literally, where’s the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?”

Donald Trump and Republican leaders are responsible for inciting and instigating violence by LYING about the 2020 election.


The GOP has become the party of violence. Watch as REPUBLICAN politicians fail to denounce the violence their loyal followers have taken part in.


‘Blood On Its Hands’: Conservatives Violent Rhetoric

Alicia Menendez walks through the burst of violent threats and extremist rhetoric on the right, now laced with talk about guns and civil war. This kind of language is something national security officials have been warning could have consequences even prior to the January 6th insurrection.


Republican running ads with guns & depicting violence, prove they’re Radical Right Wing BULLIES


Video Proves REPUBLICAN Ted Cruz is a LIAR and shows REPUBLICANS Engaging in VIOLENCE

Video proves Ted Cruz to be a lying partisan hack claiming on Fox News, January 6 “Protestors” (Rioters) were peaceful while he calls Abortion Rights Protestors THUGS. Cruz accuses “Democrats & the Corporate Media” of slandering January 6 Rioters. Fox News is complicit in perpetuating Cruz’s lie by failing to state the facts about January 6 and push back. Video also shows Trump Supporting REPUBLICANS engaging in VIOLENCE at the Capital.


REPUBLICAN Ted Nugent Encourages Violence at Trump Rally

May 15, 2022 Ted Nugent called on supporters of Donald Trump to go “berserk on the skulls of Democrats” during a performance on the former president’s “American Freedom Tour” in Austin, Texas, on Saturday.

Nugent has been an outspoken supporter of Trump, regularly perpetuating false claims about the 2020 presidential election and spreading conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic. During his latest public appearance, he called upon the estimated 8,000 attendees to assault those he deems “enemies of America.”

“They didn’t sneak into the White House — they lied, they cheated, they scammed, and every day the Democrats violate their sacred oath to the Constitution. And if you can’t impress your friends on that, they shouldn’t be your friends,” he said to cheers from the crowd.

“So I love you people madly,” he continued, “but I’d love you more if you went forward and just went berserk on the skulls of the Democrats and the Marxists and the Communists.” [source:]


REPUBLICAN Bully Ted Nugent advocating Violence & Murder with statements like: “Shoot Liberals Like Rabid Coyotes”.


REPUBLICAN Senate candidate Jim Lamon’s runs ad showing him shooting Democrats… another example of how Republicans advocate and embrace violence.


GOP Rep. Shows Animated Video Killing AOC As Party Leaders Stay Silent

Arizona REPUBLICAN Paul Gosar tweeted out a photoshopped, animated video showing himself killing Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and attacking President Biden.


Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) reacts to threats against his family and says Fox News’s Tucker Carlson is to blame


Rep. Eric Swalwell claims Tucker Carlson has been causing Swalwell to get death threats from his INSANE, VIOLENT viewers. Person who made this call should be ARRESTED


REPUBLICAN Anti-Maskers Harass & Threaten People Advocating Masks In Schools


Radical Right-Winger making Threats of Violence over Masks


REPUBLICAN Anti-Maskers Harass & Threaten Parents At a Beverly Hills Elementary School


REPUBLICAN supporting TV Host Rick Wiles said Trump should Kill BLM Protestors


REPUBLICAN Marjorie Taylor Greene helped incite the violent insurrection at the capital which left 5 people dead.


REPUBLICAN Marjorie Taylor Greene Endorsed Killing Democrats


Description from YouTube; “Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (R-GA) past comments supporting the execution of prominent Democrats and others about the Parkland school shooting”.


Video shows REPUBLICAN Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Bullying Students for Wearing Masks


REPUBLICAN BULLY Marjorie Taylor Greene Harassed Parkland High School Student David Hogg


REPUBLICAN BULLY Marjorie Taylor Greene HARASSES Democrats minding their own business on Capitol steps


REPUBLICAN BULLY Marjorie Taylor Greene Harassed Cori Bush causing her to have to move her Office


REPUBLICAN BULLY Marjorie Taylor Greene harasses Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez




‘Trump Won’ and ‘Voter Fraud’ Claims Proven False

Judge says Trump knew voter fraud claims were false

A federal judge said former President Trump knew his voter fraud claims were bogus, but he made them anyway.


Fed Up Republican Congressman (Rep. Ken Buck) who’s not seeking Re-Election says Republican elected officials who say the 2020 election was stolen are Lying to America


Trump & Republican’s claims that the 2020 Election was ‘Rigged”, ‘Stolen’ and Trump ‘Won in a Landslide’ are LIES which have ALL been proven FALSE. Trump Attorneys Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro and Jenna Ellis Pleads GUILTY to attempting to overturn the 2020 election and making false statements.

We all ‘did it’: Third Trump lawyer confesses and flips on his RICO ‘lies’

Jenna Ellis is the third Trump lawyer to plead guilty and agree to testify against Donald Trump in the Georgia election interference case


Ex-Trump attorney says Trump was ‘not going to leave’ White House


Trump & his cronies are being held accountable for attempting to overturn the 2020 election



  • More people voted for Democrats than Republicans during the last 7 out of 8 elections as shown in the above graph. more details…
  • As of October 2022, 48 million registered voters identify themselves as Democrats. At 38.78%, Democrats represent the largest share of registered voters in the states and territories that allow voters to indicate partisan affiliation on their registration forms. details…
  • 36.4 million registered voters identified themselves as Republicans, representing 29.42% of registered voters in these areas.
  • A total of 35.3 million registered voters identified themselves as independents or unaffiliated with any political party. This amounted to 28.55% of registered voters in these areas.
    Approximately 4 million registered voters identified themselves as members of other political parties. This amounted to 3.25% of registered voters in these areas.
  • In the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden (D) received a combined 53.5% of the vote to Donald Trump’s (R) 44.7% across these states and territories. Both candidates received a larger percentage of votes than the percentage of their respective party’s registered voters.
  • Independent and minor-party voters made up 31.80% of all registered voters in these areas, while independent and minor-party presidential candidates received about 1.9% of the vote nationwide.

Independent Voters Political Leaning

Independent Voters Political Leaning is often are portrayed as political free agents with the potential to alleviate the nation’s rigid partisan divisions. Yet the reality is that most independents are not all that “independent” politically. And the small share of Americans who are truly independent – less than 10% of the public has no partisan leaning – stand out for their low level of interest in politics.

Among the public overall, 38% describe themselves as independents, while 31% are Democrats and 26% call themselves Republicans, according to Pew Research Center surveys conducted in 2018. These shares have changed only modestly in recent years, but the proportion of independents is higher than it was from 2000-2008, when no more than about a third of the public identified as independents. details…

CONCLUSION: The above data shows there are 11.6 million more registered Democrats than Republicans Nationwide. 31% of Independents vote Democrat and 26% vote Republican. The fact that there are so many more voters who are registered Democrat and more Independents vote for Democrats, makes claims that the “Election was stolen” to be insane and unreasonable.


If it weren’t for the electoral college which sometimes allows to Republicans to win due to how a small margin of people vote in Swing States, Republicans would never win another election. As shown above, more people voted for Democrats than Republicans during the last 7 out of 8 elections. That number increased in the 2020 election with Democrats receiving 8 million more votes than Republicans and is likely to further increase with more young voters, who votes for Democrats over Republicans.


Republicans passing laws attacking Freedom of Speech, Criminalizing Assembly & Protests, Laws Legalizing Running Over & Killing Protestors, Limiting what can be Discussed & Taught in Classrooms, Banning Books, Anti-Choice Legislation Against Women, Placing $10,000 Bounties on anyone who helps a Women get an Abortion, Voting to eliminate Affordable Healthcare over 70 times, Plans to cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid, Conspiracy Theories, Lying with impunity, Violent Rhetoric, Religious Fanaticism, Anti-LGBT laws, Praising murderous dictators such as Putin, Wanting to eliminate Democracy and make Trump a Dictator for life, Rigging Elections by Gerrymandering, Voter Obstruction, Voter Purges, Passing laws to Overturn Election Results, Decreasing Voting by Mail, Decreasing Drop Boxes, Decreasing the Days & Hours people can Vote, Making it Illegal to give Food or Water to people waiting in Long Lines they’re responsible for causing to make it difficult to Vote, etc are out of step with the values of the majority of Americans. Most Americans find this conduct outrageous and have vowed to never vote again for Republicans.



Trump attorney Sidney Powell states in this video that Trump was told by White House attorneys that he lost the 2020 election. Jenna Ellis states in the video that Trump said he would NOT leave office after learning he had lost the election.

ABC News has obtained videos of former Trump campaign lawyers Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell being questioned as part of the Georgia 2020 election subversion case. Both Ellis and Powell have pleaded guilty.


Hear Trump mention losing the 2020 election, then backtrack, in newly released audio

CNN’s Jim Acosta speaks with Ramin Setoodeh, co-editor-in-chief of Variety, about audio from one of his six interviews with former President Donald Trump for his book, “Apprentice in Wonderland” about Trump’s role on “The Apprentice.


Jenna Ellis plead guilty in Georgia election interference case


Sidney Powell Pleads GUILTY Attempting to OVERTURN 2020 ELECTION

October 19, 2023 – “Powell pleaded guilty to six misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit election interference in Fulton County Georgia Superior Court as part of a deal reached with prosecutors.

Powell agreed to serve six years of probation and pay a $6,000 fine and $2,700 in restitution to the state of Georgia. She also agreed to submit an apology letter to the citizens of Georgia and to testify at related court proceedings.

Powell was one of 19 defendants named in District Attorney Fani Willis’ indictment, which also charged former President Donald Trump.

Powell, who acted as one of Trump’s lawyers after his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden, was charged with racketeering, conspiracy to commit election fraud, conspiracy to commit computer theft, trespassing and invasion of privacy, and conspiracy to defraud the state.

Powell was among the Trump allies who had pushed conspiracy theories about voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election. At a White House meeting in December 2020, Trump discussed the idea of naming Powell as a special counsel to investigate voter fraud”. [source:]


October 20, 2023 – Kenneth Chesebro, a former lawyer for Donald Trump’s campaign, pleaded guilty Friday to illegally conspiring to overturn Trump’s 2020 election loss in Georgia, striking a deal in which he will avoid jail time and agreed to provide evidence that could implicate other defendants, including Trump himself.
Sign up for Fact Checker, our weekly review of what’s true, false or in-between in politics.

Chesebro was the second former Trump lawyer to accept a plea deal in the sprawling conspiracy case in as many days. The guilty plea came in just hours after jury selection began, ahead of an expected trial next month.

Chesebro pleaded guilty to a single felony count of conspiracy to file false documents and accepted a sentence of three to five years of probation, a $1,000 fine, $5,000 in restitution to the state of Georgia, an apology letter, 100 hours of community service and a promise to testify truthfully against any other co-defendants in the case, should they go to trial.


Big Lie bombshell: Man Trump hired to prove election fraud says he debunked it to Trump and Meadows

Trump hired a man to prove his election fraud claims. Now that man says he debunked those election fraud conspiracies to both Donald Trump and Mark Meadows as the Trump campaign conducted its 2020 campaign, after finding no evidence. That man, Ken Block, author of the upcoming book, “Disproven: My Unbiased Search for Voter Fraud for the Trump Campaign, the Data That Shows Why He Lost, and How We Can Improve Our Elections,”


Data Expert Hired by Trump to find Voter Fraud Found NONE

Author and founder of Simpatico Software Systems, Ken Block discusses his new book ‘Disproven: My Unbiased Search for Voter Fraud for the Trump Campaign, the Data that Shows Why He Lost.


Newly revealed recordings from 2020 show attorney briefed Trump on fake electors

CNN has obtained a recording describing a 2020 Oval Office photo-op where then-President Trump was briefed on fake electors and January 6


We ‘did it’: Trump Rattled over RICO and prison as two lawyers confess and flip

Two Trump lawyers plead guilty in the Georgia election interference case and agreed to testify against him.





Former President Donald Trump (R) was indicted in four separate criminal cases after leaving office in January 2021: Indictment in New York on charges of falsifying business records, indictment in U.S. District Court on charges related to the handling of Classified Documents and U.S. District court on charges related to interference in the certification of the 2020 presidential election. [source:,_2023]
• March 2023, former President Donald Trump (R) was indicted in New York on 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.
• June 2023, Trump was indicted on 37 federal criminal charges related to his handling of classified government documents. The prosecution added three additional criminal charges to the case the following month
• August 2023, Trump was indicted on four federal criminal charges related to interference in the certification of the 2020 presidential election.
• August 2023, Trump was indicted in Georgia on 13 criminal counts related to interference in the 2020 election in Georgia.





Rudy Giuliani concedes he made false statements about 2020 election workers – Jul 26, 2023


Giuliani is ordered to pay $148 million to Georgia election workers he defamed

The former mayor of New York helped Donald Trump try to overturn his 2020 election loss, and in the process spread lies about election workers in battleground states.

Giuliani ordered to immediately pay $146 million to Georgia election workers he defamed

Per the above article: “Former Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani has been ordered to pay a staggering $148 million to two former Georgia election workers he spread lies about following the 2020 election.

The decision on Friday comes at the end of a week-long federal civil trial in Washington, D.C., where an eight-person jury heard from the workers — Wandrea “Shaye” Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman — about how 2020 election conspiracies spread by Giuliani and former President Donald Trump turned their lives upside down. “I was afraid for my life,” Moss said during her testimony on Tuesday. “I literally felt that someone would attempt to hang me and there was nothing anyone could do about it.”

Jurors heard numerous violent and racist voicemails the women received, after Giuliani used his massive platform as a campaign attorney for Trump to spread lies about their actions as election workers in Georgia.

In the time after voting ended in 2020, Giuliani shared video from an absentee ballot counting facility in Fulton County, which he falsely claimed showed the two women cheating and scanning ballots multiple times to benefit Joe Biden.

A hand-count audit in Georgia found votes to have been tallied correctly in the 2020 election, and a years-long investigation by the Georgia secretary of state’s office found the accusations against Moss and Freeman to be “false and unsubstantiated. There was no evidence that suggested they did anything wrong, except show up for work and work hard,” testified Frank Braun, who oversaw the investigation for the secretary of state’s office”.


Book Publisher Sues Trump Chief-of-Staff Mark Meadows for Millions Alleging his Book is Full of Election Fraud Lies




Memo Shows Trump Campaign Knew Lawyers’ Voting Machine Claims Were Baseless

Republican strategist Michael Steel, former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman, former Congresswoman Donna Edwards, and AP White House reporter Jonathan Lemire on new reporting in the New York Times that court filings show the Trump campaign knowingly let election lies spread.


Trump Knew He Lost the Election But Lied To the Mob Anyway

Trump knew he’d lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden but encouraged thousands to mob the Capitol anyway. Trump lied. People died.


Explosive findings showing that top Fox News hosts did not believe the 2020 election was stolen.


The most prominent stars and highest-ranking executives at Fox News privately ridiculed claims of election fraud in the 2020 election, despite the right-wing channel allowing lies about the presidential contest to be promoted on its air, damning messages contained in a court filing revealed.


Fox News Exposed for Peddling Trump’s Big Lie


Text messages between FOX hosts show they knew Trump’s voter fraud claims were lies but continued to peddled those same lies on TV


Ex-Communications Director Admits Trump LIED about the 2020 Election

On Jan. 8, 2021 former White House Communications Director Alyssa Farah stated in the above video that Trump lied to the American people about the 2020 presidential election results.


2020 Stolen Election Claims Debunked

New documents show Trump campaign knew stolen election claims were false


Top GOP attorney: Trump campaign did not produce any credible claims of fraud

Jun 13, 2022 Top Republican election attorney Benjamin Ginsberg testifies in the January 6 Special Committee hearing, discussing the credibility of the Trump campaign’s election fraud claims.


Former President Trump’s 2020 campaign paid an outside research firm to find & prove voter fraud. After finding no proof, results were kept secret (according to new Washington Post reporting)


Trump Makes Baseless Voter Fraud Claims After Barr Says No Evidence


Trump’s Team Keeps Claiming Voter Fraud Despite No Evidence

Trump and his allies continue to insist widespread voter fraud happened in the 2020 election, a new investigation by The New York Times found no evidence of voter fraud in any of the 50 states.





Trump’s pattern of claiming fraud when he loses

A year after the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump continues to spread false claims that the election was stolen. CNN’s John Avlon lays out a reality check on how Trump used the same script before losing to Biden


In the above video, Ted Cruz calls Trump a “Pathological Liar who doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies” and claims Trump “is a narcissist at a level this country’s never seen”. Dr. John Gartner states; “If we could construct a psychiatric Frankenstein monster, we could not create a leader more dangerously mentally ill than Donald Trump. He is a paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality and lashes out impulsively at his imagined enemies“.



Everything Trump Loses Is ‘Rigged’

From the Mueller probe to mail-in voting, here are all the things Trump says are ‘rigged.’


The truth behind Trump’s false claims of election fraud

CNN’s Pamela Brown debunks former President Donald Trump’s false claims of mass election fraud in the 2020 presidential election.


Senate Report Details Trump’s Attempts To Overturn Election


New details emerge about Trump’s efforts to overturn election

The Senate Judiciary Committee released a sweeping report detailing how President Donald Trump tried to overturn the 2020 presidential election.


Trump’s unsubstantiated claim that mail-in ballots will lead to voter fraud is more proof of how delusional and unfit Trump is to be President.


There is no evidence to back up Trump’s blanket claim that “mailed ballots are corrupt.” Voting experts say the president is exaggerating when he says mail ballots are “fraudulent in many cases.” While the instances of voter fraud via mail-in or absentee ballots are more common than in-person voting fraud, the number of known cases is relatively rare.

Trump also falsely claimed that California reached a settlement with Judicial Watch in which the state “agree[d] that a million people should not have voted.” California and Los Angeles County agreed to remove inactive voters from their voter rolls per federal law. But there’s no evidence any of them voted, fraudulently or otherwise.

And as he has in the past, Trump claimed there’s “a lot of fraudulent voting going on in this country.” Experts say voter fraud is rare.


The real reason Donald Trump hates mail-in ballots

Trump is continuously attacking — saying it will lead to a fraudulent and rigged election. Chris Cillizza explains why the widespread election fraud Trump claims will happen is, well, unlikely.


Trump Pushes Voter Fraud Claim Without Evidence

States say that of the 136 million voters in the last election, fewer than a dozen people are alleged to have voted twice.


Trump Plan Is To Attack Legitimacy Of Voting System While Also Undermining It

“This is what their strategy is,” says Chris Hayes of Trump’s reelection plan, “They attack the legitimacy of our voting system while simultaneously working to undermine it.” Aired on 8/3/2020.


CNN’s Brianna Keilar calls out and exposes Trump’s ridiculous “Rigged Election” and “Voter Fraud” LIES

Out of the 50+ bogus lawsuits filed by Trump and his attorneys, no CREDIBLE voter fraud was found which could have changed the outcome of the election. This was also verified by Attorney General William Barr, who was a Trump loyalist.


Trump’s Attorney General called Trump’s election claims ‘all bullshit!’


Former Attorney General on Trump’s false election claims: “There was nothing there”


U.S. cyber agency Chris Krebs explains why the 2020 election was “most secure in American History”. Trump was so outraged by Krebs statements that he retaliated by having him fired.


After being sued by Dominion Voting Systems for slander, Right-wing Trump supporting lawyer Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani stated in sworn depositions that they had no proof to back up their voter fraud claims. Sidney Powell claimed in a court filing that ‘Reasonable people’ wouldn’t believe her 2020 election fraud claims.


Sidney Powell admits her voter fraud claims were not credible


Federal Judge Excoriates Nine (9) of Trump Lawyers for False Claims about the 2020 Election, Refers Them For Disbarment – Aug 26, 2021


Fox News host Sean Hannity admitted under oath that he never believed Trump was cheated of victory in the 2020 presidential election.


Case Dismissed by a Georgia Judge who found no Fraud – Oct 14, 2021

A Georgia judge rejected a bid by Trump supporters to perform another election “audit” circus and the ensuing press release umbrage and political threats that have come to be expected from a triggered Trump.


Republican-led investigation of 2020 election in Michigan debunks claims of fraud

A months-long Republican-led probe of the 2020 presidential election in Michigan determined there was no evidence of widespread fraud, and suggests that people who made such claims should be considered for investigation. Craig Mauger, state government and politics reporter for The Detroit News, joins CBSN’s “Red & Blue” anchor Elaine Quijano with the findings and the reaction from former President Trump.


Republicans Debunk MI Voter Fraud Claims

Rachel Maddow shares details of a report from the Republican-led Michigan State Senate Oversight Committee that thoroughly debunks all of the election fraud fantasies promoted by Donald Trump and his supporters, and reports on an effort by those same Republicans to nevertheless restrict voting rights in Michigan because of concerns about the very things the report debunks.


Georgia election official Gabriel Sterling debunks Trump’s “Voter Fraud” & “Rigged Election” claims, point by point


GOP State Senator Searched For Election Fraud In 2020 And Found None

In a new piece for The Atlantic, reporter Tim Alberta talks with Republican Michigan State Sen. Ed McBroom, who for eight months searched for election fraud and found none. Alberta joins Morning Joe to discuss.


Fox News host rips Trump for being a sore loser: “He can’t wrap his brain around the fact that he lost”

Fox News host Eric Shawn on Sunday debunked election disinformation that President Donald Trump shared on the same network only hours earlier.


Shepard Smith fact checks President Donald Trump’s remarks


Trump is following in Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels footsteps by telling the BIG LIE that he won the 2020 election.




Renowned Psychologist : Like Hitler, Trump suffers from Sadism, Malignant Narcissism & Paranoia

Renowned Psychologist Dr. John Gartner, who specializes in borderline personality disorder, biopolar disorder, and depression stated; Trump has the most dangerous form of mental illness that you can find in a leader… Malignant Narcissism.

Gartner stated that Malignant narcissism is a combination of 4 traits, which includes narcissism, paranoia, antisocial personality disorder (the psychology of a criminal and someone who routinely lies) and sadism.

The sadist aspects of Trump’s apparent mental illness, according is Gartner, means that “he is driven and gets intense pleasure from harming, humiliating, and degrading other people.”

“He has actually gotten intense pleasure from [other people’s] pain. He is reveling in the chaos and the destruction he is causing,” Gartner explained. “The more he feels threatened by the Mueller investigation, the more he needs to experience the exaltation of feeling drunk with power, through his ability to harm and humiliate and degrade other people.”

While Gartner stopped short of saying that Trump is the next incarnation of Hitler, he did emphasize the importance of looking back at history as a means to try and prevent the catastrophes of the past from happening yet again.

In speaking of Trump, Gartner did not imply that Trump would follow in the path of Hitler, but he did underscore his belief that “these are the kind of people who really can commit genocide,” when comparing the two men.

“I’m not saying he’s Hitler. I’m saying he has the same psychology. He’s of the same type, cut from the same cloth…. He is someone, who if given the chance, would enact that same kind of destructive agenda.”

Gartner accentuated his observations that Trump is demonizing immigrants similarly to how Hitler


Numerous mental health professionals claim Trump is a Malignant Narcissist. Dr. Lance Dodes stated; “If we could construct a psychiatric Frankenstein monster, we could not create a leader more dangerously mentally ill than Donald Trump. He is a paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality and lashes out impulsively at his imagined enemies’.


Psychiatrist Warns That Trump Has Become More ‘Psychotic’ As Trials Get Closer

Per the article referenced in the above video at;

Donald Trump has repeatedly shown that he is a lawless person — but his malign influence extends far beyond himself.

We are a society more divided than united. Many of us are anti-intellectual and don’t want to think. That makes such people attracted to strongmen and bullies like Trump. Trump has made his followers reject the truth for alternate facts – and that makes most of us insecure and uncertain about what to believe.

Trump’s “dangerous charisma” attracts already corrupt and ethically compromised people into his orbit. He also exerts a malignant perfidious influence over people who are vulnerable to such energy and temptations, but for whatever reason have not yet fully surrendered to them. This is a defining feature of dangerous leaders.

Dr. Frank continues to warn about Trump’s extremely dangerous mind and overall pattern of behavior and why as seen with the second E. Jean Carroll court case for defamation, and escalating threats of violence and retribution against his “enemies”, that the corrupt ex-president will not be stopped by “the walls closing in.” Instead, Dr. Frank predicts that Trump is a malignant narcissist who will go down in a blaze of glory before he ever surrenders or is otherwise made to yield in his assaults on society, human decency, and the rule of law.

From the time Trump was five years old, he hated rules and couldn’t control himself. If Trump didn’t like something, he would convert feelings into immediate action. He threw rocks at a toddler who lived next door when he was five. He punched out his second-grade teacher because he got mad at him. As a father, Trump knocked out his son, Don Jr., when he was in high school because he wasn’t dressed appropriately. Trump has always been like this. As people age, they generally do not change; they instead become more of their true selves. His capacity for self-restraint is becoming a thinner veneer over fundamental destructiveness. He is increasingly no longer able to fake it. This is why Trump is in court acting out, mumbling, being angry and disruptive.

In my opinion, Donald Trump is a “segmental thinker”. He lives in the moment and is attracted by a shiny object and forgets everything else.

The main thing that I am worried about is the complacency of the public and specifically the country’s leaders and law enforcement and other people in positions of authority and power who are still letting Trump run wild. Trump is extremely dangerous. Trump does not believe in laws and rules. He wants to be a lawless dictator. This is why I continue to share my conclusion, based on the evidence, that Donald Trump appears to be psychotic. He is a person who is detached from reality. Even with the trials and other pressures, Trump is not capable of breaking down, of being cowed and/or broken. If anything, Trump will go down in flames if he goes down at all. Trump is an extreme narcissist who will destroy anyone who has ever done anything to hurt him, to oppose him, or defy him.


Trump is so LAWLESS and CORRUPT that he tried to pressure the Department of Justice to declare the 2020 election was corrupted so he could stay in office AGAINST the will of the people.


Trump is so LAWLESS and CORRUPT that he pressured Georgia’s Republican secretary of state to “find more votes” to shift the count in his favor.


Another Republican Telling The Truth Becomes The Target Of Trump

The Atlantic’s Tim Alberta discusses his profile of Michigan State Senator Ed McBroom who debunked claims of voter fraud in his state, and how that has drawn the ire of the former president.


This video shows how Trump has managed to evade consequences for his disgusting and despicable conduct his entire life.


53% of Republicans believe Trump won and the 2020 Election was Rigged / Stolen