Republicans Responsible for Mass Shootings
Republicans are responsible for mass shootings and deaths since 2004 because President George W. Bush let the Assault Weapons Ban expire in 2004. Republicans have refused since then to allow it to be renewed.
Under the 1994 Clinton Administration Assault Weapons Ban, the maximum capacity of a magazine was set at 10 rounds. AR-15s were one of 18 semiautomatic weapons banned under the 1994 law that expired in 2004 during the Republican George W. Bush administration despite broad public support and a drop in gun fatalities.
Since then, killers have used semiautomatics to target victims en masse at Virginia Tech in 2007; the Fort Hood military base in 2009; the Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado in 2012; a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012; Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, CT in 2012, the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando in 2016, the 2017 Las Vegas shooting which left 58 people dead, the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Fl in which 17 students died, mass shooting on March 22, 2021 at a King Soopers supermarket in Boulder, CO in which 10 people were killed, May 14, 2022 a gunman shot 13 people killing 10 at a grocery store in Buffalo and May 24, 2022 at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde TX which left 21 people dead and 17 more injured.
America on track for record year in mass shootings
Mass murder has become a regular occurrence in red states like Texas, as Republicans apparently keep trying to gaslight us about how the guns somehow have nothing to do with it.
Red Republican States respond to shootings by taking away restrictions and passing laws making it easier to get more guns
Radical Right Wing Republican Supreme Court Strikes Down Bump Stock Ban
Supreme Court puts its ‘right-wing political agenda above public safety
NBA Coach Gregg Popovich calls out Republicans for Inaction on Gun Reform
San Antonio Spurs coach Gregg Popovich on Sunday plead for gun control before his team’s before final regular season game in Dallas.
Inside the NRA’s impact on Republican politics
CNN’s Kaitlan Collins breaks down the ways the National Rifle Association’s longtime chief, Wayne LaPierre, influenced Republican politics over his long tenure.
When the 2nd amendment was written, muskets were the “arms” the writers of the constitution were referring to, not semi-automatic weapons with a hundred rounds of ammunition
Deadly start to 2023 as mass shootings pervade nation
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Republicans believe any weapon you can think of should be legal so they can overthrow a ‘Tyrannical Government’ if necessary.
Club Q Shooting Survivor ‘Disgusted’ Over Republicans ‘Gun Reform Inaction’
A Club Q shooting survivor testified in front of the House Oversight Committee about the rise of anti-LGBTQ+ violence in the U.S
Republican Senator Brags About Stonewalling Gun Control While Multiple Mass Shootings Are Happening
During a day in which 60 shootings occurred, including multiple mass shootings, Republican Senator John Cornyn of Texas tweeted that gun control was “not gonna happen.” He and his Party are going to do everything they can to block gun control legislation that the majority of Americans support, all because they love their money from the gun industry.
Republicans don’t care that a clear majority of Americans has supported banning Assault Weapons for years. They’ve put their allegiance to the NRA above doing what the American people want. This is more proof that Republicans don’t believe in Democracy or representative government. Similar to Fascist Authoritarian Dictator Regimes, it’s about cramming what they want down their subjects throats.
Since Republicans have consistently refused to make assault weapons illegal, refused to pass legislation which demands tests & minimum requirements for gun / weapons ownership, Republicans are responsible for ALL mass shootings in the United States in which assault weapons were used.
People have to get a license to drive a car… they also should be required to pass some kind of tests to own a gun.
REPUBLICAN Trump signed law to help Mentally Ill Get Guns
Rachel Maddow points out the irony of Donald Trump’s remarks that the Las Vegas shooter was “sick and demented” when one of Trump’s only legislative accomplishments was a law to make it easier for the mentally ill to get guns.
NRA’s ‘Good Guy With A Gun’ Theory Failed In Real Time In Uvalde
In addition to the police response being an unfathomable failure, it is also proof that the ‘good guy with a gun’ theory doesn’t work.
Texas rampage is among deadliest school shootings in U.S. history
In 2020, there were more than 19,000 gun-related homicides in the U.S., according to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s an average of 53 per day. There have been 213 mass shootings so far this year. The death toll in school mass shootings is also startling — since the Sandy Hook massacre in 2012, 77 students have been killed.
Eric Swalwell SHREDS Republicans in SPEECH OF THE YEAR over inaction after Uvalde. Republicans are truly DESPICABLE and responsible for everything which is wrong in our country.
REPUBLICANS Have No Answer to Eric Swalwell’s Simple Question!
Jesse talks about Eric Swalwell’s simple question to Republican members of his committee, including Jim Jordan and Louie Gohmert. He asked, “Are you here for our kids, or are you here for the killers?”
U.S. Gun Culture Wasn’t Always Like This
A Political Party That Doesn’t Care If You Get Shot
Despite clear evidence to the contrary, the GOP continues to push the idea that liberal policy is the culprit for gun violence in America. Fred Guttenberg, who lost his daughter in the mass shooting in Parkland, FL, joins Katie Phang to discuss.
Lawrence: Republicans Don’t Want You To Know The Truth About TX School Massacre
For years, Republicans have argued that the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains why the mass murder of 19 students and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, has again proven that Republican plan will never work.
Being Murdered In School Is A Uniquely American Way Of Death
May 24, 2022 MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell covers the tragic news of yet another mass shooting in an American school, this time an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, and looks back at the history at this uniquely American way of death.
Lawrence: GOP Position Is Kids Have To Die Because The Constitution Says So
Texas Democratic candidate for Governor Beto O’Rourke interrupted a press conference in Uvalde, Texas, being chaired by his political rival, Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott, telling Abbott the Uvalde shooting was “totally predictable.” MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell covers that and how the Republican solution to school shootings didn’t work in Uvalde, Texas.
Florida student arrested for plotting school shooting
The Daytona Beach Police Department said that they have arrested 19-year-old John Hagins, an Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University student, for plotting to shoot up the school on the final day before winter break. Dec 9, 2021
A 15-year-old sophomore from Oxford High School has been charged in connection with a shooting inside the school that left 4 students dead and 7 injured. Dec 1, 2021
Manslaughter charges filed against parents of accused killer in Michigan school shooting; authorities search for couple
Hours after a prosecutor filed involuntary manslaughter charges against the parents of the suspect in the Oxford High School shooting, authorities claimed they appeared to be fleeing from authorities.
Jennifer and James Crumbley were each charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter after the prosecutor said they bought the firearm for their son as a Christmas gift. Their 15-year-old son, Ethan, is accused of fatally shooting four students and injuring seven others at Oxford High School on Tuesday.
Sen. Chris Murphy on school shooting in Michigan that left 3 dead, and at least 8 injured: “I’m at my wits end about why Republicans’ concern for life seems so limited when the choices we could make to try to protect our kids are so obvious, are so politically popular, are so possible.”
Democratic Senator Chris Murphy Makes Passionate Case For Gun Control Following Oxford High School Shooting In Michigan
Mass Shootings In The U.S.
Mass shooting at grocery store in Boulder, Colorado
Colorado police arrested a person of interest after a shooting at a King Soopers grocery store in Boulder. Police confirmed 10 people were killed, including an officer.
Mass shootings in the US: A timeline
Here’s a timeline of the other tragic, deadly mass killings in the United States from Pulse to the University of Texas clock tower massacre
The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in which 20 children were massacred with a semi-automatic weapon demonstrates the need for legislation restricting such weapons.
UCSB Victim’s Dad: ‘My Kid Died’ Because Nobody Acted After Sandy Hook
How A Handgun Is Different To An AR-15
Stephanie Ruhle takes a look at what teachers would be up against, if they were armed with a handgun and confronted with an AR-15. MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcolm Nance explains just how outgunned these teachers would be.
As shown in the above video, a bullet fired from a AR-15 travels at speeds of over 2,182 miles per hour.
AR-15: The Gun Behind So Many Mass Shootings
The AR-15 assault rifle is commonly used in mass shootings in the United States. Here’s a closer look at likely reasons why.
Proof That AR-15s Are Weapons Of War
The death toll from the shooting in Colorado may be unusual in most countries, but it’s common in the U.S. because the alleged killer used an “AR-15 style rifle,” a weapon explicitly meant for going on offense and not defense. In this special report, MSNBC’s Ari Melber traces the origins of the weapon and its intended use, how civilians came about using it in increasing numbers, and what makes it so deadly. This is an excerpt from a longer special report. Aired on 03/23/2021.
Two days before the deadly riots at the Capitol, the NRA sent a letter to its members claiming that under the Biden administration, armed government agents would “storm your house, take your guns and haul you to prison.”
The LIE that the NRA and Republicans continue to peddle that… “Democrats want to take your guns away” is TOTAL BS!
They use this ridiculous lie to make sure low-information people ALWAYS vote for Republicans, who want to take away their Healthcare, Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security while giving Tax Breaks to the Rich.
Amazing how almost half of the people in this country are so stupid that they consistently vote for Republicans… who consistently do NOTHING for them.
Per an article at;;
“Only 3 Percent Of Americans Own Half The Guns In US. The percentage of Americans who own guns decreased from 25 percent to 22 percent, according to the report. It also found about 78 percent of Americans don’t own guns, and 19 percent of adults in the U.S. own the remaining half of firearms in the country.
The Guardian newspaper referred to the 3 percent group as “super-owners” and said they own an average of 17 guns each”.
A small portion of the population who believe there should be NO regulations are bullying and forcing their radical demands of “no regulations” down the throats of the majority.
83 Percent of Americans support background checks on people purchasing guns and limiting access to semi-automatic weapons. The NRA and Republicans are doing everything possible to thwart the will of the American people.
GOP, Fox News Lie About Gun Control After Boulder, Atlanta Shootings
Seth takes a closer look at Republicans, the gun lobby and Fox News once again lying and making ridiculous excuses for why they oppose wildly popular gun safety measures after two horrific shootings in the span of less than a week.
Why Arming Teachers Is A Fantasy War Game
Today at a listening session with school shooting survivors and family of victims at the White House, President Donald Trump suggested arming school personnel with handguns. Lawrence O’Donnell breaks down why this an unrealistic solution to school shootings.
Trump signed law to help Mentally Ill Get Guns
Rachel Maddow points out the irony of Donald Trump’s remarks that the Las Vegas shooter was “sick and demented” when one of Trump’s first legislative accomplishments was a law to make it easier for the mentally ill to get guns.
Texas Loosening Gun Laws Weeks After Mass Shooting
Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott defended new gun laws that ease restrictions on gun owners in that state, hours after the laws went into effect and hours after a gunman shot at least 21 people, killing seven, in and around Odessa, Texas.
The new laws loosen restrictions on gun ownership and use in schools, foster homes, apartment buildings, and houses of worship.
Republican Tells THE TRUTH About Gun Control
Republicans are owned by the NRA and gun lobbies. Although over half of Americans want Assault Weapons banned and enhanced background checks to stop mentally ill people from getting guns, Republicans don’t care and will continue to do nothing. The only solutions is to vote Republicans out of office.
90% of Americans and 92% of gun owners want gun reform, but the NRA has found clever ways to block that in Washington.
Far-right militias and domestic terrorism in America
As shown, Republican congressmen are bought & paid for by the NRA.
The NRA is also responsible because they also do not want any restrictions on the sale / purchase of assault weapons and have used their lobbying power to make sure Republicans don’t support assault weapons bans.
Florida school shooting: Details emerge in timeline, what we know about suspect
Florida student to NRA and Trump: ‘We call BS’
Emma Gonzalez, a student at the Parkland, Florida high school where 17 people were left dead after a mass shooting, calls out President Trump and the NRA by name at an anti-gun rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Republican Florida lawmakers refuse to consider assault weapons ban despite call for tougher gun control laws
President Obama Speaks on Common-Sense Measures to Reduce Gun Violence
Parkland Shooting Survivor Sam Zeif, who lost a close friend three years ago in the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, joins MSNBC’s Brian Williams to discuss the mass shooting in a Colorado supermarket
Donald Trump Jr. Blames Victims Of School Shooting
Bill Moyers calls out and exposes the NRA
Title from Youtube: “NRA Should Be Classified As A Terrorist Organization”
Gun advocates love to claim guns save lives and are necessary for self protection. Here’s just a few examples of how guns ruined lives and how if the shooters didn’t have a gun, none of these events would have happened…
Columbine High School Massacre – click here to read
Colorado Theater Shooting– click here to read
Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting – click here to read
Florida man gets life in prison for killing teen over loud music – click here to read
Pennsylvania Road-rage killing after lane merge – click here to read
The most notable examples above of killings which could have been avoided are the Pennsylvania road-rage killing and Killing teen over loud music. These were rage and out-of-control temper cases. If the shooters hadn’t had a gun these events wouldn’t have happened. Their having a gun caused their lives & their families, the people they shot and their families to be destroyed.
As shown in the above examples, not everyone is emotionally stable enough to own deadly weapons. People have to get a license to drive a car… they also should be required to pass some kind of tests to own a gun. Also, military grade weapons which can rapid fire over 20 rounds of ammo should not be allowed to be owned by Average Joe citizens.
Republicans do not care that 80% of Americans want Gun Control legislation to be passed.