Republicans War On The Poor and Working Families

Robert Reich connects the dots to expose Republicans War on the Poor and Working Families including their opposition to minimum wage, unemployment insurance, food stamps and more.


Republicans are constantly demonizing the poor by claiming their lazy and don’t work. Millions of people who are poor work full time in low paying jobs, such as those in the food service industry at places like McDonalds, Taco Bell, etc. Just because these jobs are low paying doesn’t mean they are not important. We couldn’t function as a society if no one was willing to work these jobs.


REPUBLICAN Ron DeSantis LOWERS Minimum Wage In Florida


The above video exposes how Republicans are hypocrites who engage in, and condone Socialism for the Rich in the form of corporate bails-outs, tax payer funded sports stadiums, farm subsidies (22 billion in 2019 when Trump was President), but harsh “pull yourself by up by your own bootstraps” Capitalism for everyone else.



Republicans are demanding stricter work requirements in the debt ceiling fight, which also include GOP demands for cuts targeting the poor. “You’re taking people off of SNAP, off of food stamps, and Medicaid,” MSNBC’s Ali Velhi tells Joy Reid. “What kind of country is looking to have fewer people have enough.”


Fox Guest Compares Poor People To Dogs Who Are Only Obedient When They’re Hungry

A Fox News guest this past week may have accidentally let the cat out of the bag when he said that poor people have it too good by receiving extended unemployment benefits, then drew a parallel to military dogs who are only obedient to commands when they are hungry. This is what the Right wants for America – a country so starving and desperate that they will do anything their masters ask them to do.


House Republicans tried to pass H.R. 5003, misleadingly titled “Child Nutrition and Education Act of 2016”, a bill which would inevitably take free school lunches away from poor schools and children.

The bill was introduced by Indiana Republican Todd Rokita and would have affected up to 50,000 students just in his home state alone.


REPUBLICAN Mitch McConnell Blocks Program To Give Poor Students Free School Lunches

Mitch McConnell and his Republican followers in the Senate are currently blocking an extension of a federal waiver program that would allow more children to receive free school meals. This comes as nearly half of the population of McConnell’s own state, Kentucky, would benefit from the legislation. This is pure evil coming from Republicans, as they have no other motivations than wanting people to hurt. Mar 9, 2022


Republicans voted to cut 39 Billion Dollars from the Food Stamp program, but have no problem giving tax breaks to the wealthy.


Republican Florida Senator Rick Scott wants to Tax the Poor plus eliminate Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid as shown in the above interview with FOX NEWS John Roberts


Republicans Tax Hike On Poor People Exposed

Republican Senator Rick Scott’s “agenda” for the Republican Party is blowing up in their faces, and now the Party is in full panic mode as it has been revealed that Scott’s plan would raise taxes on the bottom 40% of income earners by about $1,000 per year. Running on a platform of raising taxes on the most vulnerable citizens is never a winning strategy, but Scott thought that he knew better than Mitch McConnell and his arrogance could sink his Party in November. Mar 9, 2022


Rick Scott Forced To Lie About His Tax Plan After It Blows Up In His Face

Republican Senator Rick Scott is now trying to lie his way out of his plan to raise taxes on low income Americans, and he’s claiming that this was never part of his plan. However, it is clear as day in the plan as Scott prepared it, and no amount of creative talking and linguistic gymnastics are going to be able to change the fact that this is what he wanted to do.


Avlon calls out GOP senator for denial on Fox

Rick Scott Lies to Sean Hannity About Tax Hikes In His Plan. Sen. Rick Scott (R-Florida) proposed a plan to raise income taxes on Americans who don’t pay them currently, and then denied it in an interview on Fox.


Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is a typical Republican who wants to cut Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid.


Republicans in the US Senate voted to cut funding from Medicare and Medicaid in order to help fund their 2 TRILLION tax cuts for the rich. They are taking away healthcare from the needy in order to give more money to the greedy.


A new study shows that despite the makers vs. takers rhetoric pushed by many Republicans, red states are the most dependent on government programs.


Republicans Don’t Care about the Poor


Paul Ryan’s attitude about poor people is typical of most Republicans. His idea of helping the poor is to completely eliminate food stamps, social security, medicare and medicaid.

Paul Ryan frequently talks about “taker & makers”. If anyone is a “taker”, it’s Paul Ryan and Republican politicians who’s been on the public dole their entire life and does nothing to help average Joe Americans.


Paul Ryan has been dreaming about cutting Medicaid Since College


REPUBLICAN Paul Ryan stated; “The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand .” That’s freshly minted GOP vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan talking — statements he would eventually recant — at a party celebrating what would have been the prolific author’s 100th birthday…”. Did Rand, a libertarian darling, idolize serial killer Walter Edward Hickman?


Paul Ryan’s anti-poverty agenda is a SHAM. His idea of helping the poor is to completely eliminate food stamps, social security, medicare and medicaid.

ALL Republicans are in principle against government programs and Paul Ryan is no different. They vilify government programs by calling them “socialism” and “communism”.


GOP gets ‘down the block’ tough

The Nation’s John Nichols and Sen. Jeff Merkley join to discuss the GOP’s new faux tough-guy attitude, and how it’s hurting countless Americans.


Republicans voted to cut 39 Billion Dollars from the Food Stamp program, but have no problem giving tax breaks to the wealthy.


Congress dithers while Americans go hungry

Millions of Americans struggle to put food on the table while Congress struggles to negotiate a farm bill linked to SNAP


Food stamp cuts to create ‘hunger cliff’

About 47 million poor people are about to have less to eat — and the worst may still be coming.


Trump Wants To Replace Food Stamps With Food Boxes


Rep. Jack Kingston, who is running in Georgia’s senate primary, attacked the poor in a recent conversation with supporters.



Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said that he’s “not concerned about the very poor,” citing the social safety net in place for that segment of the populace and adding that he’s focused on the middle class”.


Mitt Romney admits he is not concerned about the poor — not long after he tried to convince a crowd he was.


This chart shows where all of the money is going. There would be plenty of money for Healthcare and to help the Poor if so much wasn’t being wasted on the military.


Since 2001, the United States has been spending 900 Million a week in Afghanistan. Republicans has no problem spending trillions on the military, bombs and wars, but they want to cut programs like food stamps, medicare, social security, etc which benefits regular Americans and the poor.


Congressman Who Gets Millions In Farm Subsidies: Food Stamps Stealing ‘Other People’s Money – Rep. Stephen Fincher (R-TN) agitated against food aid for poor Americans included in the Farm Bill during last week’s House Agricultural Committee debate, accusing the government of stealing “other people’s money.” Funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) has already been decimated in both the House and Senate versions of the Farm Bill, cutting off nearly 2 million working families, children, and seniors from food assistance.

Fincher invoked the Bible in his defense of the devastating cuts, quoting, “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” Read the whole story here

Congressman Quotes Jesus In Bid To Gut Food Stamps

While Republican Stephen Fincher cites chapter and verse to prove that it is immoral for out of work folks to mooch off government largesse, he fails to mention that his own fingers have been observed in the public till.


Farm Subsidy Recipients Who Voted to Cut Food Stamps

GOP’s definition of freedom means freedom from Social Security and affordable Health Care for most families and even freedom from necessary food-assistance benefits for about 170,000 veterans.


Republicans Take Hypocritical Stance In Food Stamp Debate

House Agriculture Committee Republicans who vocally supported billions in cuts to federal food assistance are big-time recipients of government help in the form of farm subsidies.

Reps. Stephen Fincher (R-Tenn.) and Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) both cited the Bible last week to argue that while individual Christians have a responsibility to feed the poor, the federal government does not.

The Fincher That Stole Food Stamps

The second most heavily subsidized farmer in Congress said Washington should not “steal” from taxpayers to support food assistance like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — better known as food stamps.

Republicans are for “welfare for the Wealthy” and they want to continue spending trillions on the military. We should cut military spending in half and in doing so there would enough money to take care of All Americans, including the homeless.

Cutting assistance to the poor is in direct opposition to Christ’s teachings.

Matthew 25:40 says “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”.

Matthew 25:31-46 says “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’’

Republicans constantly site the bible to rationalize their every day actions, but are hypocrites by doing everything possible to take away assistance to the poor.

Cutting assistance to the poor is in direct violation of Christ’s teachings. Republican Christian Religious Fanatics are some of the biggest hypocrites in the world.

Republicans are Enemies Of the Poor and Middle Class

If you make less that $40,000 a year you would be crazy to vote for Republicans. Like Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney said” I’m not concerned about the poor”.

Republicans REFUSE to increase taxes on the rich but want to increase taxes on the poor. There are many corporations which pays no taxes at all and Republicans refuse to do anything about it. Republicans are protectors of the rich and do not care about the middle class and the poor.

If you have any low income republican friends, try to make them understand they are being used and they need to STOP voting for republicans.

Republicans want to take away Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. Don’t let them! ALL Republicans should be fired