Republicans War on Voting

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Republicans have declared War on Voting, using Voter Obstruction tactics, Voter Purges, making it illegal to give water to people waiting in long lines, decreasing Drop Boxes, decreasing the days and hours people can vote and more.


RNC unveils ‘radical’ plan to upend voting in America

The RNC’s Lara Trump unveiled a new plan that would radically reshape voting in The United States. It includes pushing for stricter voter ID laws and ending early voting and mail in voting.


Historian Carol Anderson traces the evolution of voter suppression tactics, from poll taxes and literacy tests instituted after the passage of the 15th Amendment to the rise of strict voter ID laws and poll closures after the election of America’s first Black president. Anderson argues voter suppression is rooted in white supremacy and White rage.


The GOP knows it can’t win without passing laws to make Voting more difficult.


GOP states turning Trump’s Big Lie into legislation

CNN’s Brianna Keilar discusses how many Republicans are trying to change voting laws after losing the House, Senate and presidency in 2020.


Republicans Attempting To Make Voting More Difficult With 165 Restriction

From voter ID laws to limiting mail-in ballots, Republican lawmakers in 33 states are considering 165 different laws that would make it harder to vote.


Senator Angus King, who is a registered Independent and caucuses with the Democrats, Makes the Case for Voting Rights Legislation. Unfortunately this was blocked by two (2) right-wing leaning Democrats; Joe Manchin (West Virginia) and Kyrsten Sinema (Arizona) who are both leaving the Senate at the end of their terms in 2024.



The Party Of Voter Suppression

The Republican effort to make it harder to vote continues unabated, with hundreds of thousands purged from voter rolls in two key states. Aired on 12/17/19.


Republican Judge Orders 234,000 Voters Kicked Off Wisconsin Voting Rolls


Wisconsin Republicans Force Vote During Pandemic


‘They saw an opportunity to suppress the vote:’ Lt. Gov. on Wisconsin GOP forcing voters to polls amid pandemic

Mandela Barnes, the Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin, on the state holding an election amid a global pandemic: “We got to this point because of a long trend of voter suppression that’s been going on across the state and across the country.”


Rigged: The Voter Suppression Playbook, a new film from American Issues Initiative, reveals for the first time and in frightening detail the dark, partisan genius behind the decades-long strategy to disenfranchise nonwhite voters.


Suppressed 2021: The War On Democracy • Voter Suppression Documentary

We are witnessing the biggest attack on voting rights since Jim Crow. Hundreds of voter suppression bills have been introduced in 43 states. These bills include measures to end voting by mail, enact racist voter-ID laws, cut early voting hours, and eliminate automatic voter registration.


Election deniers train GOP poll workers to be ‘undercover spies

A CNN exclusive report examines how some GOP leaders in Wayne County, Michigan, could be interfering in the election process.


Republican Robocalls Try to Stop Minorities From Voting in Detroit, MI


Aug 25, 2021 UPDATE: FCC Brings The Hammer Down on Trump-Supporting Activists Over Racist Robocalls

Description from YouTube: “Two Trump-supporting conservative activists, Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman were charged with targeting tens of thousands of Black voters with robocalls meant to discourage them from voting by mail, and who were also flagged to the FCC, which responded with a recommendation of a fine of over five million dollars”.

This another example of how LAWLESS & RUTHLESS Republicans are. In this case, they got caught and will have to face the consequences for their actions.


Voter Intimidation Billboards

Voter Intimidation Billboards like the ones above appeared in during the 2012 election in Cleveland, Columbus and Milwaukee. They popped up just as early voting began in Ohio. Civil rights groups charged these intimidating billboards were meant to frighten lawful and confused voters away from the polls.

Reports of similar scare tactics, such as robo-calls and threatening flyers, designed to deter voters in black and Latino neighborhoods recur each election year as polls begin to open. As Brentin Mock has reported for Colorlines, early voting has been a crucial part of increasing black turnout and tea party groups in states like Ohio and Florida have worked to limit it, under the guise of combating voter fraud.


Anonymous Funder Pulls ‘Voter Fraud’ Billboards Rather Than Reveal Itself – Colorlines

After widespread outrage, Clear Channel finally invoked its policy against anonymous political ads.

Civil rights groups charged these intimidating billboards were meant to frighten lawful and confused voters away from the polls. Color of Change launched a petition demanding Clear Channel remove the ads, as the company has done previously with campaigns it deemed too controversial.

According to Reuters, Clear Channel belatedly invoked its policy against anonymous political advertising. When offered the choice between identifying itself and removing the ads, the “private family foundation” behind them chose to take them down, Clear Channel said.


Ohio voter fraud billboards to come down, sponsor stays unnamed

More than 140 billboards in Ohio and Wisconsin warning of the criminal consequences of voter fraud will be taken down starting on Monday after the sponsor chose to remove them rather than reveal its identity, the billboard owner said.

Funder Of Billboards Exposed

The anonymous funder of more than 140 threatening billboards in black and Latino neighborhoods across Ohio and Wisconsin has chosen to take down the ads rather than identify itself, according to Reuters. The billboards played on the myth of “voter fraud,” invoking law and order images like a judge’s gavel over the words “Voter Fraud Is a Felony!” and listing jail time as punishment.

Revealed: Joint Investigation by One Wisconsin Now & theGrio Uncovers Anonymous Funder of Voter Suppression Billboards

Milwaukee’s Einhorn Family Foundation, Recipient of Bradley Foundation Money, Confirmed As ‘Private Family Foundation’ Behind Billboards Madison — A joint investigation by theGrio news service and One Wisconsin Now has uncovered that Milwaukee’s Einhorn Family Foundation is the “private family foundation” that anonymously funded voter suppression billboards in Wisconsin in September 2010 and again this year.

According to this article, Private Family Foundation is responsible for these billboards;


Republican Senator from Mississippi, Cindy Hyde-Smith caught on video saying “it’s a great idea’ to make it harder for liberal folks to vote”.


Republican Caught On Tape Explaining How She’ll Redistrict Black Democratic Colleague Out Of Office

Unable to win elections fair-and-square, Republicans have increasingly relied on “redistricting” areas that they would have no chance of winning into more favorable seats. And while the practice should be considered an affront to the very idea of an open democracy, it has apparently become so commonplace for lawmakers that one was just caught on tape explaining how she planned to use the technique to defeat her African-American Democratic colleague.

Rep. Janet Adkins was at a private gathering during a meeting of the Republican Party of Florida. Rather than focus on things like plugging the numerous holes in the Republican sinking ship, Adkins was hatching a plan to steal the election instead. According to tapes secretly recorded and leaked to POLITICO, Adkins wanted to kick long-time liberal congresswoman Corrine Brown out of office by carefully redrawing her district to include as many prisons as possible. Prisoners, you may recall, cannot vote. But first, she made everyone swear that there were no reporters in the room that would rat on her.

More proof Republicans engage in and condones Voter Obstruction.

How can anyone vote for and support a Political party which engages in such hateful, anti-democracy activities.

ABC News’ Devin Dwyer reports on the unprecedented wave of state election laws aimed at restricting voting rights after many states loosened restrictions in 2020 amid the pandemic.


National Security Officials Pen Open Letter On Voting Rights


Leaked Video: Right-Wing Group Brags About Drafting GOP Anti-Voter Bills


Fox News Host Calls Out Texas Governor’s Racist Voter Suppression Bill

Fox News host Chris Wallace finally said what no one else on his network have ever had the courage to say, and he asked Texas Governor Greg Abbott point blank if the point of his voting bills was to suppress people of color. The governor clumsily danced around the issue, but the facts pointed out by Wallace are clear: Texas has absolutely no reason to try to scale back availability of voting resources unless the overall intent is to suppress the vote.


GOP Says The Quiet Part Out Loud: “I only care about winning’


GOP Is Actively Working to Restrict Voting in Key States

Republicans are using false claims of voter fraud as fuel to limit voting. In Georgia, Republicans are trying to end Souls to the Polls and make it illegal to hand out water and food to voters in line.


Ali Velshi reports on a variety of measures state-level Republicans are promoting to make voting more difficult, absent any governing ideas to earn more votes and win elections honorably. Aired on 02/27/2021.


Civil Rights Group Sues To Block New Iowa Voting Restrictions

The League of United Latin American Citizens in Iowa sued the state’s leadership Tuesday over a restrictive voting law passed the day before, the first in a wave of legal clashes expected to take place as Republican-led state legislatures ready an onslaught of voting bills that critics say will result in widespread voter suppression. Iowa’s law is part of a broader wave of GOP-backed voting legislation that aims to curb access to the ballot box.


Long voting lines in the US is one of the many ways Republicans make it harder to vote


CNN’s Don Lemon discusses the new voting law in Georgia that restricts ballot access and gives state officials more power over local elections.


Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock talks with Rachel Maddow about the new Georgia voting law and the broader fight to secure voting rights and democracy itself as Republicans across the United States use every means at their disposal to preserve their power. Aired on 03/27/2021.


GOP Repeats Voter Suppression History

“They are digging in the archives for methods of voter suppression and targeted attacks on enfranchisement of Black and brown folks—while also attacking the teaching of the history that would illuminate to people why that effort is so dangerous,” says Chris Hayes.


Texas Republican Governor Decreases Drop Boxes

An abrupt order by Republican Texas governor Greg Abbott to reduce the number of ballot drop boxes to one per county causes outrage.


Voters sue Texas governor over ballot drop box limit

Voters are suing Texas Governor Greg Abbott after he restricted voting drop boxes in the state to one per county.


Texas GOP Unveils Over Two Dozen Bills Targeting Early Voting Laws


Senator Joe Manchin Aiding in the Destruction of Democracy





Texas governor limits election drop boxes to one per county in sprawling state | CNN Politics

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a proclamation Thursday limiting the amount of drop-off locations for mail-in ballots to one site per county.

Per the above article; The move significantly affects the Democratic stronghold of Harris County, which is the state’s largest county by population — one of the most populous in the country — and covers a massive area. It must now reduce its 12 drop-off locations down to one starting on Friday, according to Elizabeth Lewis, spokeswoman for the Harris County Clerk’s Office. Travis County, which includes the reliably Democratic city of Austin, must limit its four drop-off locations to one.

Other large counties — like Tarrant, Dallas and El Paso County — only had one drop-off location already in place.

Judge Lina Hidalgo, the top elected official in Harris County, told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “PrimeTime” Thursday evening, “There is no reason for this decision to limit us to one drop-off location other than voter suppression.”

Calling the drop-off sites “secure” and “safe,” Hidalgo urged Texas residents to consider, “If these leaders truly are doing right by you, why are they so afraid of you voting?”

“I’m reminding our residents here in Harris County, our citizens, that we are not to be intimidated. That this is a time to participate, and, yes, it’s going to be harder and, yes, they’re trying to confuse and they’re trying to suppress the vote, but for that very reason, we need to show everyone who’s watching that we’re going to participate because it’s about democracy.”

The state’s Democratic party chair, Gilberto Hinojosa, labeled the step a “blatant voter suppression tactic” in a press release.

“The governor is making it harder for people to vote in the middle of a global pandemic that has claimed the lives of over 16,000 Texans,” the group said in a statement. “It is a shameful, blatant act of voter suppression that will disproportionately impact the large number of Black and Latinx voters in Texas’ biggest counties.”




Trump Pushes Voter Fraud Claim Without Evidence


Trump continues to add false and exaggerated statements to his already lengthy list of bogus voter fraud claims.

There is no evidence to back up Trump’s blanket claim that “mailed ballots are corrupt.” Voting experts say the president is exaggerating when he says mail ballots are “fraudulent in many cases.” While the instances of voter fraud via mail-in or absentee ballots are more common than in-person voting fraud, the number of known cases is relatively rare.

Trump also falsely claimed that California reached a settlement with Judicial Watch in which the state “agree[d] that a million people should not have voted.” California and Los Angeles County agreed to remove inactive voters from their voter rolls per federal law. But there’s no evidence any of them voted, fraudulently or otherwise.

And as he has in the past, Trump claimed there’s “a lot of fraudulent voting going on in this country.” Experts say voter fraud is rare.

Trump’s latest round of voter fraud claims came as Wisconsin struggled with an election at a time when residents were wary of going to polls during the coronavirus pandemic.

Some Wisconsin Democrats, including Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, urged to hold the election by mail and suspend in-person voting. Democratic Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers tried to move the state’s April 7, but after a Republican challenge, the state Supreme Court ruled the governor’s decision was unconstitutional and the election went off as scheduled on April 7 with long lines and fewer polling places.


The real reason Donald Trump hates mail-in ballots

Trump is continuously attacking — saying it will lead to a fraudulent and rigged election. Chris Cillizza explains why the widespread election fraud Trump claims will happen is, well, unlikely.



Lawmakers shrug off need for Voting Rights Act

A year after the Supreme Court effectively gutted the Voting Rights Act, and charged Congress with fixing it, lawmakers from the Republican party are questioning whether the law is needed.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell proved how much he hates our Democratic process, and his Democratic colleagues, in a speech on the Senate floor this week when he accused Democrats of a “political power grab” by trying to make election day a national holiday. Nothing scares Republicans more than the thought of people actually being allowed to vote.



“In those few cases where voter fraud actually occurs – it tends to be Republicans committing it. Meet John Enright, Republican candidate for supervisor in Pinal County, Arizona. Enright just dropped out of the race after accusations surfaced that his companion – whom he lived with until her death in 2007 – has been voting from the grave for five years since her death. Enright claims he’s dropping out of the race for other reasons – and denies any role in illegally voting on behalf of his former companion. Seems fishy, though. And then there’s Ann Coulter – one of the most shrill, hateful Conservative voices on television. As reported by the BradBlog – in both 2002 and 2004 – Coulter illegally cast absentee ballots in Connecticut – despite her ACTUALLY being a resident of – and living in – New York. That’s voter fraud.

Just like it was voter fraud when former Republican Presidential candidate Jon Huntsman voted in 2010 – claiming his Governor’s mansion in Utah as his official address – even though he no longer was Governor – and no longer lived in the mansion. Just like it was voter fraud when Indiana’s Republican Secretary of State – Charlie White – the top election official in the state – was found guilty of several felony charges like lying on voter registration forms, voting in the wrong precincts, and submitting false ballots”.


Five Republicans Kicked Off Michigan Ballot For Election Fraud

Five Republican gubernatorial candidates in Michigan – including the two frontrunners – have been kicked off the ballot for using fraudulent names on their petitions to be on the ballot in the first place. One Republican already voluntarily dropped out after being implicated in the scandal, which means that the majority of the candidates in the race likely committed election fraud.


Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa


3 Residents of Trump-Loving Florida Retirement Community Arrested for Voting Twice

Three members of The Villages, two of which are registered Republicans (according to a Rolling Stone report), were nabbed for allegedly casting two ballots during the 2020 election.


Another Trump Supporter Has Been Arrested For Voter Fraud


Trump Supporter Gets Busted For Voter Fraud, Then Charged With Murder


Man Who Pushed ‘Dead Voter’ Fraud Claims Turned Out To Be Fraudster Himself


Election fraud scandal brings new election in North Carolina


Republican’s Election Rigging and Fraud In North Carolina


PA Republican reveals there was fraud in state’s election … by GOP

GOP Pennsylvania state Representative Seth Grove said that the state did see small-scale election fraud in the 2020 election, but that it was done by Republicans. CNN’s John Berman speaks to Philadelphia’s election commissioner Al Schmidt about Rep. Grove’s comments.