Fox’s Bret Baier Protects Trump During Harris Interview


In his interview with VP Harris, Bret Baier proves FOX IS the Republican Propaganda Network by not showing viewers Trump’s ‘enemy from within’ video clip which demonstrates how he wants to jail anyone who disagrees with him and what a threat Trump is to democracy, freedom and our country. Bret Baier further proved he’s biased FOR Trump and Republicans by constantly interrupting VP Harris during the interview.

Not showing despicable conduct by Trump and prominent Republicans is essentially lying by ‘omission of the facts’, a tactic FOX hosts such as Sean Hannity routinely engages in to keep their viewer in the dark about the danger Trump and Republicans poses to our country.


Brian Tyler Cohen’s video above exposes Trump threats and Bret Baier shielding FOX’s viewers from the TRUTH about Trump.

The reason ‘half the people in this country is supporting Trump’ (as mentioned by Bret Baier in the above video) is due to FOX and right wing media outlets by not showing viewers Trump’s outrageous, lawless, vindictive, unhinged, wannabe dictator lunatic behavior so viewers remain in the dark about what a dire threat he is to the United States and the world.


The former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Millie said no one has ever been more dangerous to this country than Donald Trump and he is a fascist to his core.


Trump threatens military action against ‘enemy from within’

Trump has called Democrats and others who have opposed or investigated him the “enemy from within”.


Trump is constantly calling Democrats “Radical Left Lunatics” when it’s TRUMP who is the REAL Radical Lunatic. Trump hates Democrats because they refuse to kiss his ass.  His claiming Democrats has engaged in ‘election interference’ for prosecuting him for crimes he’s committed is BULLSHIT. He uses the term “election interference” to whitewash and normalize his own criminality, which it appears a large segment of the U.S. population has bought into… ‘hook, line, and sinker’.  Democrats has been upholding the rule of law by holding him accountable for his numerous violations of the law and United States Constitution.

As shown in the above video in which Dr. John Gartner stated; “If we could construct a psychiatric Frankenstein monster, we could not create a leader more dangerously mentally ill than Donald Trump,” Gartner began. “He is a paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality and lashes out impulsively at his imagined enemies. And this is someone who is handling the nuclear codes.”

Former Professor at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Lance Dodes suggested; “He lies in the way anybody who scams people does. He’s tried to sell an idea or a product by telling you something that is untrue. There is also the kind of lie he has that in a way is more serious — that he has a loose grip on reality. His grasp of reality, his attention to reality is loose. This is an extremely dangerous trait in a president. It actually makes him unqualified.”

Ted Cruz calls Trump a “Pathological Liar who doesn’t know the difference between truth and lies” and claims Trump “is a narcissist at a level this country’s never seen”.

Even ex-Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan referred to Trump as an ‘Authoritarian Narcissist’. No normal person would lie with impunity like Trump has (over 30,000 times while President), refuse to admit he lost the election, claim he won after he lost, then instigate a coup and insurrection to overturn the election after he lost.


Trump & Republicans are constantly calling Democrats ‘Radical Left Wing Democrats‘ when it’s REPUBLICANS who are the one’s who are RADICAL RIGHT WING ANTI-DEMOCRATIC FASCIST AUTHORITARIANS…. passing Anti-Choice Legislation Against Women, forcing 10 year old girls to give birth to her rapists child, no exceptions for rape or insist, turning the U.S. into a Gestapo Secret Police State by Placing $10,000 Bounties on anyone who helps a Women get an Abortion, laws limiting what can be discussed in classrooms with huge fines of $10,000 against teachers for violations, Banning Books, their war on LGB & Transgenders, punishing Disney for exercising their freedom of speech, passing laws which Criminalize Assembly & Protests, Laws Legalizing Running over & Killing Protestors, Rigging Elections by Gerrymandering, Decreasing the number of Days and Hours people can Vote, Purging Minorities off Voters Rolls, Decreasing Drop-boxes, Decreasing Voting Machines in Urban areas, Limiting Polling locations / hours, Making it harder to Vote by Mail, Making it a Crime to give Food or Water to people having the wait in long lines they’re responsible for causing to discourage people from voting, Passing laws to overturn election results they don’t like, Conspiracy Theories, LIES and refusing to eliminate the Electoral College which made two (2) unpopular & unqualified Republicans Presidents, who the majority didn’t vote for (George W. Bush & Trump), voting to cut Healthcare, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.


Trump and Republicans are the REAL Fascist


Trump & Republicans use boogeyman phrases like “Socialist”, “Marxist” “Communists” and “Democrats will take your guns away” to SCARE uninformed people into voting for them and NOT voting for Democrats, the very party dedicated to improving lives of the middle class and the poor. Most Republicans couldn’t accurately describe what Marxism, Socialism or Communism means if they’re life depended on it. Scare tactics is Trump’s stock-in-trade, because he has nothing else to offer… he’ll do and say anything to get people to vote for him to stay out of prison.

When Republicans use their old, tired scare tactic campaign slogan that their going to Fight the “Democrats Socialist Agenda”, what they’re really saying is they want to take away your Affordable Health Care, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other programs which benefit the middle class and the poor.


All Republicans care about is maintaining POWER and giving Tax breaks to the RICH so they can stay in power. They do NOTHING for the Middle Class and the Poor. What has a Republican ever done for you and your family?



On Veterans Day, November 11, 2023 Trump stated; ”We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections”.

Trump posted & stated on 11/11/2023; ”We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections”.


In response to outrage over Trump’s ‘vermin’ comment, his campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung stated about Trump opponents; “their entire existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House.”

Democrats are NOT Socialist, Marxist or Communists. Trump and Republicans are the ones who LIE , cheat and tried to steal the 2020 election.



Trump & Republicans use boogeyman phrases like “Socialist”, “Marxist” “Communists” and “Democrats will take your guns away” to SCARE uninformed people into voting for them and NOT voting for Democrats, the very party dedicated to improving lives of the middle class and the poor. Most Republicans couldn’t accurately describe what Marxism, Socialism or Communism means if they’re life depended on it. Scare tactics is Trump & Republicans stock-in-trade, because they have nothing else to offer. Trump will do anything and say anything to get people to vote for him to stay out of prison.

When Republicans use their old, tired scare tactic campaign slogan that their going to Fight the “Democrats Socialist Agenda”, what they’re really saying is they want to take away your Affordable Health Care, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other programs which benefit the middle class and the poor.

All Republicans care about is maintaining POWER and giving Tax breaks to the RICH so they can stay in power. They do NOTHING for the Middle Class and the Poor. What has a Republican ever done for you and your family?


In an interview with Andy Borowitz from The New Yorker on May 9, 2018, Trump Stated about the United States Constitution; “I’ve seen a lot of bad deals in my life, but this Constitution is a total mess. We need to tear it up and start over. The first thing we do when we pull out of the Constitution is get rid of two of those branches. He also called the First Amendment “something that really has to go. No one in his right mind would put something like that in a Constitution. Russia doesn’t have it. North Korea doesn’t have it. All the best countries don’t have it.”


REPUBLICANS making threats such Trump crony Steve Bannon saying “We mock your fear, we want your fear” and After we’ve won, the Accountability Project’s going to start and it’s going to be thorough this time. It’s going to be they’re going to be in prison”.

No mention of what specific “crimes” they intend to prosecute political opponents for (because there aren’t any). They just want RETRIBUTION and to get even for being held accountable for THEIR crimes of attempting to overturn the 2020 election.


Trump and his cronies have openly stated they intend to “terminate rules, regulations & articles, even those in the Constitution”, invoke the “Insurrection Act” & declare “Martial Law” to Quash Protests, use “Shock Troops” to take over the government, replace 50,000 Federal Employees with Trump loyalists, eliminate Freedom of Speech and shut down media outlets which have been critical of him. Trump believes a President should have absolute “Presidential Immunity” to the extent he could order the executions of a political opponent and be immune to criminal prosecution. He’s promised to ‘root out’ those who he thinks are ‘communists, marxists and ‘the radical left’. This means anyone who opposes him.

Trump & his cronies have made it clear they intend to turn the Presidency into a Presidential Dictatorship using plans outlined in ‘Project 2025’, plus seek retribution against political enemies, eliminate Freedom of Speech and shut down news outlets which are critical of him.


Kash Patel, who may be a member of Trump’s administration, stated in the above video; “We will go out and find the conspirators, not just in government but in the media,” Patel said. “Yes, we’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections — we’re going to come after you” when it’s REPUBLICANS who LIED and tried to STEAL the 2020 election.


Steve Bannon stated in the above video: “The evening after we’ve won, the Accountability Project’s going to start. It’s going to be they’re gonna be in prison”


Steve Bannon using threats such as; ‘we mock your fear, we want your fear’. We want you to be afraid because we are going to be coming after those who oppose Donald Trump and he will be imbued with authority to punish you.



Radical Right Winger Mike Davis, who Trump might make his Attorney General has stated he’d pardon all of the January 6 rioters, toss opponents in ‘the gulag’ and caging migrant kids would be glorious.

Below is the post Davis referenced in the above video about putting Professor of History, Ruth Ben-Ghiat in the “Gulag”. Her crime? Being critical of Trump and calling him out for his Autocrat, Authoritarian, Fascist behavior which she claims is similar to Hitler & Mussolini.




On “The View” (Dec 6, 2023) co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin, who served as White House Director of Strategic Communications for Trump, claimed he wanted to have a member of his own staff ‘executed’ for leaking a story about him going to the bunker during the George Floyd protests.


Trump believes he has Presidential Immunity which gives him a right to do anything he wants and not be held accountable


On November 29 2023, Trump stated that he wants the ‘Federal Government to come down Hard on MSNBC’ for its criticism of him.

Trump & his crony’s statements prove he intends to violate his Oath of Office, the United States Constitution and Citizens Rights on DAY ONE. His claiming he’s only going to be a Dictator for ONE DAY is BS. Fact Checkers found Trump lied over 30,000 times while President, so he has no credibility. He did everything possible to stay in office after he lost in 2020. If he gets back in the White House in 2024, he isn’t leaving… he’s made it clear; he wants to be a DICTATOR FOR LIFE.

Trump and those in his potential ‘administration’ have made it clear; they plan on engaging in a reign of LAWLESSNESS and TERROR, where dissenters are arrested, locked up and executed.


Three former Trump White House staffers says a 2nd Trump term would be ‘the end of American democracy as we know it’


The definition of Propaganda is; “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view”.

If you’ve been watching nothing but Right Wing Media, you’d be shocked by the information they haven’t been reporting which the majority of people see on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, etc. Right Wing Media outlets spins news so it’s always favorable towards Republicans.

FOX News pundits (and other Right Wing Media outlets) are helping destroy the United States & Democracy by promoting lies, hate, conspiracy theories, omission of the facts, etc to keep their viewers in the dark about the damage Republicans has been doing to the United States, it’s citizens and outright lies such as the 2020 election being “Stolen” and Trump “Won in a landslide”. Example shown on this page.


Strategist for GOP 2008 McCain / Palin Presidential campaign Steve Schmidt explains how Fox News and Rupert Murdoch have destroyed America


The “Fox-Can-Lie Lawsuit” established that they’re not required to be truthful by law. Since Fox has established that they have the legal right not to be truthful, Fox Opinion Hosts are free to tell their Right Wing viewers that Democrats are “Radical Leftist Socialists” who want to take away your guns & freedom, that Republican policies are good for this country, that Trump’s a rational person and the MSM (Main Stream Media) such as ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, Washington Post etc is “Fake News”. ALL the exact opposite of the TRUTH.


Right Wing media outlets brainwash their viewers into believing the Mainstream Media is “Fake News” so they only watch Right Wing Media sources. This helps them make more money because MORE VIEWERS = MORE PROFITS in advertising. And it helps Republicans get re-elected, against the best interests of middle class and poor Americans. Right-Wing outlets want to KEEP their viewers brainwashed so they never watch legitimate news and learn the truth about the damage Trump and Republicans have been doing to our country while screwing over “the little guy”.



How Fox News and Right-Wing Media Brainwashed This Dad and Destroyed a Family

‘It was like some alien took over his body.’ Right-wing media brainwashed Jen Senko’s once open-minded father, but the story didn’t end there.


Fox News staffers agree: Fox is not a news organization

Multiple Fox News employees told media reporters that newly released filings from Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against the right-wing network show that Fox prioritizes its prime-time opinion programming over its news division. They echo what past staffers who have left say: Fox is a propaganda network for Republicans.

Per the above article: “Multiple Fox News employees told media reporters that newly released filings from Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against the right-wing network show that Fox prioritizes its prime-time opinion programming over its news division. They echo what past staffers who have left say: Fox is a propaganda network for Republicans”.

Anonymous quotes from Fox staffers show Fox is not a news organization

In response to incendiary revelations in two recent filings released as part of Dominion’s defamation case against Fox News, as well as a host of supplemental exhibits also provided by Dominion, the rift between the façade of Fox’s “news side” and its actual core business as a Republican propaganda outlet has grown into public view.

  • A Fox News journalist told CNN that “the opinion folks are probably right in that there really isn’t a lot of love lost between us and them.”
  • According to The Daily Beast, a Fox reporter “wondered how [Fox primetime host Tucker] Carlson could continue to work for the company after it was revealed that he was demanding at least one journalist be fired for doing their job.”
  • A Fox producer told The Daily Beast: Carlson “acts like the king of Fox. Entitlement. Extremely unprofessional.”
  • One Fox correspondent told The Daily Beast: “Honestly, Tucker is a joke, and I don’t know many in the news division that likes or respects him. He makes our jobs harder and way more dangerous.”
  • A senior Fox staffer told CNN media correspondent Oliver Darcy that he was correct and “should keep saying” that the Dominion filings made it clear that Fox isn’t a news network.
  • A news production staffer at Fox told The Daily Beast that it’s always been “opinion first, news secondary” there: “The news side has always been kind of used as a bit of a shield, a bit of a legitimacy play. And I think that in and of itself is, it’s kind of falling apart now.”
  • A Fox producer referenced the criticism of Fox’s reporters revealed in the filings, telling The Daily Beast: “If journalists are being criticized for being hard on the Trump admin or truthfully talking about the election, it’s a form of censorship. The news division is being given less importance.”
  • A Fox reporter called out Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott in The Daily Beast’s report for “clearly not looking out for the news side,” adding: “How can we all continue to work for her?! How can anyone watching Fox for news believe that they’re gonna get news if she’s in charge? We are not happy.”
  • A veteran Fox journalist told The Daily Beast that “Tucker has publicly attacked and humiliated journalists here at Fox before,” so “it shouldn’t be a surprise that he was trashing us behind the scenes.”
  • One Fox correspondent told Brian Stelter, writing for Vanity Fair of the released text messages from Fox’s prime-time opinion hosts: “We thought they hated us, but now we know it in their own words.”
  • A Fox staffer told CNN that “people are really shocked and disgusted” by what was revealed in the filings, adding: “Even longtime staffers. You would think after all we’ve been through nothing could surprise us. But this is unprecedented.”
  • A Fox reporter told The Daily Beast that the fallout from the filings is “demoralizing, deflating and soul-crushing” to a journalist.
  • More than one Fox employee told Stelter “we’re all embarrassed” by the filings’ contents.

Fox staffers in the past have also explained how the network operates like a propaganda outfit rather than a news organization

“This reaction to the contents of the Dominion filings is not the first time current or former Fox staffers have called out the network for being little more than a GOP propaganda shop; Fox veterans Chris Wallace, Carl Cameron, Shepard Smith, and Chris Stirewalt all agreed that Fox’s core business is not news once they left the network. Wallace called it “unsustainable” that Fox questioned the 2020 election results and downplayed the pro-Trump insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Cameron said that “over the years, the right-wing hosts drowned out straight journalism with partisan misinformation.” According to CNN, Smith believed “that his presence on Fox became untenable as opinion shows on the network spread falsehoods that hosts knew were lies.” Stirewalt admitted that Fox became “an arm of a political party” during the Trump years. And there was even more on-the-record criticism of the network from former employees who said they were “increasingly embarrassed by the channel,” which had become “a destructive propaganda machine” during the Trump era”.

Additionally, a September 2019 report from The Daily Beast attributed the following anonymous quotes criticizing the network to then-current Fox staffers:

  • Fox has acted like state media for a long time. This is just one small element to it.”
  • “As an employee, I have had concerns about how close Fox has become with the White House and the administration. I don’t think I’m the only person there who has these concerns. …
  • With these layoffs in multiple news departments coming just a few weeks before the election, it looks like Fox is more like an extension of this administration, instead of a news network.”
  • “The opinion team appears to have won the internal battle” with the news side.
  • The leaders of the Fox News website “are not interested in facts. They are obsessed with pitching ‘on-brand’ stories that include Blue Lives Matter, anything antifa-related, anyone who has suffered during BLM protests that can put the protestors in a negative light, anything that threatens Christianity, and anyone who is a Trump supporter who has somehow been wronged.”
  • “The Brain Room, in their research, came up with facts that were not used in Fox reports or were in contradiction to what Fox aired. I have to imagine that kind of tension has always existed there, between the fact-checkers and what is often reported.”
  • Top Fox executives have “long been unsupportive of real, unbiased reporting. They do not see themselves as a real news operation in the sense that people are doing original work, trying to break stories and get to the bottom of things, wherever the chips fall.”


As shown in the above screen shot from FOX’s Jessee Watters show, the chyron makes the outrageously false claim that “Biden Convicts Trump”, a lie Trump and other Radical Right Wingers has been using to SMEAR, DEMONIZE and make their brainwashed viewers hate President Biden so they’ll vote Republican, against their own best interests.


Trump has been spreading the ridiculous lie that Joe Biden is responsible for Trump being indicted in New York, Georgia, Washington & Miami and has weaponized the government to go after him and engage in “Election Interference”.

There’s not a shred of evidence that Biden has encouraged State or Federal Prosecutors to “go after” Trump.


Why Fox is ‘the most destructive institution in all of American politics’



FOX News SUED for spreading 2020 election lies. Court documents show hosts Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and others knew Trump’s voter fraud claims were false, but continued peddling them to maintaining ratings.

For years Rupert Murdoch, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham & the rest of Fox News were enraging viewers on air, while laughing at them off-air. Their lies lead followers to mount a deadly attack on our Capitol.


FOX LIED to their viewers about “Stolen” and “Rigged” Election claims… putting PROFITS above the TRUTH and PATRIOTISM


2 Weeks after the Election was called for Joe Biden, Fox Pundits cast doubt on the results nearly 800 times

Fox pundits repeatedly aided Trump’s efforts to undermine election results, laying the groundwork to cry foul if Trump lost, echoing debunked theories of fraud, pushing the idea that Democrats are trying to “steal” this from him, and arguing that Trump is justified in pursuing his claims of a rigged election. This pattern of coverage continued in the lead-up to the day of the riots.


Explosive findings showing that top Fox News hosts did not believe the 2020 election was stolen.


Tucker Carlson And Sean Hannity Forced To Sit For Depositions In Defamation Case

Some of Fox News’ biggest stars have been forced to sit depositions in the ongoing defamation lawsuit against the network. Both Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have reportedly been deposed, among others, and this looks to be the one time that Fox can’t get out of serious trouble for what their hosts and guests said on the network.


One of the key lessons we have learned from these filings in Dominion’s case against Fox is there’s nothing too low, nothing too extreme and nothing too dangerous. If the base likes it, the base gets it—because Fox knows where their bread is buttered.”


Docs show Fox hosts didn’t believe election lie

Lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox News show that the network’s primetime hosts didn’t believe election lies being spread by Donald Trump and his allies and even found them to be “unbelievably offensive” and the real harm to democracy that persists today.


Text messages between FOX hosts show they knew Trump’s voter fraud claims were lies but continued to peddle those same lies on TV.



Fox News Exposed for Peddling Trump’s Big Lie


Judge in Fox News case tears into the network

The judge overseeing Dominion Voting Systems’ massive defamation case against Fox News has sanctioned the right-wing network and said that he plans to appoint an outside attorney to investigate whether they lied to the court and withheld key evidence


BS,’ ‘Insane,’ ‘Crazy,’ ‘Nuts,’ ‘Reckless,’: Fox News legal bomb goes off

Bombshell new evidence in Dominion’s $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit amps up pressure on Fox News. A new filing reveals star Fox News hosts knew Trump’s election claims were “BS” and “insane” but peddled them and promoted them on air anyway. The text and email evidence shows even Fox News titan Rupert Murdoch called the conspiracies “really crazy stuff.”


Hear what Tucker Carlson privately said about Trump’s lies


Lawsuit filing shows Fox hosts didn’t believe election fraud lies they pushed on TV

A new court filing shows top executives at Fox News and leading network personalities privately dismissed former President Trump’s false claims of voter fraud after the election even as they peddled those same lies on TV. The filing is part of an ongoing defamation lawsuit filed against the network by Dominion Voting Systems.


Tucker Carlson Warned Staff Trump Would Destroy Fox If They Didn’t Back His Lies

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is apparently living in constant fear of Donald Trump, according to court documents that were released this week. Following the 2020 election and Fox’s decision to call Arizona for President Biden, Carlson texted one of his producers and said that Trump was the “king” and that he could destroy Fox News if they didn’t continue to peddle his election lies.


Fox News host Tucker Carlson texts exposed calling Donald Trump satanic after the Fox News lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems surfaces the truth and proves how much Tucker Carlson lies to his viewers.



Trump tries to make his own criminal indictment about Joe Biden

Biden allies, legal experts and strategists say silence may be the best option even in the face of a torrent of Trump attacks.

Per the above article; “When Donald Trump announced to the world Thursday night that he had been indicted on a raft of federal charges, his message was consistent and singularly focused: Joe Biden is using the government to crush his political comeback. That the attorney general appointed by Biden had named a special counsel to helm the investigation — a move intended to insulate the president from a decision to prosecute — was omitted by Trump and the battery of Republican allies who quickly rushed to his defense. And it’s likely to be a nuance lost on voters, as the indictment stokes Republican fears about political bias inside the Justice Department.

Trump’s announcement that he had been indicted began, “The corrupt Biden Administration has informed my attorneys,” going on to call it a “boxes hoax” and “election interference.” Nearly every statement after that continued to invoke the president for his predecessor’s problems. A centerpiece of Trump’s defense is: ‘This is a political prosecution brought against me by the Biden government.

Asked during a news conference Thursday what he could tell Americans to convince them they should trust the Justice Department’s independence, Biden responded that his record in office belies the accusations he now faces.

“You’ll notice, I have never once — not one single time — suggested to the Justice Department what they should do or not do on whether to bring any charges or not bring any charges,” he said. “I’m honest.”


BUSTED! The Dishonest Methods FOX Uses to Make Their Viewers Disrespect and Hate Joe Biden

Fox News was caught red-handed deceptively editing a sound bite to Joe Biden say something he didn’t say. This was another “scandal” they invented to make their viewers hate Joe Biden & Democrats, the very party which stands up for the Middle Class and the Poor.


Fox News laying the groundwork for the next big lie about non-existent fraud

Fox News lies about poll numbers in the above video, claiming Trump is so far ahead that the only way Biden can win is if Democrats rig the election.

Pretty rich when TRUMP paid Hush Money to silence a porn star keep the American people from finding out about his adulterous affairs to influence the outcome of the 2016 election, engaged in a corrupt & illegal smear tactic to destroy Joe Biden as a potential 2020 Democrat candidate by demanding the Government of Ukraine publicly announce investigations of Biden before Military Aid would be released. After learning that he lost the 2020 election, Trump REFUSED to admit defeat and LIED claiming without any proof that the election was ‘stolen’ and he ‘won in a landslide’. Trump demanded Georgia Election Officials “find votes” to help him STEAL the 2020 election. Trump used legal tactics to challenge the election results in 50 lawsuits and when those challenges didn’t work he resorted to inciting his followers to engage in a violent COUP to overturn the 2020 election to stay in power against the will of the people. This violent coup was the final act committed by the most Lawless and Corrupt administration in American History. In addition, lawless congressional Republicans behaved like spoiled brats, voting to overturn the election results in Congress, because they didn’t want to accept the fact they they LOST.

After all of the lawless, rotten behavior Trump and Republicans engaged in, Fox “News” propaganda peddlers have a lot of nerve insinuating ‘Democrats’ might ‘steal’ the 2024 election. These people are ROTTEN to the CORE and have no decency or shame.

Angelo Carusone, President of Media Matters and Ben Rhodes, former Deputy National Security Advisor under President Obama join Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House with a look at how right wing media, and Fox News specifically are setting the expectation for their audience that it is not possible for President Biden to win a second term without some type of nefarious activity, stoking the same lies that fueled the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol.


See Fox News hosts humiliated as FBI Biden ‘informant’ gets arrested for lying

For months, the right-wing media promoted claims from an “informant” to make their case against the Bidens. But after the informant was arrested for lying to the FBI, the Fox News primetime hosts were oddly silent.


Fox News fearmongering backfires on live TV

When Curtis Sliwa and the Guardian Angels attacked a “migrant shoplifter” live on Fox News, it fit perfectly with the right’s narrative about “illegals” and “rampant crime.” Except after the cameras turned off, a little more reporting and digging revealed the truth.


FOX, Republicans and Right Wing Media caught LYING about veterans kicked out of a New York hotel to make room for Migrants


Fox News runs with fake story about migrants displacing homeless veterans

Fox News went all in on a story about migrants displacing veterans from a New York hotel, featuring it on no less than 15 different shows. The network even claimed to have substantiated the reporting themselves. But then the whole thing unraveled.


Laura Ingraham gets fact-checked by Juliet Jeske of Decoding Fox News for misrepresenting the conviction of anti-choice protestors.


CNN rolls tape on Fox hosts’ public spin vs. private pleas

As Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham and Brian Kilmeade were frantically texting Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows on the day of the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection, CNN’s John Berman shows how the Fox News anchors were reporting the event publicly.


Inside the unprecedented partnership between Fox News and the Trump White House


Hear the Giuliani off-air audio Fox News withheld from Dominion lawyers

Alex Wagner shares exclusive audio recordings made by former Fox News producer Abby Grossberg while she was a producer for Maria Bartiromo that show members of Donald Trump’s team being less confident in private about evidence against Dominion Voting Systems than was being expressed on Fox and by Trump himself.


The most prominent stars and highest-ranking executives at Fox News privately ridiculed claims of election fraud in the 2020 election, despite the right-wing channel allowing lies about the presidential contest to be promoted on its air, damning messages contained in a court filing revealed.


Fox suit: Carlson pushed Trump team to denounce Powell—to save himself

When the Trump campaign announced they had cut ties with Sidney Powell, we assumed she had finally gone too far, even for Trump. “But now we know in fact Tucker Carlson pushed them to say all of that because he questioned Powell—and his viewers hated him for it,” says Chris Hayes.


Busted: Fox News caught on secret recording amid billion dollar lawsuit for peddling lies

MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on a bombshell leak in the billion dollar legal earthquake rocking Fox News and its Chief Rupert Murdoch. The New York Times obtaining a recording of a Zoom meeting with Fox’s CEO and the network’s top anchors, which reveals an internal panic over losing viewers for reporting accurate facts. CEO Suzanne Scott saying “if we hadn’t called Arizona… our ratings would have been even bigger.”


Dominion suit has proven that Fox sells lies

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell analyzes the latest filing in the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems against Fox where Chairman Rupert Murdoch admits that his network’s hosts “endorsed” lies, and explains why Tucker Carlson and other Fox hosts live in fear of their audience finding out about those lies.


Fox News chief admits it in bombshell: We went from numbers to ‘endorsing’ lies

MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on the fallout at Fox News following Rupert Murdoch’s shocking confession under oath that is rocking his media empire. Murdoch confessing that some Fox hosts “endorsed” Trump’s election lies, admitting he did nothing to stop it. Murdoch adding he “seriously doubted” Trump’s claims from the very beginning. Melber breaks down Murdoch’s testimony, saying Dominion’s evidence against the network is “damning.”


Hannity admits the lie as ‘time travel’ scandal hits Fox News empire

Fox News is on defense and facing over a billion dollars in potential punishment for fueling Donald Trump’s election lies. The CEO of Fox News Suzanne Scott admitting President Biden was legitimately elected despite the network’s coverage. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on explosive legal filings that show top Fox hosts didn’t believe the 2020 election was stolen, as more evidence is expected to be released.


Fox News host admits to cheering for US division in order to boost ratings

As the US traverses division, CNN’s SE Cupp reacts to Fox News host Jesse Watters saying on-air that he wants to see disarray on the left and that it is good for their network’s ratings.


Rupert Murdoch told Fox News CEO to boost Republicans in “any way we can.”


Fox News host Sean Hannity admitted under oath that he never believed Trump was cheated of victory in the 2020 presidential election. David Shuster breaks it down on Rebel HQ.


TEXTS REVEAL Sean Hannity TOOK ORDERS From Trump White House

Jesse talks about what newly public text messages reveal about the relationship between Fox New’s Sean Hannity and Donald Trump’s White House in the aftermath of Trump’s 2020 election loss to Joe Biden. In text messages between Sean Hannity and WH Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Hannity replied with “Yes sir. On it” when ordered by Meadows on how to talk about the election.


Texts show Sean Hannity behaving like a member of Trump’s Whitehouse team


Bombshell Text Evidence Ties Trump Allies to Coup Plot

Explosive new stats evidence in the January 6th committee probe was revealed. CNN obtaining more than 2,000 leaked text messages with Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows revealing communications before the riot and in the moments after it. From Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene asking Trump to declare martial law to Donald Trump Jr. asking to “condemn” the riot to Sean Hannity taking orders from Meadows. Ari Melber reports on the new evidence and is joined by Former Solicitor General Neal Katyal who calls on Attorney General Garland to act immediately.


Jan 6th Committee EXPOSES Fox News & Laura Ingraham’s COLLUSION with Trump




What Fox News hosts said privately vs. publicly on Jan. 6

In private text messages on Jan. 6, Fox News hosts condemned President Trump’s response to the attack. In public, those same hosts deflected blame from Trump.


Fox News Hosts, Trump Jr. Texts Reveal Everyone Was Horrified By Riot—Except Trump

“Here is the raw truth that is exposed in just those few text messages. Everyone—except for the actual mob and Donald Trump—was on the same page as they watched the horrifying insurrection transpire,” says Chris Hayes. “Everyone else immediately recognized that it was wrong, that it was horribly dangerous and destructive, and that the president alone was controlling it and could stop it.”


Jan. 6 Committee Releases ‘Explosive’ Texts From Sean Hannity

Private text messages shed light on how Fox News host Sean Hannity acted more like a member of Trump’s team and advisor rather than an independent “journalist” who just reports the news


‘Foxitis’: MAGA Rioters Use Fox News Defense To Fight Criminal Charges

One of the alleged rioters who stormed the Capitol is claiming Fox made them do it, his lawyer coining the phrase “Foxitis” for his defense. This defendant is not the first rioter to blame the conservative outlet for their actions on January 6. MSNBC’s Ari Melber discusses how the network’s misinformation affects Americans and how a “Foxitis” defense may play out in court.


Hannity confession: See smoking gun evidence as Fox chief Murdoch forced under oath

Fox Chief Rupert Murdoch is testifying in a billion-dollar lawsuit defamation suit, accusing Murdoch and the network’s anchors of “repeatedly and knowingly” pushing false claims. Fox denies wrongdoing and argues It was reporting on newsworthy claims. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on the legal implications of Murdoch’s testimony, and what it could mean for the future of his media empire.


On January 6, Right-Wing Media Is Living In Another Universe

Most major news networks aired last night’s 1/6 hearing in full — and then there’s right-wing media, which seems to live in an alternate universe. In spite of facts and a 10-month-long investigation, Ayman says, “a whole separate reality has been manufactured by the right.”


FOX Refused to Air Jan. 6 Hearings to Keep Their Viewers In The Dark

While all major TV Networks committed to Air the Jan. 6 Hearings FOX Refused to Air them apparently to prevent their viewers from learning the truth about the extent of Republicans attempted coup to overthrow the U.S. Government and STEAL the 2020 Election.


25 years of dangerous lies from Fox News: “There is a direct pipeline from what appears on Fox News to the absolute worst manifestations, worst behavior, worst elements of our politics and society.”


Former Fox News Host Says They Lie by Omission.


Former Extremist Nails Fox News For Marketing Hate

A former extremist named Frank Meeink now spends his time educating others about hate and working against the crowds he once ran with. And recently, he called out Fox News for doing little more than “re-marketing hate” to the American public. His assessment is spot on, as Fox News has always peddled in hate bordering on extremism, but they have brought plenty of the most extreme ideas from the hate crowd into the mainstream.


Lies and Disinformation from Right Wing Media and Republicans are destroying the United States


Radicalization is infesting airwaves of pro-Trump media

CNN’s Brian Stelter explains how the country faces radicalization as some right-wing media outlets flood the airwaves with conspiracy theories and disinformation.


Former Fox News analyst says Fox has become ‘destructive propaganda machine’


Ex-Fox News analyst: Trump is a danger to the US


Republicans must lie to survive: They have no other choice

From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump, the path to Republican political success is rooted in profound deception

Per the above article; “The GOP exists to serve the interests of the wealthy and big business that comprise the richest 1%. No party, however, can ever win an election with only 1% of the vote. So to win elections, the GOP must necessarily reach beyond its own wealthy core and attempt to convince a large segment of working people in the 99% to vote for Republicans.

Normally, a political party wins elections by offering policies that benefit the voters. These policies attract the voters who then cast their votes for the political party.

But for the Republican Party, this is not an option. A candidate could not possibly campaign on the policies favored by the 1%. Just imagine the stump speech. “Vote for me and I will slash your health care! In fact, I’ll do even better — I’ll fight like mad to completely eliminate your health care!”

“Vote for me and I will get rid of your pensions! This would save corporations a bundle and boost profits to the shareholders! Screw the workers!”

“Vote for me and I promise to ship your jobs overseas under globalization! The exact same labor can be hired in Asia for only pennies! Hurray!”

The Republican Party is left with only one option. It cannot possibly be honest about its true intentions and actual policies. The working class would never vote for them. Instead, the only option is to lie”.

Right Wing Media has been extremely effective in propagating and reinforcing Republican’s lies to brainwashed viewers.

Proof of how Republican’s policies are bad for working class people is how California Republican Gubernatorial Candidate Larry Elder ran on a platform of eliminating the minimum wage.


Fox News C.E.O.’s Strategy at Center of $1.6 Billion Lawsuit (Published 2022)

Suzanne Scott remade Fox News Media into a lucrative consumer brand. But a defamation suit against the company is a test of her strategy and leadership.

Per the above article from the New York Times; “Since Scott took over the top job at Fox News in 2018, her colleagues said, she has managed from behind the scenes with a simple mantra: Respect Fox’s audience. Often that involves sparing conservative viewers what they don’t want to hear — even when that means ignoring one of the biggest stories of the year.

That strategy has helped Fox News succeed not just as the most-watched cable news network in the country but also as a multibillion-dollar consumer brand with a suite of businesses that, according to a recent company promo for one product, offers fans “The World According to Fox.”

But Scott’s Fox News — a sanctuary for conservatives where few unpleasant facts intrude and political misinformation has spread — also looms large in a case that threatens Fox’s business and possibly Scott herself. She has emerged as one of the central figures in the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox by Dominion Voting Systems, in which the voting company accuses Fox executives of juicing ratings and profits by repeatedly airing false information about Dominion machines siphoning votes away from former President Donald Trump”.

The FOX News Network has put PROFITS & PARTISANSHIP above PATRIOTISM and telling the TRUTH