Trump & J.D. Vance Attacks Against Tim Waltz Condemned
Ex-Minnesota Governor / Navy Seal Jesse Ventura calls JD Vance’s criticism of Walz’s military record ‘despicable’
“I think it’s shameful that a veteran would attack another veteran. Governor Walt served honorably for 24 years in the National Guard. After 20 years, you are eligible to retire at any time you deem necessary. They talk about him missing his deployment. Well, maybe Mr. Vance should ask the real question. What is the National Guard doing deploying to a foreign country in a foreign war? Well, let’s go into history and figure out how that happened. That happened because George W. Bush and Dick Cheney went into the Iraq War based on lies, no weapons of mass destruction, no ties to al-Qaeda, nothing with 9-11, and they ran out of bodies. They needed more bodies. They couldn’t implement a draft. That would be political suicide. So what George Bush did was sign an executive order sending the National Guard into foreign deployment.
The National Guard is not for foreign deployment. Their name says what they do. They guard our nation from within. So this hogwash about Governor Walt’s missing a deployment, not only that, he’s 24 years, he’s an E9. I deployed twice. We never even had an E9 with us when we deployed. E9s are not going to walk the point. They’re not going to be involved in any combat whatsoever. They’re figureheads being the most senior enlisted within their company, and that’s what it’s all about. So I think that Vance is doing a disservice to himself and a disservice to the United States Marine Corps. I know a lot of great Marines, and Marines show respect, and Vance is not showing respect. Who does he have respect for?
Donald Trump, the biggest draft dodger from the Vietnam War, the rich white boy who bought his way out of it. I come from South Minneapolis. My friends and I didn’t get out of it. We either got drafted or we enlisted. I know six or seven or eight of my friends. Donald Trump was your typical rich white boy who didn’t have to serve in Vietnam because he could buy his way out of it. And that’s who Vance is standing with, this guy who leads from the rear. Then why do you think, given all that you’ve described from the politics, the history, and of course, the person who’s on the top of the ticket, who has been criticized for the bone spurs reason for not going to serve.
So why do you think this is the line of attack to choose politically? Obviously, it would offend and alienate voters on one level and also people who have served the armed forces on the other. I don’t know. You’d have to ask Mr. Vance that. I don’t understand his motive whatsoever, how he could turn against a fellow veteran. You know, there’s kind of an unwritten rule amongst us veterans. You don’t criticize another veteran. As a frog man in the United States Navy, my job was to ensure the Marines could get to shore to do their job. We went in ahead of them. We went in before them to ensure the Marines could land. And his point of being a Marine like he is and then criticizing the governor after 24 years of service, it’s despicable on his behalf for doing that. And I hope all veterans feel like I do about it. You don’t criticize another veteran and how they served.”
Stolen Valor
Fact check blows up lies in Team Trump’s new smear campaign against Tim Walz
Trump, J.D. Vance and Right-Wing media attacks against Tim Walz military service and deployment of the National Guard during George Floyd protests in Minnesota debunked
Ali Velshi fact checks the Trump campaign’s new smears against Gov. Tim Walz’s military service and deployment of the National Guard during George Floyd protests in Minnesota and finds Trump is lying.
J.D. Vance and Right-Wing Republican lies about Tim Walz’s military service debunked
Right Wing media outlets like FOX slandering, smearing and defaming Tim Waltz to score cheap political points while saying nothing about how Trump Dodged the Draft 5 times using ‘bone spurs’ as an excuse not to serve in the military is despicable.
Guy Who ‘Swift Boated’ John Kerry Is Back At It, This Time To Help Service-Dodging Trump
Chris LaCivita is reprising his 2004 attacks, this time against Dem VP nominee Tim Walz and for the benefit of Trump, who famously avoided serving in Vietnam.
Chris LaCivita is reprising his 2004 attacks, this time against Dem VP nominee Tim Walz and for the benefit of Trump, who famously avoided serving in Vietnam.
Per the above article: “Chris LaCivita is reprising his 2004 attacks, this time against Dem VP nominee Tim Walz and for the benefit of Trump, who famously avoided serving in Vietnam.
Trump’s campaign, run by LaCivita, and its allies are accusing Walz of abandoning his Guard unit just as it was about to be deployed to Iraq and for falsely suggesting in his earlier congressional campaigns that he had seen combat in a previous overseas posting.
“He’s going to be a household name,” LaCivita boasted in a social media post. “Like turpentine when we get done with him.”
LaCivita, 58, did not respond to HuffPost queries about why, given the wounds he received and blood he personally shed on behalf of the United States during the first Gulf War, he had chosen to work for a man who has for decades mocked military service.
In a recent interview with The Atlantic, LaCivita indicated that morals did not enter into his calculations when deciding whom to work for. “I never put myself in a position of judging somebody,” he said.
“People hire me to beat Democrats. That’s what I do. That’s what Chris LaCivita does. He beats Democrats, period.”
Trump avoided getting sent to Vietnam in the 1960s by claiming he had bone spurs in his feet — even though he remained active in sports ― and finding a doctor who was a friend and tenant of his wealthy and influential father to write a note for him. Years later, he compared his own fears of contracting sexually transmitted diseases through his many encounters with women in that time period with the risks faced by U.S. troops in the jungles of Indochina”.
MSNBC Chris Hayes discusses Chris LaCivita of Smearing John Kerry with false “Swift Boat” accusations to sink his 2004 Presidential bid
Republicans must lie to survive: They have no other choice
From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump, the path to Republican political success is rooted in profound deception
Republicans Must Lie to Survive: They have No Other Choice
Per the above article; “The GOP exists to serve the interests of the wealthy and big business that comprise the richest 1%. No party, however, can ever win an election with only 1% of the vote. So to win elections, the GOP must necessarily reach beyond its own wealthy core and attempt to convince a large segment of working people in the 99% to vote for Republicans.
Normally, a political party wins elections by offering policies that benefit the voters. These policies attract the voters who then cast their votes for the political party.
But for the Republican Party, this is not an option. A candidate could not possibly campaign on the policies favored by the 1%. Just imagine the stump speech. “Vote for me and I will slash your health care! In fact, I’ll do even better — I’ll fight like mad to completely eliminate your health care!”
“Vote for me and I will get rid of your pensions! This would save corporations a bundle and boost profits to the shareholders! Screw the workers!”
“Vote for me and I promise to ship your jobs overseas under globalization! The exact same labor can be hired in Asia for only pennies! Hurray!”
The Republican Party is left with only one option. It cannot possibly be honest about its true intentions and actual policies. The working class would never vote for them. Instead, the only option is to lie”.
The reason Republicans can get away with lying more than Democrats is because Republican constituents have been conditioned to not trust the “Liberal Media”. So they are more likely to not question the lies from Republican politicians.
According to PolitiFact, Republicans Lie Three Times More Often Than Democrats.
The study found Republicans to be less trustworthy than Democrats, based on the number of false claims made during President Obama‘s second term.
The study, by Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA) at George Mason University, took into account 100 PolitiFact-checked statements made by Democrats (46 claims) and Republicans (54 claims) in the first four months of Obama’s second term.
“PolitiFact rated 32% of Republican claims as “false” or “pants on fire,” compared to 11% of Democratic claims – a 3 to 1 margin. Conversely, Politifact rated 22% of Democratic claims as “entirely true” compared to 11% of Republican claims – a 2 to 1 margin”.
“A majority of Democratic statements (54%) were rated as mostly or entirely true, compared to only 18% of Republican statements. Conversely, a majority of Republican statements (52%) were rated as mostly or entirely false, compared to only 24% of Democratic statements”.
CMPA President Dr. Robert Lichter stated: “While Republicans see a credibility gap in the Obama administration, PolitiFact rates Republicans as the less credible party.”
The reason Republicans can get away with lying more than Democrats is because Republican constituents has been conditioned to not trust the “Liberal Media”. So they are more likely to not question lies from Republican politicians.
When the news media calls out Republicans lies, average Joe Republican voters feels the “Liberal Media” is picking on the person who’s lying and lets the lies slide.
Analysis: Telling lies has become the norm for today’s Republicans | CNN Politics
To assume lies would sink House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is to misunderstand the nature of today’s Republican Party: They actually demonstrate his credentials to lead it.
Per the above article: “To assume lies would sink House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is to misunderstand the nature of today’s Republican Party: They actually demonstrate his credentials to lead it.
For a minority party joining blue-collar voters driven by cultural resentment with affluent donors fixed on the bottom line, gaining and wielding power requires dissembling beyond the conventional equivocation that politicians in all parties have always used to amass popular support.
One of the GOP’s most successful political consultants of recent decades issued that judgment in a confessional 2020 memoir. Stuart Stevens titled his book: “It Was All a Lie.”
A Public Religion Research Institute poll earlier this year showed about one-fourth of Republicans are drawn to the bizarre fantasies of QAnon, a movement that contends Satan-worshipping pedophiles control the government and the media.
With the 2020 big lie, Republicans use false claims of fraud to pretend Trump didn’t lose at all. In fact, House Republicans have made telling the truth about the election a disqualification. They fired Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming as conference chair and ostracized Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, the two Republican members participating in a House committee investigation of January 6.”
Ex-Bush Speechwriter: A ‘Loyal’ Republican Is Now Either A Sucker Or A Liar
Michael Gerson also named the group of Republicans who have “the most to atone for.”
Former Bush Speechwriter Says Loyal Republicans Are Either “Liars Or Suckers”
Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for George W. Bush, said in order for someone to call themselves a “loyal Republican” they would either have to be a liar or a sucker… because it takes both Liars and Suckers to keep the Republican Party alive today.
The above video shows false statements debunked by Politifact such as Trump falsely accuses Ted Cruz of “stealing” the 2016 Iowa Republican Primary and accusing Ted Cruz’s father of being involved in JFK’s assassination. In response, Ted Cruz calls Trump a “Pathological Liar who doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies” and claims Trump “is a narcissist at a level this country’s never seen”.
Dr. John Gartner states; “If we could construct a psychiatric Frankenstein monster, we could not create a leader more dangerously mentally ill than Donald Trump. He is a paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality and lashes out impulsively at his imagined enemies“
The REPUBLICAN party has NOTHING to offer except LIES, Divisive Social Issues, taking away Women’s Rights, Cutting / Eliminating Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Attacking / Demonizing LGBT’s, giving Tax Breaks to the RICH, Rigging Elections by Gerrymandering, Voter Obstruction and other anti-democratic tactics to prevent people from voting who aren’t likely to vote for them.