Trump Threatens To JAIL Election Officials & Opponents

Per the above article: “Trump pledges to jail opponents, Baselessly suggests election will be stolen from him”

“Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump threatened to jail people “involved in unscrupulous behavior” related to voting in the 2024 election, suggesting without evidence that the election could be stolen from him — and prompting widespread condemnation from election officials who said such rhetoric could provoke violence”. WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again,” Trump wrote on Saturday on his Truth Social platform”.


Donald Trump threatens to imprison Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and others. Experts are worried

Donald Trump is threatening to prosecute and imprison his political enemies. Experts on democracy and the rule of law told USA TODAY the risk is real.

Per the above USA Today article – “Donald Trump threatens to imprison Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and others… Richard Painter, who was a White House ethics lawyer for President George W. Bush, likened the comments to a vision of President Vladimir Putin’s Russia, where Putin’s political opponents end up behind bars on charges such as “extremism” or “treason” after criticizing his regime.

“It’s extremely dangerous for democracy, this idea that the winner just puts the loser in prison, prosecutes the loser,” Painter told USA TODAY.

Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt told USA TODAY in an email that Trump “believes anyone who breaks the law should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, including criminals who engage in election fraud.”

“Without free and fair elections, you can’t have a country. Ask Venezuela,” Leavitt said.

The former president has previously suggested prosecuting his rivals would be legitimate revenge for his own legal troubles, which include one criminal conviction in New York state court and three other criminal cases. Painter said that argument ignores some stark differences between Trump’s own situation and what he is threatening to do.

“Joe Biden never campaigned on a promise to put Donald Trump in prison,” Painter said. “When Donald Trump engaged in the conduct he did, an independent prosecutor was appointed,” he added, referring to special counsel Jack Smith, who has significant independence from Justice Department leadership and secured grand jury indictments in the two federal cases Trump faces, one alleging Trump unlawfully attempted to subvert the 2020 election and the other alleging he mishandled classified documents”.


Trump Threatens To JAIL election officials & opponents if he wins reelection as well as Trump’s delayed sentencing in his New York “hush money” case


The Trump Threat


‘Old-fashioned voter intimidation’: Trump threatens to jail opponents

The former president threatened to prosecute lawyers, donors and election officials for ‘unscrupulous behavior’ as he sows doubt in the integrity of the 2024 election.


“Trump Pledges to Jail” Election Opponents, Fabricates “The Big Lie”

As The Washington Post reported, “Trump pledges to jail opponents, baselessly suggests election will be stolen from him.”

In advance of the upcoming election, Donald Trump is again telling the big lie about voter fraud and stolen elections and is again inspiring people to anger and priming the pump for violence.

Trump has a demonstrated track record for inspiring and inciting violence using his transparent election lies. Yet the institutions of government seem disinclined to do anything about it, notwithstanding the fact that Trump is intent on replicating the circumstances that produced the violence of January 6, 2021.


‘Dictator’ Trump Condemned After Threatening To Jail Opponents

“An extreme and unhinged Donald Trump is further ratcheting up his dangerous threats of revenge and retribution,” the Harris campaign said.