Republicans Passing Anti-Protest Laws

Republicans have declared War on Democracy & Freedom of Speech by passing Anti-Protest Laws making protesting a felony & allowing protestors to be run over & killed with no consequences, to silence / intimidate anyone from protesting against Republican’s oppression.


Republican Passing Anti-Protest Laws

Republicans are destroying democracy by passing laws to make protesting a felony offense and immunity to motorist who runs over & kills protestors



Trump Loving Florida Governor Makes It LEGAL To Kill Protestors

Under a proposed piece of legislation from Ron DeSantis, the Trump-loving governor of Florida, it would be legal for citizens to run over protestors without any fear of prosecution, as long as the protestor was in the street. This is a direct attack on the First Amendment of the United States, and DeSantis is merely trying to give voters the impression that things are out of control in the state. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains why DeSantis is doing this.



Similar to Russia and North Korea, Republicans Anti-Protest Laws Violates Freedom of Speech

Similar to how Russia & North Korea stifles Freedom of Speech, Republicans are doing the same in the United States by passing more than 80 Anti-Protest Bills in 34 States they control.


With the passage of an anti-protest law, Joy says, “DeSantis is actually governing like the former Alabama Governor … George Wallace made no secret of what he would do to protesters if they were lying in the street in front of his car.”


Florida passes law to Criminalize Protesting


CBS NEWS: Florida Republicans want take away peoples right to peacefully protest with Anti-Democratic Authoritarian “Rioting Bill” to quash Freedom of Speech.

Saying it is designed to quash the voices of Black and brown people, Florida Democratic lawmakers on Monday excoriated a proposal pushed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and legislative leaders aimed at cracking down on protests.


WJXT NEWS 4: Florida activists push back against proposed increased punishment for protesters

A day after Gov. Ron DeSantis rolled out a legislative package aimed at cracking down on protesters by creating a host of new crimes, a group of Florida civil-rights activists on Tuesday came out strong against the proposed laws.


‘Rally to Save Protesting’: March for our Lives Florida rallies against DeSantis’ ‘anti-riot’ bill


Florida Senate passes controversial ‘anti-riot’ bill pushed in wake of Black Lives Matter protests

The Florida Senate passed a controversial anti-riot bill that was pushed by GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests last summer.

Per the above article; “The Florida Senate on Thursday passed, largely along party lines, a controversial anti-riot bill that was pushed by GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis in the wake of Black Lives Matter protests last summer.

The bill would increase criminal penalties for assaulting law enforcement officials while engaging in a “riot” and defacing monuments and other public property during riots. It would also penalize local governments that interfere with law enforcement efforts to contain riots and set up a citizen’s appeal process when cities and counties try to reduce police budgets in response to riots.

The final vote in the Senate was 23-17, with one Republican voting with Democrats in opposition. The bill passed the GOP-controlled House in late March. Democratic legislators argue that it would create a chilling effect on First Amendment rights and restrict political dissent”.

“This legislation strikes the appropriate balance of safeguarding every Floridian’s constitutional right to peacefully assemble, while ensuring that those who hide behind peaceful protest to cause violence in our communities will be punished,” DeSantis said in a statement”.

DeSantis statement; “This legislation strikes the appropriate balance of safeguarding every Floridian’s constitutional right to peacefully assemble” is total BS. The criminal penalties in the bill PROVES his statement is BS.


The Right Wants Freedom For Themselves but Not For Others –


Know Your Protest Rights

As more than 80 anti-protest bills move through nearly half of all U.S. states, there’s never been a better time than now to know your first amendment rights. ACLU Staff Attorney Emerson Sykes joins American Voices with Alicia Menendez to walk viewers through the fine-print details of what you can legally do when you take to the streets. And how to behave in the event you are detained by a police officer.


G.O.P. Bills Target Protesters (and Absolve Motorists Who Hit Them) (Published 2021)

As the nation reacts to the guilty verdict a jury handed to Derek Chauvin in the killing of George Floyd, Republican-led states are introducing punitive new measures governing protests.

Per the above article: “Republican legislators in Oklahoma and Iowa have passed bills granting immunity to drivers whose vehicles strike and injure protesters in public streets.

A Republican proposal in Indiana would bar anyone convicted of unlawful assembly from holding state employment, including elected office. A Minnesota bill would prohibit those convicted of unlawful protesting from receiving student loans, unemployment benefits or housing assistance.

And in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed sweeping legislation this week that toughened existing laws governing public disorder and created a harsh new level of infractions — a bill he’s called “the strongest anti-looting, anti-rioting, pro-law-enforcement piece of legislation in the country.”

The measures are part of a wave of new anti-protest legislation, sponsored and supported by Republicans, in the 11 months since Black Lives Matter protests swept the country following the death of George Floyd.

The Florida law imposes harsher penalties for existing public disorder crimes, turning misdemeanor offenses into felonies, creating new felony offenses and preventing defendants from being released on bail until they have appeared before a judge. A survey conducted in January by Ryan D. Tyson, a Republican pollster, found broad support in the state for harsher penalties against protesters “who damage personal and business property or assault law enforcement.”