Tag: Trump and Republicans plan to Steal 2024 Election

Republicans May Refuse to Certify 2024 Election

MAGA Republicans have plotted to refuse to certify results of the 2024 election, months before the election unless their candidate wins.

Republican refusal to certify local election results seen as dress rehearsal for 2024 chaos

Republicans are following Donald Trump in rejecting democracy by refusing to certify local election results in Georgia and causing chaos with some towns insisting on hand-counting ballots without understanding the disadvantages of doing so.


Frightening truth about Trump’s lack of concern about votes

Instances in which Donald Trump not only assures his supporters that if he is elected they won’t have to vote in the future, but also that even for this 2024 election he does not need votes. Maddow posits that the reason Trump doesn’t care about votes is that he intends to win by manipulating the administration of the voting tabulation.


Pro-Trump administrators are already in place to subvert the 2024 election

Marc Elias, founder of Democracy Docket, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Donald Trump supporters are implementing a strategy of embedding themselves in the administrative side of the election so they can subvert the certification of the election if the outcome is not in Trump’s favor.



Impact of election deniers in swing states seen in CBS News investigation

A CBS News investigation found there are nearly 80 officials working in election oversight positions across seven swing states who either don’t believe the 2020 election results, refuse to certify the election, have publicly supported the actions taken on January 6 or have pushed election conspiracies.


More Republicans Refuse To Vow To Accept Election Results

New York Times senior writer David Leonhardt and former Senator Claire McCaskill discuss the growing trend among candidates in the Republican Party to not commit to accepting election results and the threat that poses to democracy.


Pro-Trump election officials poised to PREVENT 2024 certification

Brian interviews Justin Glawe about his viral Rolling Stone piece exposing how Trump-supporting election officials are poised to prevent certification of the November election.


Pro-Democracy Attorney Marc Elias discusses election officials who refuse to certify the election based on bogus fraud claims.


Trump’s Plot to Steal 2024 Election


REPUBLICAN Rep. Stefanik suggests she may not certify 2024 election results


Republicans to reject election results after saying voters should decide elections


Republican Candidates in Swing States Committed to Control and Overthrow Next Election


Republicans Not Willing To Risk 2024 Outcome With A Fair Election

Rachel Maddow shares passages from new reporting by Barton Gellman in The Atlantic in which he lays out the ways in which Donald Trump and his supporters have infiltrated the election apparatus in the United States to ensure a Trump victory, and primed Trump’s base for violence to take victory by force.

The Fight To Certify Elections Has Already Begun

From Marc | With fewer than 100 days until the election, Republicans are building an election subversion war machine.