Lawsuits Against ABC, Newspaper & Pollster to Silence Critics

Trump’s Lawsuits Against ABC News, Newspaper & Pollster appear to be motivated by an effort to Silence and Punish Critics
Trump is pressing his grievances with the media through lawsuits, but his case against the Des Moines Register over poll results he didn’t like is so poorly conceived from a legal standpoint that his real goal of using the court system as an intimidation weapon is hard to miss. Rick Hasen, director of the Safeguarding Democracy Project at UCLA Law, discusses what Trump is up to with Alex Wagner.
This is ‘how intimidation works.’ George Conway weighs in on Trump media lawsuits
Trump’s threats of retribution for the media are already underway. George Conway and Molly Jong-Fast join The Weekend to break down what this means for the future of press freedom.
Trump Wanted SNL Investigated by the DOJ for Making Fun of Him