Trump & Republicans are the ENEMY of Democracy

Trump & Republicans are the ENEMY of Democracy, the Rule of Law, Women’s Rights, the Truth and Freedom.  They LIE, attempted to STEAL the 2020 election, have taken away women’s rights, Trump is violating laws with impunity while Republicans allow him to get away with it and are destroying Democracy & Freedom in the United States.

Note: Anyone who wants to make an issue of my calling Trump & Republicans are the Enemy of Democracy, lets not forget how Trump called Democrats as the “Enemy from within” & “Radical left lunatics” when fact show Trump & Republicans ARE the Enemy of Democracy, the REAL ‘Radical Lunatics’ and Control Freaks… passing for passing RADICAL “War On Women” Anti-Choice Laws which Bans Abortions after 6 weeks with NO EXCEPTION for Rape or Incest, forcing 10 year old girls to carry and give birth to a RAPIST CHILD and allows Anti-Abortion Vigilantes to become Nazi Gestapo Secret Police Bounty Hunters who can sue anyone who assists a women seeking an abortion in Texas for $10,000.


Republicans are Rigging Elections by Gerrymandering, Decreasing the number of Days and Hours people can Vote, Purging Minorities off Voters Rolls, Decreasing Drop-boxes, Decreasing Voting Machines in Urban areas, Limiting Polling locations / hours, Making it harder to Vote by Mail, Making it a Crime to give Food or Water to people having the wait in long lines they’re responsible for causing to discourage people from voting, Passing laws to overturn election results they don’t like, voting to cut Healthcare, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Republicans ran up the debt with “Tax Breaks for the Rich” while refusing to make the rich pay their fair share, attempted to steal the 2020 election while LYING & FALSELY claiming “Trump Won” while accusing Democrats of stealing the election with no proof, MASS SHOOTINGS of Children in Schools where Military Grade Assault Weapons were used such as AR-15’s because they REFUSE to pass legislation which would make such weapons illegal.

RIDICULOUS Culture War & CRT nonsense, laws dictating what can be discussed in classrooms with huge fines of $10,000 against teachers for violations, their war on LGB & Transgenders, punishing Disney for exercising their freedom of speech, passing laws which Criminalize Assembly & Protests, Laws Legalizing Running over & Killing Protestors, Passing Anti-Choice Legislation Against Women, Turning the U.S. into a Gestapo Secret Police State by Placing $10,000 Bounties on anyone who helps a Women get an Abortion, Conspiracy Theories, LIES and refusing to eliminate the Electoral College which made two (2) unpopular & unqualified Republicans Presidents, who the majority didn’t vote for.

Republicans are now full-bore Anti-Democratic Fascist, Authoritarians dedicated to seizing power by any means necessary



Trump & Republican’s Multi-step plan to overturn the 2020 election EXPOSED



Trump & Republicans lied about the 2020 election, claiming he “Won in a landslide” and the election was “Rigged” and “Stolen” with no proof. Trump REFUSED to admit defeat and used legal tactics to challenge the election results in swing states and when those challenges didn’t work he resorted to inciting his deluded & brainwashed followers to engage in a violent COUP to overturn our government to make himself an UN-elected dictator to stay in power against the will of the people.

This violent coup was the final act committed by the most Lawless and Corrupt administration in American History.






Donald Trump and 18 others were indicted on allegations that they schemed to illegally overturn the 2020 presidential election. In this video, we’re explaining Trump’s charges




Trump Attorneys Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro and Jenna Ellis Pleads GUILTY to attempting to overturn the 2020 election and making false statements


100+ Republican Representatives voted to Overturn the 2020 Election Results and subvert the Will of the People, proving themselves to be LAWLESS, Partisan, Anti-Democratic and Unfit to hold Public Office.


18 Republican Attorney Generals and 126 Republican House members signed onto a baseless, ANTI-Democratic lawsuit to overturn the 2020 election in the Supreme Court and over-ride the will of the American people.


147 Republicans Voted Against Democracy


147 Republicans violated their Oath of Office and proved to be lawless traitors by voting to overturn the 2020 election results in 6 states.


Lawrence O’Donnell says just hours after the Capitol was attacked on Wednesday, 147 Republican members of Congress continued to attack the Constitution. By objecting to the legitimate results of the presidential election, he says those members of Congress violated their oath to defend the Constitution with “true faith and allegiance.

We are only one election away from losing what little Democracy we have left unless Republicans are VOTED OUT.


The Republican MAGA mandate has been about democracy denying, undermining our elections and institutions, sowing division and chaos.


GOP Party of the Insane



Republicans know the only way they can win, is if you lose.


Republicans have declared WAR on the Truth and Democracy


Washington State GOP wants to Eliminate Democracy


Republican commentators and politicians at 2024 CPAC conference admitting they want a dictatorship and want to end Democracy


Why Republicans Don’t Want A Democracy


Only One Political Party Is Fighting To Defend American Democracy


Trump believes he has Presidential Immunity which gives him a right to do anything he wants and not be held accountable


Right Wingers around the world are systematically destroying Democracy, implementing One Party Rule with rigged elections, take-over of the News Media, Judiciary and take-over of Education, similar to what Viktor Orban has done in Hungary.


Video shows how Right-wingers turned Hungary into a anti-democratic fascist one-party-rule dictatorship. Trump & Republicans have followed the same playbook so it could happen here unless they are STOPPED.


How To Dismantle A Democracy

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has become a favorite among Trump-loving ethno-nationalists. Yale’s Jason Stanley and authoritarian expert Ruth Ben-Ghiat break down why Orbán — and the fascination with Orbán — is so dangerous.


Kurt Bardella who used to be a Republican and media consultant for Right Wing Breitbart News is now sounding the alarm about Republican extremism stating; “Democracy is dying at the hands of the GOP”.


Republicans Not Willing To Risk 2024 Outcome With A Fair Election

Reporting by Barton Gellman in The Atlantic lays out the ways in which Donald Trump and his supporters have infiltrated the election apparatus in the United States to ensure a Trump victory, and primed Trump’s base for violence to take victory by force.


Republicans Plans to Overturn Future Elections

Jesse talks about a new special report from Reuters which lays out the several candidates who are running for state Secretary of State positions in swing states all over the country in an effort to more easily overturn election results that don’t go their way.


Republican Candidates in Swing States Committed to Control and Overthrow Next Election


Republicans Push To Give Trump Allies Power Over Elections

More than a dozen Republican state legislatures have passed new restrictive voting laws that would give allies of former President Donald Trump more power over election results.


Republicans Organizing To Disrupt Elections With Poll Watchers, Poll Workers

Jocelyn Benson, Michigan secretary of state, talks about how election officials are maintaining election transparency and ensuring elections are properly staffed, while guarding against nefarious actors like those reportedly being recruited by Republicans to disrupt the integrity of elections in Democratic voting districts.


Republicans Must Lie to Survive: They have No Other Choice

Per the above article; “The GOP exists to serve the interests of the wealthy and big business that comprise the richest 1%. No party, however, can ever win an election with only 1% of the vote. So to win elections, the GOP must necessarily reach beyond its own wealthy core and attempt to convince a large segment of working people in the 99% to vote for Republicans.

Normally, a political party wins elections by offering policies that benefit the voters. These policies attract the voters who then cast their votes for the political party.

But for the Republican Party, this is not an option. A candidate could not possibly campaign on the policies favored by the 1%. Just imagine the stump speech. “Vote for me and I will slash your health care! In fact, I’ll do even better — I’ll fight like mad to completely eliminate your health care!”

“Vote for me and I will get rid of your pensions! This would save corporations a bundle and boost profits to the shareholders! Screw the workers!”

“Vote for me and I promise to ship your jobs overseas under globalization! The exact same labor can be hired in Asia for only pennies! Hurray!”

The Republican Party is left with only one option. It cannot possibly be honest about its true intentions and actual policies. The working class would never vote for them. Instead, the only option is to lie”. 



Ex-Bush Speechwriter: A ‘Loyal’ Republican Is Now Either A Sucker Or A Liar

Michael Gerson also named the group of Republicans who have “the most to atone for.”

Former Bush Speechwriter Says Loyal Republicans Are Either “Liars Or Suckers”

Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush, said in order for someone to call themselves a “loyal Republican” they would either have to be a liar or a sucker… because it takes both Liars and Suckers to keep the Republican Party alive today.


The above video shows false statements by Trump debunked by Politifact such as: “There is no evidence Joe Biden won”… “In 2020, the ballots that were counted were fake ballots”… “Eighty-two percent of the country understands that the 2020 election was rigged” , “The Harris-Biden Administration fraudulently manipulated Job Statistics”… “Kamala Harris wants to forcibly compel doctors and nurses to give chemical castration drugs to young children”… “Democrats used COVID to cheat in the 2020 election”. Hundreds more at Trump / False.

Trump falsely accused Ted Cruz of “stealing” the 2016 Iowa Republican Primary and Ted Cruz’s father being involved in JFK’s assassination. In response, Ted Cruz calls Trump a “Pathological Liar who doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies” and claims Trump “is a narcissist at a level this country’s never seen”.

Dr. John Gartner states; “If we could construct a psychiatric Frankenstein monster, we could not create a leader more dangerously mentally ill than Donald Trump. He is a paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality and lashes out impulsively at his imagined enemies“.


Republican Candidates such as George Santos, Hershel Walker and J.R. Majewski all got caught Lying to get elected


Republican Appointed Right Wing Judges / Justices Lied Under Oath


Republicans lied about crime, inflation and taxes to get elected in the 2022 midterms, falsely blaming Democrats & President Biden.


These 6 Republican Representatives attended a key meeting to plan to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Then, they begged for pardons.




The Crazy Ones


The Rules of the Demagogue


Republicans are Anti-Democratic Fascists who want to seize power by any means necessary and DESTROY Democracy in the United States


Wisconsin GOP gubernatorial nominee Tim Michels saying he’d ensure “Republicans will never lose another election in Wisconsin after I’m elected governor” PROVE Republicans are Anti-Democratic Fascist who are determined to SEIZE and maintain POWER by any means necessary.


The New McCarthyism


Republicans Exposed as Traitors


Reagan knew evil when he saw it and stood against it. Today’s Republicans…not so much.


Republicans have proposed and passed legislation to disregard the will of the people and overturn election results they don’t like. Election officials like Rusty Bowers, who upheld his oath of office after the 2020 election, have been removed from office at an alarming rate.


GOP Has Become A ‘Cult Of Personality’

RNC calling Jan. 6 “legitimate political discourse” arguing that the GOP is “sanctioning fascistic violence.”


The GOP’s Turn To Extremism Began Long Before Trump

It’s easy to think of Trump as the reason for his party’s embrace of extremism. But as Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank points out in his new book, that pivot toward extremism is decades in the making.



Former Republican David Jolly unleashes on the ‘rotten to the core’ politicians of the GOP

These are, in today’s Republican party, spineless politicians rotten to the core without virtue, without any level of human integrity, devoid of self respect, self reflection…Without courage and without the moral compass to recognize their own malevolence.’

“There is no greater example of selling your soul to a charlatan than what Republicans are doing right now in the House and the Senate,” he added. “And their legacies are on the line just as much as Donald Trump’s.”

Jolly was a lifelong Republican until he jumped ship in 2018. Before then, he served in Congress from 2014 to 2017 following the death of his boss. He ran for Senate in 2016 but dropped out when Marco Rubio opted to seek a second term.  (Source:


Evan McMullin: The Republican Party Is ‘Rotten To The Core’

Evan McMullin, Executive Director of Stand Up Republic, and more than 120 former Republican officials have discussed forming an Anti-Trump third party. He tells Lawrence O’Donnell that the Republican response to the events of January 6 was the impetus for that meeting. Aired on 02/12/2021.


Today’s Republicans have no principles or policies. The more insane & disruptive GOP politicians behave, the more they are liked & supported by GOP voters.


The GOP has been encouraging ‘loony’ views for years



Texas’s Outrageous Taliban Sharia Anti-Women’s Rights Laws forces a women to carry and give birth to a rapist’s child. If you support and vote for Republicans, you are enabling and supporting OPPRESSION.


GOP REPUBLICAN Arizona Supreme Court Enforces TOTAL Ban on Abortion


Arizona State Senator Eva Burch Rips Republicans draconian Abortion Ban in a passionate speech


‘We’re Under A Five Alarm Fire,’ Political Strategist Says Of New Anti-Abortion Laws

The conservative Supreme Court justices have made it clear that not only would they refuse to block extremist anti-abortion laws like the Texas bounty law, but that they are also on track to fulfilling one of the Christian right’s most durable goals. Namely, gutting or just going all-in and overturning Roe v. Wade.


Republican Passed an Anti-Choice Law Against Women’s Rights, Turning the U.S. into a Gestapo Secret Police State by Placing $10,000 Bounties on anyone who helps a Women get an Abortion.


New Texas Abortion Law ‘Turns Every Anti-Abortion Zealot Into A Bounty Hunter’

Rachel Maddow explains the bizarre rules of the new Texas anti-abortion law that, with the blessing of the Supreme Court, will become the new template for Republican legislatures to effectively ban abortion in the United States by delegating vigilantes to hunt down women to target with lawsuits.

OPINION: The standard for filing a lawsuit is to have “standing” and be able to prove personal damages or injuries. A stranger or someone who cannot prove personal damages as a result of a woman getting an abortion does not have legal standing, so the law is unconstitutional and unenforceable. This is the argument which should have been made instead of the “Roe V. Wade” precedent.


Why Most Republicans Won’t Defend The Texas Abortion Ban

Chris Hayes breaks down why most Republicans are not out there celebrating and defending the Texas abortion ban—even the ones in Texas.


Republicans Assault on Women


Woman charged with murder in Texas after causing a ‘self-induced abortion’

Officials in Starr County, Texas, say 26-year-old Lizelle Herrera is facing a murder charge after authorities said she caused “the death of an individual by self-induced abortion”.

Reproductive rights advocates are voicing their outrage after a woman in Texas was arrested and charged with murder for what law enforcement called “the death of an individual by self-induced abortion.”

“Herrera was arrested and served with an indictment on the charge of Murder after Herrera did then and there intentionally and knowingly cause the death of an individual by self-induced abortion,” sheriff’s Maj. Carlos Delgado said in a statement to the Associated Press.

Rockie Gonzalez, founder of Frontera Fund, the nonprofit abortion access fund that organized the protest, called the arrest “inhumane,” adding in a Saturday statement that “criminalizing pregnant people’s choices or pregnancy outcomes, which the state of Texas has done, takes away people’s autonomy over their own bodies, and leaves them with no safe options when they choose not to become a parent.”


Chris Hayes On Why Texas Abortion Law Design Is Particularly Egregious


Republicans passing War on Women Anti-Choice Laws