J.D. Vance Exposed

Videos exposes J.D. Vance’s history and past negative statements about Trump




Leaked Audio Finds J.D. Vance Wanting to End Interstate Travel For Abortions


J.D. Vance Disparaging Tim Waltz Military Record

Chris Hayes debunk the right-wing ‘B.S.’ about Tim Walz’s military career


Ex-Minnesota Governor / Navy Seal Jesse Ventura calls JD Vance’s criticism of Walz’s military record ‘Despicable’

“I think it’s shameful that a veteran would attack another veteran. Governor Walt served honorably for 24 years in the National Guard. After 20 years, you are eligible to retire at any time you deem necessary. They talk about him missing his deployment. Well, maybe Mr. Vance should ask the real question. What is the National Guard doing deploying to a foreign country in a foreign war? Well, let’s go into history and figure out how that happened. That happened because George W. Bush and Dick Cheney went into the Iraq War based on lies, no weapons of mass destruction, no ties to al-Qaeda, nothing with 9-11, and they ran out of bodies. They needed more bodies. They couldn’t implement a draft. That would be political suicide. So what George Bush did was sign an executive order sending the National Guard into foreign deployment.

The National Guard is not for foreign deployment. Their name says what they do. They guard our nation from within. So this hogwash about Governor Walt’s missing a deployment, not only that, he’s 24 years, he’s an E9. I deployed twice. We never even had an E9 with us when we deployed. E9s are not going to walk the point. They’re not going to be involved in any combat whatsoever. They’re figureheads being the most senior enlisted within their company, and that’s what it’s all about. So I think that Vance is doing a disservice to himself and a disservice to the United States Marine Corps. I know a lot of great Marines, and Marines show respect, and Vance is not showing respect. Who does he have respect for?

Donald Trump, the biggest draft dodger from the Vietnam War, the rich white boy who bought his way out of it. I come from South Minneapolis. My friends and I didn’t get out of it. We either got drafted or we enlisted. I know six or seven or eight of my friends.  Donald Trump was your typical rich white boy who didn’t have to serve in Vietnam because he could buy his way out of it. And that’s who Vance is standing with, this guy who leads from the rear. Then why do you think, given all that you’ve described from the politics, the history, and of course, the person who’s on the top of the ticket, who has been criticized for the bone spurs reason for not going to serve.

So why do you think this is the line of attack to choose politically? Obviously, it would offend and alienate voters on one level and also people who have served the armed forces on the other. I don’t know. You’d have to ask Mr. Vance that. I don’t understand his motive whatsoever, how he could turn against a fellow veteran. You know, there’s kind of an unwritten rule amongst us veterans. You don’t criticize another veteran. As a frog man in the United States Navy, my job was to ensure the Marines could get to shore to do their job. We went in ahead of them. We went in before them to ensure the Marines could land. And his point of being a Marine like he is and then criticizing the governor after 24 years of service, it’s despicable on his behalf for doing that. And I hope all veterans feel like I do about it. You don’t criticize another veteran and how they served.”




Trump recently announced that MAGA stooge Senator JD Vance from Ohio will be his Vice President pick, so let’s take some time to learn why Vance is the ideal pick for an authoritarian wannabe dictator like Trump.


Trump Announces WORST VP Pick IN HISTORY


MAGA Has A Meltdown Over Trump’s VP Pick

Donald Trump announced that freshman Republican Senator J.D. Vance is going to be his running mate this year, and his MAGA fanatics are not exactly thrilled with this decision. They lashed out at the former President for picking someone that they call a RINO, reminding Trump that Vance made a name for himself by attacking him before doing a complete, self-serving flip flop.




Maddow expose JD Vance’s past statements about Trump, Jan. 6 and more


J.D. Vance has some bad ideas about the media and Trump

He echoed comments by former Trump aide Kash Patel, who pledged to “come after” the media.

J.D. Vance: Fascist Wants Journalists Investigated

J.D. Vance proves is a Anti-Democratic Fascist who (like Trump) wants Journalists who says things he doesn’t like to be Investigated and Arrested.

Per the above article: “In his comments to CNN, Vance echoed comments made by former Trump aide Kash Patel, who last week pledged that a future Trump administration would pursue and prosecute critics in the government and media”.


‘Jesus did not have children’: JD Vance ripped for ‘ridiculous’ ‘childless cat ladies’ comment

JD Vance is facing growing backlash over his 2021 remark about “childless cat ladies.”


How Vance’s bizarre family policies seem rooted in his childhood trauma

Alex Wagner looks at some of the bizarre details of JD Vance’s views on families, the role of women, and the requirements of marriage, and talks with Jessica Winter, contributing editor at the New Yorker, and Sam Stein, managing editor at The Bulwark, about where he got these ideas and what they would mean for America if he and Donald Trump win in 2024.


Kash Patel, who may be a member of Trump’s lawless, fascist “administration of terror”, recently stated; “We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government but in the media,” Patel said. “Yes, we’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections — we’re going to come after you.



March 28, 2024 Steve Bannon stated: “After we’ve won the Accountability Project’s going to start and it’s going to be thorough this time. It’s going to be they’re going to be in prison”.


Clip of Steve Bannon behaving like a TERRORIST saying; ‘we mock your fear, we want your fear’. We want you to be afraid because we are going to be coming after those who oppose Donald Trump and he will be imbued with authority to punish you.




Vance says Rape is Inconvenient


J.D. Vance: Calls Rape ‘Inconvenient’

Ohio Republican Senate Candidate J.D. Vance defended Texas’s abortion ban, even in cases of rape and incest, which he referred to as ‘inconvenient.


JD Vance Suggests Divorce Should Be Banned


JD Vance didn’t help fix the opioid crisis. He made it worse.



Rep. Tim Ryan exposes Radical Right Wing Republican Ohio Senate candidate J.D. Vance as a Trump Ass Kisser and Idiot. Ryan has always stood up for Ohio workers while J.D. Vance is a corporate boot-licker who only cares about himself and has done NOTHING for Ohioans



Vance calls law enforcement Corrupt



New Campaign Ad Compares J.D. Vance To Marjorie Taylor Greene

In a new campaign ad, Democratic Ohio Senate candidate, Rep. Tim Ryan, compares his GOP challenger J.D. Vance to controversial GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. The Morning Joe panel discusses.


J.D. Vance Proves He’s LAWLESS, Blocking DOJ Nominees


Per the above article: “J.D. Vance (R-Ohio) announced Tuesday he will place a hold on President Joe Biden’s nominees to the Justice Department as revenge for former President Donald Trump’s indictment.

“Donald Trump is merely the latest victim of a Department of Justice that cares more about politics than law enforcement,” Vance said in a statement. “Starting today, I will hold all Department of Justice nominations. If Merrick Garland wants to use these officials to harass Joe Biden’s political opponents, we will grind his department to a halt.”

The Senate can approve nominees through a process called “unanimous consent,” which allows for a faster confirmation by setting aside the typical procedures for confirmation provided no senators object. With just one objection, all nominations are required to go through procedural and confirmation votes.

Vance’s promise to oppose unanimous consent votes may slow down Justice Department appointments, but it won’t completely stop them: procedural and confirmation votes require only a simple majority”.